Friends S02E22

Friends S02E22

歌名 Friends S02E22
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第二季)
[00:35.-1] And I'm not sure we are.
[02:20.-4] I'm sorry. I didn't know.
[04:20.-2] No,no,not a party.
[04:36.-4] This isn't your first surprise party,is it,sir?
[05:59.-2] -What? -lt will be like we're gal pals.
[07:11.-1] Okay,that's Ross. All right.
[07:14.-1] Okay,they're coming.
[08:13.-2] Weird.
[10:03.-4] When you're not using the markers, put the caps back on them...
[10:40.-1] ... but I've noticed some of you are just placing them on. …
[10:51.-3] Gunther!
[11:21.-3] When I do,walk quickly to the door and don't look back.
[11:43.-4] I know.
[11:52.-3] I have been in the bathroom.
[14:48.-2] Thank you.
[15:30.-2] Everything you've heard is true.
[17:35.-2] I'll be skins!
[18:14.-2] How did you get through this?
[22:07.-2] Yep! Get ready for the gelatinous fun.
[22:21.-1] Okay,I've got one.
[00:07.72] So,I'll get candles and my mom's lace tablecloth.
[00:10.56] And since it's Rachel's birthday...
[00:12.89] ...I thought I'd poach a salmon. …
[00:15.93] What?
[00:17.00] Question. Why do we always have parties where you poach things?
[00:21.33] You want to be on the food committee?
[00:23.13] Question 2. Why do we always have parties with committees?
[00:26.64] Why can't we just get pizza and beer and have fun?
[00:30.68] I agree. Fancy parties are only fun if you're fancy on the inside.
[00:38.12] You don't want it to be special?
[00:40.65] Fine. You can throw any kind of party you want.
[00:43.46] Joey,they're not real!
[00:47.36] I start miles beneath the surface of these things. They're fake.
[00:50.83] See? Honk,honk!
[00:53.83] Wow,it's like porno for clowns!
[00:58.64] The One With Two Parties
[01:47.05] Neither of Rachel's sisters can come.
[01:50.12] I still have to invite Dylan and Emma and Shannon Cooper.
[01:54.73] No Shannon Cooper.
[01:56.16] Why not her?
[01:57.73] Because she....
[01:58.83] She steals stuff.
[02:03.07] Or maybe she doesn't and Joey slept with her and never called her back.
[02:09.94] Joey,that is horrible.
[02:11.78] Hey,I liked her.
[02:13.24] Maybe too much.
[02:14.81] I don't know.
[02:16.58] I guess I just got scared.
[02:22.79] I didn't think anyone would buy that. Okay!
[02:27.03] Hi,honey. How did it go?
[02:28.66] It was the graduation from hell.
[02:30.83] My cousin went to hell on a football scholarship.
[02:35.03] It's supposed to be a joyous occasion.
[02:37.60] Nobody thought my sister would graduate from college.
[02:41.14] It's a testament to what a girl from Long lsland will do for a Celica.
[02:46.21] What happened?
[02:47.31] My parents happened.
[02:48.68] All they had to do was sit in the same stadium,smile...
[02:51.88] ...and not talk about the divorce. But no! …
[02:55.29] They got into a fight during the commencement address.
[02:58.12] Bishop Tutu actually had to stop and shush them.
[03:04.46] You know the good news?
[03:06.03] I get to serve coffee for the next eight hours.
[03:10.80] I guess we don't invite her parents.
[03:13.30] -How about just her mom? -Why her mom?
[03:16.17] Because I already invited her.
[03:18.68] Did you ask Stacy Roth?
[03:20.88] Can't invite her.
[03:25.05] She also steals.
[03:33.22] Here are the candles. Where's the birthday cake?
[03:36.33] We're not having birthday cake.
[03:38.50] We're having birthday flan.
[03:42.57] Excuse me?
[03:43.74] It's a traditional Mexican custard dessert.
[03:45.90] That's nice.
[03:47.51] Happy birthday,Rachel. Here's some goo!
[03:57.02] Dr. Greene!
[03:58.85] Oh,my God! It's Rachel's dad.
[04:03.35] Why are you here?
[04:04.89] The father can't see the daughter on her birthday?
[04:07.79] No,no,the father can.
[04:09.86] But since I am the roommate, I can tell you she's not here.
[04:13.87] And I'll pass along the message. Okay? So bye-bye.
[04:17.27] You're having a party.
[04:22.21] Just a surprise gathering of some people Rachel knows.
[04:25.54] -This is Phoebe,Chandler and Joey. -I'll never remember all that.
[04:29.78] So what's the deal?
