

歌名 Citizens
歌手 Alice Russell
专辑 The Blacklist (Music from the Television Series)
[00.20.800] Citizens of planet earth don't get caught in the act
[00:31.000] Don't strive to destruction the flash it's just that
[00:40.200] There's something behind these walls, something under the sheets ,I stay
[00:51.000] A truth that's been locked in way down in me
[01:01.200] You've got to get up , around your space
[01:10.000] And take a, take a little time to contemplate
[01:21.200] Will we ever see what it's like behind these walls
[01:30.400] And are you, are you still moving up everytime you fall, you fall
[01:44.100] Think a little about what you got
[01:50.800] Stop , think a little about what you got
[01:58.700] And start again
[02:03.700] I could be you, you
[02:06.700] And you , you
[02:07.900] You could be me , me
[02:11.200] And I , I , I could be you , you
[02:16.000] And you , you
[02:18.000] You could be me , me
[02:21.500] I could be you, you
[02:26.100] And you , you
[02:28.100] You could be me , me
[02:31.000] And I , I , I could be you , you
[02:36.500] And this we learned we would be free
[00.20.800] 所有人都未能亲眼目睹(无从得知))
[00:31.000] 被销毁的闪存,不过是为籍此自我安慰(无力挽救)
[00:40.200] 不起眼的墙后,我曾在木板旁停留(无所遁形)
[00:51.000] 只有真相深埋我心(无人知晓)
[01:01.200] 渐入佳境,你必须起身巡视领地
[01:10.000] 寻求线索,旁无他物
[01:21.200] 或有此时,墙壁于我们形同无物
[01:30.400] 而你是否能再度屹立重生,作为你挫败后的序曲
[01:44.100] 为我讲述你的故事与战歌
[01:50.800] 暂缓脚步,只为我一人讲述
[01:58.700] 警报峰鸣
[02:03.700] 而我将化身为你
[02:06.700] 追随你的抉择
[02:07.900] 你亦将与我同行
[02:11.200] 我将化身为你
[02:16.000] 追随你的内在
[02:18.000] 你亦将与我同行
[02:21.500] 我将化身为你
[02:26.100] 追随你的道路
[02:28.100] 你亦将与我同行
[02:31.000] 我将化身为你
[02:36.500] 黑暗中前行,你我将拥抱自由