Stay Alive (Sam Feldt & Chris Meid Remix)

Stay Alive (Sam Feldt & Chris Meid Remix)

歌名 Stay Alive (Sam Feldt & Chris Meid Remix)
歌手 José González
歌手 Sam Feldt
歌手 Chris Meid
专辑 Stay Alive (Sam Feldt & Chris Meid Remix)
[00:13.96] There's a rhythm in rush these days
[00:20.86] Where the lights don't move and the colors don't fade
[00:28.00] Leaves you empty with nothing but dreams
[00:34.02] In a world gone shallow
[00:36.32] In a world gone lean
[00:41.41] Sometimes there's things a man cannot know
[00:48.86] Gears won't turn and the leaves won't grow
[00:55.00] There's no place to run and no gasoline
[01:02.23] Engine won't turn
[01:03.50] And the train won't leave
[02:04.12] There's a rhythm in rush these days
[02:11.00] Where the lights don't move and the colors don't fade
[02:18.00] Leaves you empty with nothing but dreams
[02:24.66] In a world gone shallow
[02:27.00] In a world gone lean
[03:25.00] There's a rhythm in rush these days
[03:31.88] Where the lights don't move and the colors don't fade
[03:38.96] Leaves you empty with nothing but dreams
[03:45.00] In a world gone shallow
[03:47.00] In a world gone lean
[03:52.00] Sometimes there's things a man cannot know
[03:59.00] Gears won't turn and the leaves won't grow
[04:06.00] There's no place to run and no gasoline
[04:13.00] Engine won't turn
[04:14.00] And the train won't leave
[04:20.00] But there is a truth and it's on our side
[04:27.00] Dawn is coming open your eyes
[04:33.80] Look into the sun as a new days rise
[00:13.96] 这些时光里有一段音韵不断地在脑海缭绕
[00:20.86] 悄悄倾诉着远方有一个永昼的缤纷世界
[00:28.00] 就这样独留你赤裸地浸在梦想中
[00:34.02] 在这逐渐流于肤浅的世界里
[00:36.32] 在这缓慢消逝的宇宙洪流里
[00:41.41] 有些时候,总会有些事情没办法理出头绪
[00:48.86] 当时间的齿轮不再转动,生命的律动不再萌芽
[00:55.00] 将不会有空间让你狂奔,也没有地方供你歇息
[01:02.23] 改变已经来不及
[01:03.50] 希望已被遗忘
[02:04.12] 这些时光里有一段音韵不断地在脑海缭绕
[02:11.00] 悄悄倾诉着远方有一个永昼的缤纷世界
[02:18.00] 就这样独留你赤裸地浸在梦想中
[02:24.66] 在这逐渐流于肤浅的世界里
[02:27.00] 在这缓慢消逝的宇宙洪流里
[03:25.00] 这些时光里有一段音韵不断地在脑海缭绕
[03:31.88] 悄悄倾诉着远方有一个永昼的缤纷世界
[03:38.96] 就这样独留你赤裸地浸在梦想中
[03:45.00] 在这逐渐流于肤浅的世界里
[03:47.00] 在这缓慢消逝的宇宙洪流里
[03:52.00] 有些时候,总会有些事情没办法理出头绪
[03:59.00] 当时间的齿轮不再转动,生命的律动不再萌芽
[04:06.00] 将不会有空间让你狂奔,也没有地方供你歇息
[04:13.00] 改变已经来不及
[04:14.00] 希望已被遗忘
[04:20.00] 但是真理始终存在,而且常驻心头
[04:27.00] 黎明即将到来,张开双眼去迎接吧
[04:33.80] 新的希望此刻开始!