[04:32.08] Rachel comes home,people pop out and yell stuff? Is that it?
[04:42.33] Hi,Monica.
[04:46.93] The Chinese menu guy. Forgot the menus.
[04:50.10] So basically,just a Chinese guy.
[04:54.47] Dr. Greene,come with me. We'll put your jacket on Rachel's bed.
[05:01.35] All right. That sounds like a two-person job.
[05:07.82] Well,my goodness! What was that?
[05:10.36] Sandra,I thought you were Rachel. We weren't ready for you yet.
[05:14.19] -You thought I was Rachel? -Yes,because you look so young.
[05:18.20] And because you're both, you know,white women.
[05:23.50] Oh,I missed you kids. Should I put my coat in the bedroom?
[05:30.14] -No,I'll take that for you. -Oh,well,thank you.
[05:33.51] Such a gentleman. Thank you.
[05:38.85] It all looks so nice. So festive. All the balloons.
[05:43.72] Oh,the funniest thing happened to me on the way here.
[05:47.49] -I was driving -That's great!
[05:53.20] I can't wait to hear the rest, but I have to go to the bathroom.
[05:56.80] Hey,come with me.
[06:01.47] You know,like at a restaurant. It'll be fun! Come on.
[06:10.21] Oh,my God. Oh,my God. Oh,my God!
[06:12.25] Think. Think.
[06:14.00] What would Jack and Chrissy do?
[06:18.09] Okay,now that your coat is safely in the bed
[06:21.76] We can come back out in the living room.
[06:24.36] Joey and Chandler,it's time you take Dr. Greene over to your place.
[06:28.87] Yes,absolutely.
[06:32.17] Why,again?
[06:34.41] Because that's where the party is,you goon!
[06:38.61] -See,this is just the staging area. -Right,it's the staging area.
[06:42.71] This is clearly in the wrong apartment.
[06:50.86] All right,you guys are off to party number one.
[06:55.86] And you....
[06:57.76] You are off to party number two.
[07:00.80] All right,let's keep it moving, let's keep it moving.
[07:06.24] At least send some women to my party.
[07:22.65] Thank you for such a wonderful dinner.
[07:25.56] Thanks for being born.
[07:27.63] Thank you for my beautiful earrings. They're perfect.
[07:30.90] I love you.
[07:32.90] Now,you can exchange them if you want,okay?
[07:36.73] Now I love you even more.
[07:44.31] Surprise!
[07:46.08] Oh,my gosh!
[07:47.81] Wow!
[07:49.91] Oh,my God. Mom!
[07:51.78] This is so great!
[07:53.48] Happy birthday,sweetie.
[07:57.09] You! I had no idea!
[07:59.92] -Really? -No,I knew.
[08:01.36] All right.
[08:03.63] There's food and drinks on the table.
[08:06.20] Go across the hall. Right now,Joey and Chandler's.
[08:09.03] -Why? -Just go.
[08:14.17] Surprise!
[08:18.81] Happy birthday,sweet pea.
[08:21.18] Daddy!
[08:27.55] Both of them are here? Both of them? Both of them are here?
[08:30.79] Well,we could count again?
[08:33.86] I can't believe this!
[08:35.39] You know,this is ridiculous.
[08:37.20] This is your birthday,your party.
[08:39.66] Let's put them together. If they can't deal with it,who cares?
[08:43.07] -I do. -That's who.
[08:47.04] Are you gonna be okay?
[08:48.57] I don't really have a choice. I can look at the bright side.
[08:52.64] I get two birthday parties and two birthday cakes.
[08:55.75] Well,actually...
[08:57.55] ...just one birthday flan. …
[09:02.82] It's a traditional Mexican custard dessert.
[09:05.82] Talk to Monica. She's on the food committee.
[09:15.23] Some girl just walked up to me and said,"I want you,Dennis"...
[09:19.00] ...and stuck her tongue down my throat. …
[09:21.84] I love this party!
[09:24.28] -Quick volleyball question. -Volleyball.
[09:26.61] We set up a court in your room.
[09:28.78] You didn't like that gray lamp,did you?
[09:32.38] A woman stuck her tongue down my throat. I'm not even listening to you.
[09:37.05] -Dennis! -Okay,that's me.
[09:41.19] Can you keep Dad occupied? I'm gonna talk to Mom for a while.
[09:45.40] Do you have any ideas for any openers?
[09:48.73] Stay clear of "I'm the guy that's doing your daughter"...
[09:52.07] ...and you should be okay. …
[09:56.27] I want you to take a piece of paper
[09:58.48] Here you go. And write down your most embarrassing memory.
[10:07.65] ... because they will dry out. …
[10:10.66] Hi,Dr. Greene.
