Birthday Boy

Birthday Boy

歌名 Birthday Boy
歌手 Kidstreet
专辑 Fuh Yeah
[00:32] Actin' like a wild child, flippin' off to defile-file-file-file-file-file
[00:35] This is rap, this is crap, I'm a slap, on the back back back back back back
[00:38] Actin' like a wild child, flippin' off to defile-file-file-file-file-file
[00:41] This is rap, this is crap, I'm a slap, on the back back back back back back
[00:45] Lookin' like a style child, gettin' off on denial, d-d-d-nile-nile-nile-nile
[00:48] You're a rat, this is crap, I'm a slap on the back, m-m-m-m-slap-b-b-b-back
[00:51] Lookin' like a style child, gettin' off on denial, d-d-d-nile-nile-nile-nile
[00:54] You're a rat, this is crap, I'm a slap on the back, m-m-m-m-slap-b-b-b-back
[01:29] Actin' like a wild child, flippin' off to defile-file-file-file-file-file
[01:33] This is rap, this is crap, I'm a slap, on the back back back back back back
[01:36] Actin' like a wild child, flippin' off to defile-file-file-file-file-file
[01:39] This is rap, this is crap, I'm a slap, on the back back back back back back
[01:42] Lookin' like a style child, gettin' off on denial, d-d-d-nile-nile-nile-nile
[01:45] You're a rat, this is crap, I'm a slap on the back, m-m-m-m-slap-b-b-b-back
[01:49] Lookin' like a style child, gettin' off on denial, d-d-d-nile-nile-nile-nile
[01:52] You're a rat, this is crap, I'm a slap on the back, m-m-m-m-slap-b-b-b-back
[02:21] L-l-l-l-l-lookin' like a bad child, rollin' and smokin' and running games with the car out
[02:27] Actin' like a trainwreck drinkin, and fightin' and callin' late with the fists out
[02:33] L-l-l-l-l-lookin' mad child, haulin' and ballin' and running games with the bar out
[02:40] Actin' like a maniac, callin' and fallin' and take it up with the face out
[02:46] Setin-up, set-set-setting up a deal with his friends and her man and chase it down to the last ounce
[02:53] Lookin' bad child, rollin' and smokin' and runnin' games with the car out
[03:02] Uh-huh
[00:32] 我是个向往自由的大孩子,一直在逃离世俗的束缚,束缚-束缚-束缚…
[00:35] 这是我的心声,当然也只是一段无可奈何的倾诉,现实很残酷,我无法摆脱
[00:38] 我愿做个老小孩,永远野性纯真,不被世俗所累,所累-所累-所累…
[00:41] 这是我的愿望,当然也只是一个遥不可及的美梦,我始终逃不掉现实设下的圈套
[00:45] 我看起来是个问题儿童,永远在躲避别人异样的目光,躲避-躲避-躲避…
[00:48] 我只是个被世俗掌控着的小白鼠,那么软弱,那么无力,无法抵抗,无法自由
[00:51] 人们说我特立独行,其实我只是不愿和他们一道同流合污,不愿-不愿-不愿…
[00:54] 我是个被生活操纵着的傀儡,说再多也无用,我被现实折磨地很受伤
[01:29] 我不愿规规矩矩,因为那是错的,可别人都在否认我,否认-否认-否认…
[01:33] 这是事实,一个我无法挣脱的事实,难道我就这样听天由命吗
[01:36] 我不愿成为那千篇一律中的一员,拒绝同化,拒绝僵尸,拒绝-拒绝-拒绝…
[01:39] 这是我的生日愿望,当然它只是一个愿望,我还可以对它有任何念想吗(哼,我要崛起!)
[01:42] 我就是这么与众不同,随便你们怎么说,随便-随便-随便……
[01:45] 你们已经被腐蚀,不想再和你们多说,我上了现实的当,可只有这一次
[01:49] 我就要这样我行我素,蔑视你们,蔑视-蔑视-蔑视…
[01:52] 你们已是行尸走肉,我救不了你们,我只能拯救我自己
[02:21] 我就是个坏小孩,开着跑车,抽烟泡妞,快乐到不行
[02:27] 我就是个专搞破坏的酒鬼,打架,谩骂无所不能,拳头就是我的标配
[02:33] 我就是个另类,一个在花天酒地中畅爽的另类
[02:40] 我就是个疯子,一个不要面子,不要假情假义的疯子
[02:46] 拉帮结派,吃喝玩乐,挥霍着你们艳羡的臭钱
[02:53] 我就是这么一个坏小孩,一个在纸醉金迷中忘我游走的坏小孩
[03:02] 哼哼