Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

歌名 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
歌手 The Praise Baby Collection
专辑 Born To Worship
[00:20.05] Come, thou Fount of every blessing
[00:24.80] Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
[00:29.65] Streams of mercy, never ceasing
[00:34.45] Call for songs of loudest praise
[00:39.42] Teach me some melodious sonnet
[00:44.14] Sung by flaming tongues above
[00:49.41] Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it
[00:54.25] Name of God's redeeming love
[01:19.17] Hitherto Thy love has blessed me
[01:23.78] Thou has brought me to this place
[01:28.64] And I know Thy hand will bring me
[01:33.52] Safely home by Thy good grace
[01:38.35] Jesus sought me when a stranger
[01:43.16] Wandering from the fold of God
[01:48.60] He, to rescue me from danger
[01:53.55] Bought me with His precious blood
[02:18.00] O to grace how great a debtor
[02:22.65] Daily I'm constrained to be!
[02:27.42] Let Thy goodness, like a fetter
[02:32.25] Bind my wandering heart to Thee
[02:36.99] Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
[02:41.88] Prone to leave the God I love
[02:49.20] Here's my heart, O take and seal it
[02:54.16] Seal it for Thy courts above
[02:59.10] Here's my heart, O take and seal it
[03:03.88] Seal it for Thy courts above
[00:20.05] 大能之神 万福源泉
[00:24.80] 恳求垂听我赞美
[00:29.65] 神的恩典 似水长流
[00:34.45] 我们高声颂恩惠
[00:39.42] 求主教我 唱诗和谐
[00:44.14] 犹如天使颂主前
[00:49.41] 神的恩典 实无穷尽
[00:54.25] 主的慈爱不变迁
[01:19.17] 我愿纪念 救主宏恩
[01:23.78] 时时刻刻主引领
[01:28.64] 唯愿救主 永不离我
[01:33.52] 直至步入天家门
[01:38.35] 时如羔羊 迷失正路
[01:43.16] 主如牧者来找寻
[01:48.60] 救我脱离 一切危险
[01:53.55] 甘舍性命流宝血
[02:18.00] 救助鸿恩 实是高深
[02:22.65] 令我每日心轻盈
[02:27.42] 愿主恩典 如链牵连
[02:32.25] 系我心在主身边
[02:36.99] 我深知道 我心易变
[02:41.88] 常离主爱行己路
[02:49.20] 今将己心 献为活祭
[02:54.16] 恳求收纳莫丢弃
[02:59.10] 今将己心 献为活祭
[03:03.88] 恳求收纳莫丢弃