Culture Code - Electricity

Culture Code - Electricity

歌名 Culture Code - Electricity
歌手 NoCopyrightSounds
歌手 YoungStar
专辑 Culture Code - Electricity
[00:17.87] Sorry I kept you waiting
[00:21.38] Forever and a day
[00:25.28] But now we're out here together
[00:28.56] With nothing standing in our way
[00:32.21] Can you feel the attraction
[00:36.32] Feel the attraction
[00:39.70] Can you feel it between us
[00:43.80] This energy's inside
[00:45.41] us like electricity
[00:47.52] Feel the love
[00:48.91] Running through like electricity
[00:55.12] Feel the love
[00:56.48] Running through like electricity
[01:33.99] Taking over your body
[01:37.62] It's flowing through your mind
[01:41.39] This feeling's got me on fire
[01:44.73] Don't ever leave it all behind
[01:48.15] Can you feel the attraction
[01:52.36] Feel the attraction
[01:55.95] Can you feel it between us
[02:00.06] This energy's inside us
[02:01.53] like electricity
[02:03.92] Feel the love
[02:05.23] Running through like electricity
[02:11.36] Feel the love
[02:13.33] Feel the love
[02:14.80] Feel the love
[02:34.11] Feel the love
[02:35.85] Feel the love
[02:38.26] Feel the love
[02:39.60] Feel the love
[02:42.01] Feel the love
[02:43.48] Feel the love
[02:45.36] Running through like electricity
[02:48.30] like electricity
[02:51.87] Can you feel it
[02:59.49] Can you fell me
[00:17.87] 对不起,让你久等了
[00:21.38] 现在的我们
[00:25.28] 可以天长地久的携手共渡困难
[00:28.56] 用属于我们自己方式的生活
[00:32.21] 你能否感受到其中的魅力
[00:36.32] 是如此引人注目
[00:39.70] 你能否感觉到
[00:43.80] 我们之间摩擦的火花
[00:45.41] 我们的爱就像静电,互相摩擦
[00:47.52] 情深意浓
[00:48.91] 电流穿透了我们的身体
[00:55.12] 情深意浓
[00:56.48] 电流穿透了我们的身体
[01:33.99] 取而代之
[01:37.62] 它遍布全身
[01:41.39] 我热血沸腾了
[01:44.73] 在属于我们的二人世界生活,请永远不要离开
[01:48.15] 你能否感受到其中的魅力
[01:52.36] 引人注目
[01:55.95] 你能否感觉到
[02:00.06] 内心深处即将爆发的爱情
[02:01.53] 快如闪电
[02:03.92] 情深意浓
[02:05.23] 电流穿透了我们的身体
[02:11.36] 情深意浓
[02:13.33] 情真意切
[02:14.80] 情深意浓
[02:34.11] 情真意切
[02:35.85] 情深意浓
[02:38.26] 情真意切
[02:39.60] 情深意浓
[02:42.01] 情真意切
[02:43.48] 情深意浓
[02:45.36] 电流穿透了我们的身体
[02:48.30] 快如闪电
[02:51.87] 你是否知晓…
[02:59.49] 是你降服了我…