[10:13.79] So how's everything in the...
[10:16.83] ...vascular surgery... …
[10:19.30] …
[10:21.47] It's not a game,Ross. A woman died on my table today.
[10:25.50] I'm sorry.
[10:28.81] That's the good thing about my job.
[10:31.24] All the dinosaurs on my table are already dead.
[10:37.15] Listen,I don't mean to be a pain about this...
[10:43.32] You want to push the caps...
[10:47.12] ... until you hear them click. …
[10:52.00] Where you going?
[10:53.16] I was sort of thinking about maybe
[10:56.10] No! No,you can't go! No,this is fun.
[10:59.37] We're just starting. Here's your marker.
[11:05.11] If you want to go,just go.
[11:08.11] She'll yell at me again.
[11:13.38] All right,I can get you out.
[11:15.45] What?
[11:18.22] In a minute,I'll create a diversion.
[11:25.66] -I think I need a drink. -I'll get it for you.
[11:28.87] -What do you want? -Scotch.
[11:31.07] I'll be back in 10 seconds with your scotch on the rocks in a glass.
[11:35.71] Neat!
[11:37.21] Cool.
[11:39.24] Neat,as in no rocks.
[11:47.85] Hello,Ross! Where have you been?
[11:55.86] Stay clear of the salmon mousse.
[12:02.83] Scotch neat.
[12:04.94] That's Rachel's father's drink.
[12:09.04] Mine too. Isn't that neat?
[12:12.31] Scotch neat.
[12:16.68] Would you excuse me?
[12:24.86] Where are you sneaking off to,mister?
[12:28.53] I'm getting my cigarettes.
[12:30.36] No.
[12:31.50] What do you mean "no"?
[12:33.53] See,because that's the staging area.
[12:36.07] You go in there,it'll ruin the whole illusion of the party.
[12:40.74] Take your scotch back in there...
[12:43.01] ...and I will get your cigarettes for you,sir. …
[12:46.71] -Get my glasses too. -All righty-roo.
[12:53.38] What a great moment to say that for the first time.
[12:59.82] Okay,the first person's most embarrassing memory is...
[13:04.43] ... "Monica,your party sucks." …“
[13:07.60] Very funny.
[13:09.57] Oh,no! Did someone forget to use a coaster?
[13:13.07] What?
[13:21.41] I don't see anything.
[13:23.71] Great,I'm seeing water rings again.
[13:29.35] Ross,whose glasses are those?
[13:32.69] Mine.
[13:35.53] You wear bifocals?
[13:39.13] I have a condition apparently...
[13:42.40] ...that I require... …
[13:45.74] ...two different sets of focals. …
[13:49.07] Do you know my husband has glasses just like that?
[13:52.71] Well,those are very popular frames.
[13:55.65] Neil Sedaka wears them.
[14:00.72] I hear you can get people out of here.
[14:07.29] You didn't tell me your boyfriend smokes.
[14:10.73] Yeah,like a chimney.
[14:13.90] Big smoker.
[14:16.67] Big,big smoker.
[14:18.74] In fact,I'm gonna go into the hallway and fire up this bad boy.
[14:36.49] Are you wearing my glasses?
[14:39.52] Yes.
[14:43.16] I was just warming up the earpieces for you.
[14:51.54] Is that one of my cigarettes?
[15:00.04] Yes,it is. I was just moistening the tip.
[15:05.88] She's taking the trash out, so I can get you out of here.
[15:09.55] But it has to be now. She'll be back any minute.
[15:12.16] What about my friend?
[15:13.29] Only the three of you. Any more and she'll get suspicious.
[15:17.03] -Let me just get my coat. -There isn't time!
[15:22.07] Just leave everything.
[15:24.00] They'll take care of you next door.
[15:26.87] Is it true they have beer?
[15:33.18] Could you guys please keep it down?
[15:35.75] We're trying to start a Boggle tournament.
[15:43.69] You!
[15:44.76] And you.
[15:46.09] You're supposed to be at my party.
[15:48.26] And Gunther!
[15:54.70] What are you doing here?
[16:00.24] Welcome to the fo
[16:06.08] All right,I'm sorry. But these people needed me.
[16:09.21] They work hard all week. It's Saturday night.
[16:11.72] They deserve to have a little fun. Go!
[16:15.19] You know,my party is fun.
[16:17.22] It's a little quieter, less obvious sort of fun.
[16:20.06] But if people would just give it a chance,it's
[16:27.46] -You want me to see a therapist? -Sweetheart,you have a problem.
[16:32.24] You've chosen a boyfriend exactly like your father.
[16:36.77] Okay,Mom,I'll make an appointment.
