

歌名 Heaviside
歌手 Citizen
专辑 Everybody Is Going To Heaven
[00:28.02] No one knows where the byway leads to
[00:34.61] No one knows what it turns into at the end
[00:41.82] Meet me down by the black inlet and I'll show you it
[01:01.49] Nails replace the rain, piercing the people to their staves
[01:14.91] The sun illuminates such a wonderful display
[01:57.16] No one seems to know anyone there
[02:03.76] No one knows who they love or how they smile
[02:10.58] Where do people go when they need some deliverance?
[02:30.25] The blackness fascinates the privileged and the misbehaved
[02:43.66] Still, no one has ever walked themselves all of the way
[00:28.02] 无人知晓这小径通往何处,
[00:34.61] 亦其蜿蜒曲折直到尽头。
[00:41.82] 与我相约在那黑河湾上,一起见证。
[01:01.49] 铁钉如雨将人打在桩上,
[01:14.91] 阳光照亮在这美好的景象。
[01:57.16] 无人知晓他们的名字,
[02:03.76] 亦无人体会过他们的爱与笑,
[02:10.58] 他们将去往何去寻得解脱?
[02:30.25] 黑暗使权力和不公深陷,
[02:43.66] 无人曾走过这所有的路。