Day and Night

Day and Night

歌名 Day and Night
歌手 Vivienne
专辑 World Trick
[00:46.29][01:32.02] Never knowing where our own futures lie,
[00:49.94] And easily we start simplifying all our planning,
[00:57.43] Leaving it to circumstances.
[01:01.39] Why should we be worried 'bout rushing forth
[01:05.00] When we can take it slow and enjoy all that life has to offer us tonight?
[01:12.72] Surely there's more than that.
[01:35.32] And easily we start taking everything for granted,
[01:43.33] Disregarding consequences.
[01:47.08] Why should we be worried 'bout holding back?
[01:50.72] If we can stop ourselves from the habit of putting too much into our minds,
[01:58.40] Everything changes then.
[02:02.50] What does it take for us to realize
[02:05.82] It's not simple living with one's own regrets.
[02:09.72] This is a path that cannot be erased...
[02:13.47] We've run out of time.
[02:17.68][03:35.92] One of these lone days, waking up when things
[02:21.21][03:39.12] have changed, I can't run from it.
[02:25.17][03:43.21] Suddenly, the time keeps on moving on
[02:28.79][03:46.51] Without your sweet laughter.
[02:33.10][03:50.83] Miss you day and night.
[02:38.34][03:56.34] I know that I miss you day and night,
[02:45.99][04:04.15] When you had been mine.
[03:03.21] Thinking we could let time just slip away,
[03:06.91] And idly keep going around in circles endlessly,
[03:14.59] Leading into isolation.
[03:18.51] Keeping everything hidden by a sleeve...
[03:22.10] Yet if we open up, could there be one more chance to relive that very time?
[03:30.04] Knowing that changes things.
[04:11.91][04:19.27] I've loved you all this time.
[04:26.93] I've loved you all this time....
[00:46.29] 前路漫漫,不知通往何方
[00:49.94] 你我总无意地不去考虑太多
[00:57.43] 任其随波逐流
[01:01.39] 明当可以纵享今夜美好
[01:05.00] 你我又为何要担忧前途多舛?
[01:12.72] 其中缘由,当不止如此
[01:32.02] 前路漫漫,不知通往何方
[01:35.32] 你我轻易将一切视作理所当然
[01:43.33] 却忽视了因果相报
[01:47.08] 如果你我能不再独自承担一切
[01:50.72] 试问又为何要担忧路途险阻
[01:58.40] 然此时,已是沧海桑田
[02:02.50] 是什么让你我明晰
[02:05.82] 背负悔恨独自走下去是如此艰难
[02:09.72] 留下的脚印无法磨灭
[02:13.47] 你我终面临决别
[02:17.68] 某一日,于孤独中我睁开双眼
[02:21.21] 面对世事变迁,却无处可逃
[02:25.17] 恍惚间,冻结的时间亦重新流动
[02:28.79] 然你的笑容却仍冰封其中
[02:33.10] 日以继夜,牵恋你于心
[02:38.34] 我明白,我仍日夜牵恋你于心
[02:45.99] 直至你我相依
[03:03.21] 自认能放纵时光流逝
[03:06.91] 因而怠惰地踱步不前
[03:14.59] 最终落得孤身一人
[03:18.51] 将一切掩于袖中
[03:22.10] 然若你我坦诚相待,是否又能重温那美好时光?
[03:30.04] 醒悟之时,一切豁然开朗
[03:35.92] 于孤独时光中,我睁开双眼
[03:39.12] 唯能面对沧海桑田
[03:43.21] 刹那间,凝固的时间开始融化
[03:46.51] 然你的笑容却仍冰封其中
[03:50.83] 日以继夜,牵恋你于心
[03:56.34] 我知晓,我仍日夜牵恋你于心
[04:04.15] 直至彼此相依
[04:11.91] 此心始终倾慕于你...
[04:19.27] 此心始终倾慕于你...
[04:26.93] 此心始终倾慕于你...