[16:39.38] But right now,I gotta go. I gotta go do a thing.
[16:42.78] Did you know your mother spent $1200 on bonsai trees?
[16:48.05] I felt like Gulliver.
[16:50.82] Daddy,I really want to hear more about this...
[16:53.92] ...but I just have to do some stuff. …
[16:57.29] You work and you work and you work at a marriage...
[17:00.50] ... but all he cares about is his stupid boat. …
[17:03.17] You work and you work and you work on a boat.
[17:06.17] He always ridiculed my pottery classes.
[17:09.31] And you sand it and varnish it.
[17:11.48] But when all is said and done, he still drinks out of the mugs.
[17:15.31] One night of her yoga and Bridges of Madison County....
[17:18.58] -The scotch,the cigarettes.... - The bonsais and the Chihuahua....
[17:21.59] I may have only been in therapy for three weeks now but
[17:24.12] What the hell does she want with half a boat?
[17:30.46] Okay,okay,you can be shirts and I'll be skins.
[17:43.54] How you holding up there,tiger?
[17:47.51] Sorry. When my parents were getting divorced,I got a lot of "tigers."
[17:52.22] I got a lot of "champs," "chiefs," "sports."
[17:56.00] I even got a "governor."
[17:59.72] This is it,isn't it? This is what my life will be like.
[18:03.49] My mom there,my dad there.
[18:05.86] Thanksgiving,Christmas.
[18:08.57] She gets the house,he's in a condo my sister will decorate with wicker.
[18:18.38] I relied on a carefully regimented program...
[18:21.55] ...of denial... …
[18:24.01] ...and wetting the bed. …
[18:28.72] You know,I just It's so weird.
[18:31.32] I mean,I was in there just listening to them bitch about each other.
[18:36.19] All I kept thinking about was the Fourth of July.
[18:40.60] Because it reminded you of the way...
[18:42.73] ...our forefathers used to bitch at each other? …
[18:46.34] It's just this thing. Every year we would...
[18:49.24] ...go out on my dad's boat and watch the fireworks. …
[18:52.54] Mom always hated it because the ocean air made her hair all big.
[18:56.78] My sister Jill would be throwing up over the side...
[19:00.28] ...and Dad would be upset because nobody helped. …
[19:03.22] And when we did help,he'd scream at us for doing it wrong.
[19:09.56] But then when the fireworks started, everybody just shut up.
[19:14.30] You know,and it'd get really cold.
[19:16.80] And we'd all just sort of smoosh under this one blanket.
[19:20.70] It never occurred to anybody to bring another one.
[19:25.54] And now it's....
[19:30.71] Yeah,I know.
[19:55.44] Thanks for coming. I hope you had fun.
[19:57.84] All right,I'm hitting the road.
[20:00.08] Now,I've left my 10 verbs on the table.
[20:03.18] Be sure and send me that finished poem.
[20:05.75] Okay,will do. Glad you came.
[20:07.92] -I think I saw Rachel out in the hall. -Let me go check.
[20:13.69] Your mom wants to say goodbye.
[20:15.93] Happy birthday,sweetie.
[20:21.10] You drive safe.
[20:23.93] What are you doing?
[20:26.67] I'm getting ready for the water skiing.
[20:30.27] Okay,big hug. One more. Come on!
[20:35.55] How are you?
[20:39.12] -Where are you going? -To get my coat.
[20:41.32] We'll get that for you.
[20:43.00] All right,all right. I can get my own coat.
[20:53.73] Sorry,we're on a major flan high.
[20:59.04] Oh,no. No,you're not supposed to be here.
[21:02.04] This is the staging area. It's all wrong. You should leave.
[21:06.08] You know,just get out.
[21:17.32] Or perhaps you'd like a creme de menthe.
[21:21.16] I have to be heading toward my chateau.
[21:23.53] I guess we're going back into the hallway again.
[21:26.56] Thanks for coming,Mrs. Greene.
[21:41.35] You take care.
[21:46.38] Oh,you kids.
[21:50.89] Well.
[21:53.46] This is the best party I've been to in years.
[21:57.56] Thank you!
[22:04.57] Okay,everybody, it's time for flan!
[22:11.31] Looks like that stuff you get when you get an infection.
[22:14.91] Okay,that's enough.
[22:16.91] Okay,Rachel, make a special flan wish.
[22:26.89] Heads up!
[22:30.03] Wow! Those things almost never come true.
[00:07.72] 我带蜡烛跟我妈的蕾丝桌布
[00:10.56] 既然是瑞秋的生日…
[00:12.89] 我想我煮一条鲑鱼
[00:15.93] 怎么样嘛?
