

歌名 South
歌手 Hippo Campus
[00:30.980] Three leagues down
[00:32.670] the soft side of
[00:33.750] where you left my
[00:35.290] Gold rose crown you broke down
[00:37.480] and left me with a
[00:38.990] Chest hum, a black gun,
[00:41.040] and forty dollars
[00:42.580] Chest hum, a black gun,
[00:44.620] and forty dollars
[00:46.140] Three weeks down
[00:47.470] I drown myself in whiskey
[00:49.450] Came back round,
[00:51.080] and drowned out,
[00:52.300] you left me with a
[00:53.820] Chest hum, a black gun,
[00:56.670] and forty dollars
[00:58.240] Chest hum, a black gun,
[01:00.220] and forty dollars
[01:30.670] Streetlights talk the same way
[01:33.410] my mother told me
[01:35.020] I walk the same way my father told me
[01:38.610] Back straight and chest out,
[01:41.040] just like a soldier
[01:42.430] Back straight and chest out,
[01:44.540] just like a soldier
[01:45.710] Wise men talk the same way
[01:48.080] my mother told me
[01:49.770] I walk the same way my father told me
[01:53.280] Back straight and chest out,
[01:55.560] just like a soldier
[01:57.040] Back straight and chest out,
[01:59.090] just like a soldier
[02:00.480] oh oh oh oh oh oh oh……
[02:29.490] You go down south, south
[02:33.220] You go down south, south
[02:36.630] You go down south, south
[02:40.250] You go down south, south
[02:44.270] You go down south, south
[02:47.800] You go down south, south
[02:51.460] You go down south, south
[02:55.280] You go down south, south
[02:59.010] You go down south, south
[03:02.560] You go down south, south
[03:06.350] You go down south, south
[03:10.060] You go down south, south
[03:13.700] Streetlights talk the same way
[03:16.440] my mother told me
[03:17.820] I walk the same way my father told me
[03:21.420] Back straight and chest out,
[03:23.590] just like a soldier
[03:25.050] Back straight and chest out,
[03:27.250] just like a soldier
[03:28.380] Wise men talk the same way
[03:30.650] my mother told me
[03:32.120] I walk the same way my father told me
[03:35.640] Back straight and chest out,
[03:37.940] just like a soldier
[03:39.380] Back straight and chest out,
[03:41.240] just like a soldier
[00:30.980] 三联盟垮台咯
[00:32.670] 你们留给我的
[00:33.750] 是最懦弱的那一面
[00:35.290] 曾为你加冕的玫瑰金冠,早就被你们抛在一边
[00:37.480] 我旁边剩的只有
[00:38.990] 隆隆作响的胸膛,黑色的手枪
[00:41.040] 还有兜里的四十块钱
[00:42.580] 胸腔里的呼啸噢,黑色的手枪噢
[00:44.620] 和仅剩的四十块钱噢
[00:46.140] 三周下来
[00:47.470] 我都快把自己泡在威士忌里面了
[00:49.450] 再来一轮吧
[00:51.080] 不醉不归
[00:52.300] 你们在我脑海里面残存的
[00:53.820] 只有绷紧的胸膛,那把黑枪
[00:56.670] 还有四十块钱诶
[00:58.240] 隆隆作响,黑不溜秋
[01:00.220] 不值一文
[01:30.670] 路灯的指引如同
[01:33.410] 老妈的喋喋不休
[01:35.020] 我的脚步就跟就如老爹的尊尊教诲
[01:38.610] 直起脊梁,挺起胸膛
[01:41.040] 就如英勇无畏的的士兵
[01:42.430] 昂首挺胸,气宇轩昂
[01:44.540] 我就是骁勇的的战士
[01:45.710] 我就是老妈口中
[01:48.080] 智者的模样
[01:49.770] 我就是老爹嘴里教导的一样
[01:53.280] 昂昂自若,盛气凌人
[01:55.560] 势如破竹
[01:57.040] 雷厉风行,气逾霄汉
[01:59.090] 攻无不克
[02:00.480] 噢......
[02:29.490] 少年一勇无前
[02:33.220] 迈步向南噢
[02:36.630] 去南方噢
[02:40.250] 去南方噢
[02:44.270] 南方有艳阳
[02:47.800] 南方有烈酒
[02:51.460] 去南方噢
[02:55.280] 去南方噢
[02:59.010] 南方的碧海
[03:02.560] 南方的无畏
[03:06.350] 去南方噢
[03:10.060] 一直向着南方去噢
[03:13.700] 路灯的引领
[03:16.440] 还是如同老妈的喃喃细语
[03:17.820] 我的步伐,还是跟老爹口中一样潇洒如云
[03:21.420] 矫首昂视,抬头阔步
[03:23.590] 披荆斩棘
[03:25.050] 勇往直前
[03:27.250] 所向披靡
[03:28.380] 我就是老妈口中的智者
[03:30.650] 出类拔萃
[03:32.120] 我就是老爹嘴里的勇者
[03:35.640] 一马当先
[03:37.940] 无所畏惧
[03:39.380] 义无反顾
[03:41.240] 一路向南