Sunset Boulevard

Sunset Boulevard

歌名 Sunset Boulevard
歌手 John Barrowman
专辑 60
[00:15.32] Sure I came out here to make my name
[00:18.44] Wanted my pool, my dose of fame
[00:20.08] Wanted my parking space at Warner's
[00:23.65] But after a year, a one room hell
[00:26.11] A murphy bed, a rancid smell
[00:28.17] Wallpaper peeling at the corners
[00:31.43] Sunset Boulevard, twisting boulevard
[00:35.58] Secretive and rich, a little scary
[00:39.61] Sunset Boulevard, tempting boulevard
[00:43.56] Waiting there to swallow the unwary
[00:47.45] Dreams are not enough to win a war
[00:49.87] Out here they're always keeping score
[00:52.00] Beneath the tan the battle rages
[00:55.25] Smile a rented smile, fill someone's glass
[00:57.77] Kiss someone's wife, kiss someone's ass
[00:59.77] We do whatever pays the wages
[01:02.79] Sunset Boulevard, headline boulevard
[01:07.35] Getting there is only the beginning
[01:11.10] Sunset Boulevard, jackpot boulevard
[01:15.49] Once you've won you have to go on winning
[01:19.27] You think I've sold out?
[01:20.86] Dead right I've sold out!
[01:21.79] I've just been waiting for the right offer
[01:23.82] Comfortable quarters, regular rations
[01:25.81] 24-hour Five Star room service
[01:28.90] And if I'm honest, I like the lady
[01:30.53] I can't help being touched by her folly
[01:32.54] I'm treading water, taking the money
[01:34.47] Watching her sun set
[01:36.53] Well, I'm a writer!
[01:38.43] L.A.'s changed a lot over the years
[01:40.46] Since those brave gold rush pioneers
[01:42.42] Came in their creaky covered wagons
[01:45.53] Far as they could go end of the line
[01:48.17] Their dreams were yours, their dreams were mine
[01:50.13] But in their dreams were hidden dragons
[01:53.31] Sunset Boulevard, frenzied boulevard
[01:57.36] Swamped with every kind of false emotion
[02:01.36] Sunset Boulevard, brutal boulevard
[02:05.53] Just like you, we'll wind up in the ocean
[02:09.42] She was sinking fast, I threw a rope
[02:11.82] Now I have suits and she has hope
[02:13.84] It seemed an elegant solution
[02:17.06] One day this must end, it isn't real
[02:19.48] Still I'll enjoy a hearty meal
[02:21.43] Before tomorrrow's execution
[02:24.91] Sunset Boulevard, ruthless boulevard
[02:29.17] Destination for the stony-hearted
[02:32.97] Sunset Boulevard, lethal boulevard
[02:37.37] Everyone's forgotten how they started
[02:41.35] Here on Sunset Boulevard!
[00:15.32] 诚然我当初是为名利而来
[00:18.44] 幻想着私人泳池 盛名相伴
[00:20.08] 在华纳能有一席之地
[00:23.65] 谁知一年后仍旧蜗居斗室
[00:26.11] 折叠床散发着霉味
[00:28.17] 角落的壁纸剥落
[00:31.43] 日落大道 扭曲的大道
[00:35.58] 神秘 富庶 还带着些许恐怖
[00:39.61] 日落大道 诱人的大道
[00:43.56] 时刻准备着吞噬那些莽撞者
[00:47.45] 光凭梦想无法赢得战争
[00:49.87] 这里时刻上演着你追我赶的戏码
[00:52.00] 暗地里争得头破血流
[00:55.25] 挂着虚假的笑容 推杯换盏
[00:57.77] 引诱红杏出墙 逢迎溜须拍马
[00:59.77] 我们为了谋生不择手段
[01:02.79] 日落大道 辉煌的大道
[01:07.35] 这才只迈出了第一步
[01:11.10] 日落大道 财富的大道
[01:15.49] 一旦品尝过胜利便再也输不起
[01:19.27] 你觉得我犯下了背叛的罪恶?
[01:20.86] 那正是事实!
[01:21.79] 我一直等待着合适的价码
[01:23.82] 舒适的居所 稳定的收入
[01:25.81] 全天候五星级服务
[01:28.90] 说实话我倒真心喜欢那女士
[01:30.53] 她的愚蠢令我无法抗拒
[01:32.54] 冒着风险 攫取财富
[01:34.47] 最后袖手旁观她的陨落
[01:36.53] 唉 我真是出色的编剧!
[01:38.43] 多年来洛杉矶改头换面
[01:40.46] 当初勇敢的开拓者随淘金热涌入
[01:42.42] 推着吱呀作响的推车
[01:45.53] 一路跋涉到世界尽头
[01:48.17] 你我共享着他们的梦想
[01:50.13] 梦想之下却潜藏着毒龙
[01:53.31] 日落大道 狂热的大道
[01:57.36] 充斥着各种虚情假意
[02:01.36] 日落大道 野蛮的大道
[02:05.53] 结局一律悲惨 无人能幸免
[02:09.42] 她本已几近绝望 是我伸出援手
[02:11.82] 如今我西装革履 她又重拾信心
[02:13.84] 看似无比恰当的解决方案
[02:17.06] 一切终将结束 不过是场幻梦
[02:19.48] 但此刻我享受着荣华富贵
[02:21.43] 哪管明天是否会大难临头
[02:24.91] 日落大道 无情的大道
[02:29.17] 惟有铁石心肠才能笑到最后
[02:32.97] 日落大道 致命的大道
[02:37.37] 人人都早已忘却初心
[02:41.35] 在这日落大道上!