[00:17.00] 我要问为什么每次开派对 你都要水煮东西啊?
[00:21.33] 你想总掌食物委员会吗?
[00:23.13] 问题二,为什么每次派对 都要有食物委员会?
[00:26.64] 为什么不买些披萨跟啤酒 大家高兴就好了嘛?
[00:30.68] 我认为花俏的派对 是给打心底花俏的人的
[00:35.-1] 我们又不是这种人
[00:38.12] 你们不想要点特别的?
[00:40.65] 很好,你们爱怎么样就怎么样
[00:43.46] 乔伊,那是假的
[00:47.36] 我这里面空空如也
[00:50.83] 看,空空
[00:53.83] 像给小丑看的小电影
[00:58.64] 六人行 第2季 第22集 一个头两个大
[01:47.05] 我跟瑞秋的妹妹讲了 她们都不能够来
[01:50.12] 那我还得邀请迪伦 艾玛,还有古香浓
[01:54.73] 不要香浓
[01:56.16] 为什么呢?
[01:57.73] 因为她…
[01:58.83] 会偷东西
[02:03.07] 又或许她不会偷东西,但他跟 她上床后就没再打电话给她了
[02:09.94] 乔伊,那太过份了
[02:11.78] 我喜欢她,好吗?
[02:13.24] 或许太喜欢了
[02:14.81] 我不知道
[02:16.58] 我猜我只是怕了
[02:20.-4] 对不起,我不知道
[02:22.79] 没想到有人会吃这一套
[02:27.03] 蜜糖,好玩吗?
[02:28.66] 地狱的毕业典礼
[02:30.83] 我表弟是靠足球奖学金 上“地狱大学”的
[02:35.03] 这本来应该是个快乐的场合
[02:37.60] 我妹妹从大学毕业了 谁也没想到
[02:41.14] 真正证明了一个长岛女孩 为了一部车会做什么
[02:46.21] 到底怎么了?
[02:47.31] 我宝贝父母呀
[02:48.68] 他们只需要坐在同一个体育馆 骄傲地微笑…
[02:51.88] 绝口不提离婚的事 但不!
[02:55.29] 开幕致词到一半时 他们就吵得不可开交了
[02:58.12] 主教还得停下来 叫他们两个住口
[03:04.46] 你们知道好消息是什么吗?
[03:06.03] 我接着可以帮人 倒八小时的咖啡
[03:10.80] 那我们可以不要邀请她父母
[03:13.30] 只邀她妈妈,怎么样? 为什么?
[03:16.17] 因为我已经邀了
[03:18.68] 你邀了史戴西吗?
[03:20.88] 不,不能邀她
[03:25.05] 她也会偷东西
[03:33.22] 这是生日蛋糕的蜡烛 那生日蛋糕呢?
[03:36.33] 我们不吃生日蛋糕
[03:38.50] 我们吃生日派饼
[03:42.57] 什么?
[03:43.74] 是一种传统墨西哥软冻点心
[03:45.90] 不错呀
[03:47.51] 生日快乐,瑞秋,来些膏
[03:57.02] 林医生
[03:58.85] 老天啊,是瑞秋的爸爸
[04:03.35] 你来做什么?
[04:04.89] 怎么了?女儿生日 老爸过来看看也不行吗?
[04:07.79] 不…老爸当然可以
[04:09.86] 但是由于我是她室友 我可以告诉你她不在
[04:13.87] 我会转告她你来过了 所以,拜拜
[04:17.27] 你们开派对呀
[04:20.-2] 不,不是派对啦
[04:22.21] 只是一群 瑞秋认识的人的惊喜聚会
[04:25.54] 这是菲比,钱德,乔伊 太多人了我记不住
[04:29.78] 所以你们是要…瑞秋回来
[04:32.08] 大家跳出来尖叫 是不是这样子?
[04:36.-4] 这不是 你的第一个惊喜派对吧?
[04:42.33] 摩妮卡
[04:46.93] 有人送了中餐馆菜单来 他忘了菜单了
[04:50.10] 所以基本上只是个中国人而已
[04:54.47] 林医生,你跟我来好了 我们把外套放瑞秋床上
[05:01.35] 好啊,那似乎需要两个人
[05:07.82] 我的天,你刚干嘛你?
[05:10.36] 真对不起,我以为你是瑞秋 可是我们还没准备好
[05:14.19] 你以为我是瑞秋? 对啊,你看起来好年轻
[05:18.20] 而且基本上你们两个都是… 白种女人
[05:23.50] 我好想念你们 我应该把外套放房间吗?
