

歌名 Flaws
歌手 Take That
专辑 III (2015 Edition)
[00:13.88] You should know what you’re fighting for
[00:20.23] Can’t promise you oh that perfect life
[00:26.53] To get this far I’ve seen darker times
[00:32.53] Never looking up, running from the light
[00:39.19] Always out of reach, ignoring every sign
[00:45.23] I have so many, so many flaws
[00:52.10] If you take me, if you take me, they’re yours
[00:58.49] And if you see tomorrow I’ll give you it all
[01:05.74] Take me, take me, I’m yours
[01:12.76] You should know cos I care about you
[01:19.01] And you deserve more than any truth
[01:25.57] The dirt and soil it’s still beneath my nails
[01:31.51] Don’t know how to win only how to fail
[01:37.86] I have so many, so many flaws
[01:44.14] If you take me, if you take me, they’re yours
[01:50.80] And if you see tomorrow I’ll give you it all
[01:58.17] Take me, take me, I’m yours
[02:05.02] Oh, I wanna be a better man than I am
[02:10.78] Oh, I wanna be the one who says he understands
[02:17.99] And you'll see tomorrow I’ll give you it all
[02:24.70] Take me, take me, I’m yours
[02:43.06] I have so many, so many flaws
[02:49.52] If you take me, if you take me, they’re yours
[02:56.18] Oh, if you see tomorrow I’ll give you it all
[03:03.58] Take me, take me, I’m yours
[03:10.13] Just take me, take me, I’m yours
[03:16.69] Just take me, take me, I’m yours
[00:13.88] 你有你为之奋斗的梦想
[00:20.23] 而我肯定是不能承诺你一个十全十美的美好未来
[00:26.53] 因为我到过进退维谷的窘境
[00:32.53] 也曾一蹶不振,避迹藏时
[00:39.19] 还有失之交臂,一败涂地
[00:45.23] 除此之外,我还有太多没有暴露的缺点
[00:52.10] 如果最终选择我,请你包容和谅解它们
[00:58.49] 而我会全力以赴在追梦路上给你支持
[01:05.74] 对这点我深信不疑,我们在一起吧
[01:12.76] 虽然我打心底深爱着你
[01:19.01] 你还是有必要知道关于我更多的不堪回首
[01:25.57] 我胡作非为,横行霸道,总是在乌烟瘴气中反省忏悔
[01:31.51] 我半途而废,功败垂成,永远得不到胜利女神的眷顾
[01:37.86] 除此之外,我还有太多没有暴露的缺点
[01:44.14] 如果最终选择我,请你包容和谅解它们
[01:50.80] 而我会全力以赴在追梦路上给你支持
[01:58.17] 对这点我深信不疑,我们在一起吧
[02:05.02] 噢,自从遇到了你,我就萌生了改过自新的强烈念想
[02:10.78] 改变成一个拥有赤子之心的正派角色
[02:17.99] 继续全力以赴在追梦路上给你支持
[02:24.70] 我们在一起吧
[02:43.06] 虽然我还很多大脾气大毛病大怪癖
[02:49.52] 在一起的话它们就是你的小脾气小毛病小怪癖
[02:56.18] 请放心,我会继续全力以赴在追梦路上给你支持
[03:03.58] 选我,选我,选我
[03:10.13] 在一起,在一起,在一起
[03:16.69] 我们在一起吧!