

歌名 Colorful
歌手 H△G
歌手 Mili
专辑 「H△G × Mili」vol.2
[ar:Project Mili]
[al:H△G x Mili Vol.2]
[00:19.890] What seems to be endless
[00:22.340] Pointless, colorless
[00:24.840] It's a mess, you know
[00:26.050] This hopeless life of mine
[00:29.820] No friends to be with
[00:32.260] I'm really so jealous of all the beautiful colors of yours
[00:39.500] Heavy shadows, scary nightfall erase all the lines I've got
[00:44.760] I want to scream but can't open my mouth
[00:49.700] A broken piece of chalk is enough to connect the dots
[00:54.720] Because I'm still alive
[00:57.230] There must be a meaning, right?
[01:00.680] People in this world are colorful
[01:06.020] The ugly and the beautiful
[01:09.700] Make up colors in this world
[01:12.530] Hey, just pick up your pencil crayons
[01:16.870] And be colorful
[01:19.720] I'm sure this world is wonderful
[01:42.230] Showered in happiness
[01:44.670] My blossoming friendship
[01:47.190] It's a bless, I know
[01:48.360] Your kindness led my way
[01:52.210] 'Cause of my wariness
[01:54.650] I was so blinded from all the unusual colours of mine
[02:01.860] To think that I was so scared over nothing at all
[02:07.270] I guess I was too young to know myself
[02:11.790] In the future even if my lines are all tangled up
[02:17.190] I'll still be alive
[02:19.690] And that's what matters, right?
[02:23.170] People in this world are incredible
[02:28.450] So strong and so admirable
[02:32.110] Each one is a miracle
[02:34.950] Hey, just pick up your pencil crayons
[02:39.070] And stay colorful
[02:42.150] You see? This world is wonderful
[03:04.260] Even though I may not be able to erase all my mistakes
[03:09.960] I can paint on another page
[03:14.230] Because everyone around you have always lived that way
[03:19.650] There's so much to your life
[03:22.120] Everything will be alright
[03:25.650] People...
[03:28.090] People in this world are colorful
[03:33.380] The ugly and the beautiful
[03:37.110] Make up colors in this world
[03:39.940] Hey, just pick up your pencils crayons
[03:44.510] And be colorful
[03:47.070] Because this world is wonderful
[03:55.230] -END-
[00:19.890] 仿佛一切都是空洞的
[00:22.340] 迷惘的 黯淡的
[00:24.840] 你知道的,简直一团乱麻
[00:26.050] 我的生活已经没救了
[00:29.820] 没有朋友的我
[00:32.260] 真是超嫉妒你们的缤纷多彩
[00:39.500] 沉影 暗暮正夺取着我最后的希望
[00:44.760] 明明想要发泄但就是欲言又止
[00:49.700] 一点粉笔头就足以连点成线
[00:54.720] 嘿 等等 我还活着呢
[00:57.230] 这一定有点道理,不是吗?
[01:00.680] 这时才发现,世界上的人是如此可爱
[01:06.020] 无论是污浊还是曼妙
[01:09.700] 都组成了世界的多彩
[01:12.530] 嘿 捡起你的彩色铅笔
[01:16.870] 给我五颜六色起来
[01:19.720] 我保证,世界就是如此美好
[01:42.230] 在幸福的沐浴下
[01:44.670] 我的友谊正在成熟绽放
[01:47.190] 我知道的 ,命中注定
[01:48.360] 你的无私善良会带领我柳暗花明
[01:52.210] 因为我的紧张多疑
[01:54.650] 我居然对自己与众不同的色彩视若无睹
[02:01.860] 细想我以前害怕的乱七八糟的玩意
[02:07.270] 我猜可能还是我不太成熟吧
[02:11.790] 就算在未来我那一团乱麻被我打成了死结
[02:17.190] 我也会活蹦乱跳的哦
[02:19.690] 哈哈 这才是关键,你说呢?
[02:23.170] 世界上的人啊,真是不可思议
[02:28.450] 超强大,超令人羡慕
[02:32.110] 每个人都是一个奇迹
[02:34.950] 嘿 拾起你的彩铅吧
[02:39.070] 给我乖乖地多彩起来哦
[02:42.150] 你看到了吗?世界就是那么美好
[03:04.260] 就算我可能擦不掉我的错误
[03:09.960] 我还可以再翻一页画出我的精彩
[03:14.230] 因为在你身边大家都是这么做的
[03:19.650] 生活的意外满满当当
[03:22.120] 可到头来一切都会安然无恙
[03:25.650] 世界上的小小人儿啊
[03:28.090] 如此可爱
[03:33.380] 无论简陋还是绮丽
[03:37.110] 都组成了世界的缤纷多彩
[03:39.940] 嘿 好好抓起你的画笔
[03:44.510] 和我一起五颜六色吧
[03:47.070] 只因为这是个美好的世界
[03:55.230] -END-