[05:30.14] 不,交给我好了 那就谢了
[05:33.51] 真是个绅士啊
[05:38.85] 看起来真棒,喜气洋洋的 那么多汽球
[05:43.72] 我过来的时候碰见一两件怪事
[05:47.49] 我在开… 太棒了
[05:53.20] 我等不及你说完 我快憋不住了
[05:56.80] 跟我来
[05:59.-2] 什么? 就像我们是姐妹
[06:01.47] 你知道,像在餐厅 会很好玩的,来吧…
[06:10.21] 天啊…
[06:12.25] 想一想,快想一想
[06:14.00] 杰克跟克丽会怎么做?
[06:18.09] 你的外套安全上床了…
[06:21.76] 我们现在可以回客厅了
[06:24.36] 对了,乔伊,钱德,我想你们 应该带林医生到你们那边去
[06:28.87] 对,完全正确
[06:32.17] 为什么?
[06:34.41] 因为派对在那边呀,呆子
[06:38.61] 这边只是准备区 对…准备区而已
[06:42.71] 这个放错地方了
[06:50.86] 好吧,你们这些去一号派对
[06:55.86] 而你们呢…
[06:57.76] 去二号派对
[07:00.80] 继续走,继续走,快
[07:06.24] 你至少送些女的来我这边好吗
[07:11.-1] 是罗斯,好…
[07:14.-1] 他们来了
[07:22.65] 谢谢你美妙的晚餐
[07:25.56] 谢谢你出生
[07:27.63] 谢谢你这对漂亮的耳环 真的好美
[07:30.90] 我爱你
[07:32.90] 你要的话可以拿去换
[07:36.73] 现在我更爱你了
[07:44.31] 惊喜…
[07:46.08] 天啊…
[07:47.81] 哇!
[07:49.91] 天啊…妈
[07:51.78] 太棒了
[07:53.48] 生日快乐,瑞秋
[07:57.09] 你…我完全不知
[07:59.92] 真的? 不,我知道的
[08:03.63] 各位,桌上有吃的跟喝的
[08:06.20] 现在去对面 乔伊跟钱德那边,去呀
[08:09.03] 为什么? 去就是了
[08:13.-2] 怪啊
[08:14.17] 惊喜!
[08:18.81] 生日快乐,小甜豆
[08:21.18] 爸爸
[08:27.55] 他们都来了,两个都来了?
[08:30.79] 我们可以再算一次
[08:33.86] 我无法相信有这种事
[08:35.39] 这太荒唐了
[08:37.20] 这是你的生日,你的派对
[08:39.66] 我说把他们放在一起,如果 他们应付不来的话,谁在乎?
[08:43.07] 我在乎 就是你
[08:47.04] 你不要紧吧?
[08:48.57] 我根本就别无选择嘛 我可以往好的方面想啊
[08:52.64] 我有两个生日派对 还有两个生日蛋糕
[08:55.75] 其实只有…
[08:57.55] 一个生日派饼
[09:02.82] 那是一种墨西哥软冻点心
[09:05.82] 你去跟摩妮卡讲比较好 她是食物委员会的人
[09:15.23] 有个女的刚刚走过来跟我说 “我要你,丹尼”…
[09:19.00] 然后给了我一个热吻
[09:21.84] 我爱这个派对
[09:24.28] 我有个排球问题 排球?
[09:26.61] 我们在你房间弄了个球场
[09:28.78] 你不是真的喜欢 那个灰灯,对不对?
[09:32.38] 刚才有个女人给我一个热吻 我根本就没听你说话
[09:37.05] 丹尼… 她在叫我了
[09:41.19] 蜜糖,你陪我爸一下,好吗? 我要去跟我妈讲一下话
[09:45.40] 那我用什么话当… 当开场白
[09:48.73] 你只要避开“我是那个上 你女儿的人”…
[09:52.07] 就不会有问题了
[09:56.27] 我要你们一个人拿一张纸…
[09:58.48] 拿去 然后写下你们最臭的回忆
[10:03.-4] 请各位在用完麦克笔之后 把笔盖盖上…
[10:07.65] 不然的话,笔会干掉的
[10:10.66] 林医生
[10:13.79] 血管外科游戏中…
[10:16.83] 的一切…
[10:19.30] 都还好吗?
[10:21.47] 那不是游戏,罗斯 今天有个女人死在我手术台上
[10:25.50] 很遗撼
[10:28.81] 那就是我工作的好处
[10:31.24] 因为我在工作台上的那些恐龙 都已经死了
[10:37.15] 听着,各位 我并不是故意要烦你们的…
[10:40.-1] 但我注意到 你们刚刚有些人只是套上
[10:43.32] 你们应该是要用力按…
[10:47.12] 按到喀的一声为止
[10:51.-3] 阿刚
[10:52.00] 你要去哪里啊?
[10:53.16] 我…我只是在想,或许我…
[10:56.10] 不…你不能走 不,这很好玩
[10:59.37] 来嘛…我们才刚开始 来,这是你的笔
[11:05.11] 听着,你想走就走好了
[11:08.11] 不,她会再吼我
[11:13.38] 好吧,我可以把你弄出去
[11:15.45] 什么?
[11:18.22] 等一下我们来个声东击西
[11:21.-3] 到时候,你赶快朝门走 不要回头
[11:25.66] 我想来杯喝的 我去帮你拿
[11:28.87] 你要喝什么? 威士忌
[11:31.07] 好,我十秒钟之内 会带着你的威士忌加冰块回来
[11:39.24] 纯的,不加冰块
[11:43.-4] 我知道
[11:47.85] 罗斯,你上哪儿去了?
[11:52.-3] 我一直在洗手间
[11:55.86] 避开那些鲑鱼慕斯
[12:02.83] 纯威士忌
[12:04.94] 瑞秋她爹就爱那玩意儿
[12:09.04] 我也是,很酷,不是吗?
[12:12.31] 纯威士忌
[12:16.68] 我先失陪了
[12:24.86] 你想溜到哪里去呢,先生?
[12:28.53] 我要去拿我外套里的香烟
[12:30.36] 不…
[12:31.50] 什么意思啊?
[12:33.53] 因为那边是准备区
[12:36.07] 你一去的话 你对派对的幻影就都成空了
[12:40.74] 你还是带着你的威士忌回去…
[12:43.01] 然后我去帮你拿香烟 好吗?
[12:46.71] 还有我的眼镜 有我就搞定了
[12:53.38] 真是第一次说那句话的好时机
[12:59.82] 我现在来看看 第一个人的最臭的回忆就是…
[13:04.43] 摩妮卡,你的派对真逊”
[13:07.60] 非常幽默
[13:09.57] 天啊,有人忘了用杯垫吗?
[13:13.07] 什么?
[13:21.41] 我没有看到呀
[13:23.71] 是吗?我的眼睛又花了
[13:29.35] 罗斯,那是谁的眼镜啊?
[13:32.69] 我的
[13:35.53] 你戴远近两用的眼镜?
[13:39.13] 我的视力…
[13:42.40] 显然同时…
[13:45.74] 需要用到两种镜片
[13:49.07] 你知道我先生也有一副 跟你一样的眼镜吗?
[13:52.71] 那副镜框很流行
[13:55.65] 尼尔席达卡也有一副
[14:00.72] 听说你有办法弄我们出去 是不是?
[14:07.29] 你并没有告诉我你男友会抽烟
[14:10.73] 对,像根烟囱
[14:13.90] 大烟枪
[14:16.67] 超大烟枪
[14:18.74] 事实上,我现在就去走廊上 点燃这根大坏蛋了
[14:36.49] 你在戴我的眼镜吗?
[14:43.16] 我只是在替你 把那个耳架弄暖一点
[14:48.-2] 谢谢
[14:51.54] 那是我的香烟吗?
[15:00.04] 对,没错 我在把这个烟屁股弄湿
[15:05.88] 好了,她去倒垃圾了 我可以弄你们出去了
[15:09.55] 可是你们得马上走 她随时会回来
[15:12.16] 那我朋友呢?
[15:13.29] 不行,只有你们三个 超过三个她就会起疑心的
[15:17.03] 好吧,我去拿外套 没有时间了
[15:22.07] 什么都不要拿
[15:24.00] 隔壁那些人会照顾你们的
[15:26.87] 他们有啤酒是真的吗?
[15:30.-2] 你听到的都是真的
[15:33.18] 你们小声一点,好不好?
[15:35.75] 我们要来个文字游戏锦标赛
[15:44.76] 还有你
[15:46.09] 你们应该在我的派对的啊
[15:48.26] 还有阿刚
[15:54.70] 你在这个地方干什么啊?
[16:00.24] 欢迎光临…
[16:06.08] 好吧,对不起嘛 可是这些人需要我啊
[16:09.21] 他们辛苦了一个礼拜 今天是周末
[16:11.72] 他们有权享一点儿乐的,去
[16:15.19] 我的派对很好玩
[16:17.22] 或许是安静了一点吧 比较含蓄的乐趣
[16:20.06] 但如果大家给它一个机会 那会比较…
[16:27.46] 你要我去看心理医生? 亲爱的,你显然有问题了
[16:32.24] 你居然选了一个 跟你爸一模一样的男朋友
[16:36.77] 妈,我会先去挂号的
[16:39.38] 现在我得走了 我得去做一件事
[16:42.78] 你知道吗?你老妈居然花了 一千二百块买一个盆栽
[16:48.05] 我觉得我好像巨人在小森林里
[16:50.82] 爸,你知道吗? 我真的很想再多听,真的…
[16:53.92] 但我有点事要处理
[16:57.29] 我一直很努力 想要挽救我们的婚姻…
[17:00.50] 可是他只关心他那艘蠢船
[17:03.17] 我一直一直努力的去弄我的船
[17:06.17] 他老是嘲笑我的烧陶课
[17:09.31] 磨好了之后还要上釉
[17:11.48] 但他还是用我做的杯子喝东西
[17:15.31] 听她念一晚她的瑜珈 还有她的“麦迪逊之桥”…
[17:18.58] 威士忌,香烟… 盆栽和吉娃娃狗…
[17:21.59] 我或许只看了 三个礼拜的心理医生,但…
[17:24.12] 她要半条船干什么?
[17:30.46] 你衣服留着我光着身子好了
[17:35.-2] 我光身子呀
[17:43.54] 你没事吧,老虎?
[17:47.51] 很抱歉,我父母在闹离婚时 很多人叫我“老虎”
[17:52.22] 很多人叫我 “冠军”“老大”“君子”
[17:56.00] 还有人叫我“州长”
[17:59.72] 就这样了,是不是? 我的生活就会变成这样
[18:03.49] 我妈跟我爸一人一个地方
[18:05.86] 感恩节,圣诞节
[18:08.57] 她得到房子,他住在我妹用 柳条家具帮他布置的公寓
[18:14.-2] 钱德,你是怎么熬过来的?
[18:18.38] 我利用了我精心策划的计划…
[18:21.55] 拒绝面对现实…
[18:24.01] 还有尿床
[18:28.72] 这太诡异了
[18:31.32] 我是说,我人在里面 却听着他们两个人骂来骂去
[18:36.19] 可是心里却一直在想着国庆日
[18:40.60] 因为那让你想起我们的祖先…
[18:42.73] 从前也是骂来骂去的吗?
[18:46.34] 是这样子的啦 我们每年…
[18:49.24] 都会坐我爸的船出海 去看烟火
[18:52.54] 可是我妈讨厌去 因为海风会把她的头发吹膨
[18:56.78] 我妹妹吉儿 则会靠在船边呕吐…
[19:00.28] 我爸会不高兴 因为没有人帮他忙
[19:03.22] 当我们帮忙的时候呢 他又会吼叫说我们越帮越忙
[19:09.56] 但是当烟火开始的时候 大家都闭嘴了
[19:14.30] 然后天气会变得很冷
[19:16.80] 我们会全部都挤在 一条毯子下面
[19:20.70] 从来没有人想到要多带一条来
[19:25.54] 但是现在…
[19:30.71] 对,我知道
[19:55.44] 谢谢光临,希望你们玩得开心
[19:57.84] 好了,我要走了
[20:00.08] 我把十个动词放在你桌上了
[20:03.18] 一定要把完成的诗寄给我
[20:05.75] 我会的,很高兴你来了
[20:07.92] 我想我看到瑞秋在走廊上 我去看看
[20:13.69] 你妈要跟你道别了
[20:15.93] 生日快乐,亲爱的
[20:21.10] 小心开车
[20:23.93] 罗斯,你在干嘛?
[20:26.67] 我正在为去滑水做准备
[20:30.27] 来呀,抱抱
[20:35.55] 你好吗?
[20:39.12] 林医生,你要去哪里? 拿我的外套
[20:41.32] 我们去拿
[20:43.00] 好了…我可以自己去,好吗?
[20:53.73] 抱歉,派饼让我们爽歪了
[20:59.04] 不对…你不应该来这里的
[21:02.04] 因为这里是准备区 全弄错了,你应该走
[21:06.08] 出去就是了
[21:17.32] 要不要来杯薄荷酒啊?
[21:21.16] 我必须打道回府了,谢了
[21:23.53] 好吧,那么我猜 我们又要回到走廊了
[21:26.56] 谢谢光临,林太太
[21:41.35] 保重了
[21:46.38] 你们这些孩子
[21:50.89] 这么嘛…
[21:53.46] 好久没有参加这么棒的派对了
[21:57.56] 谢谢
[22:04.57] 各位,切派饼了
[22:07.-2] 对,准备享用冻冻乐了
[22:11.31] 看起来有点像 伤口发炎时化的脓
[22:14.91] 好了,够了
[22:16.91] 瑞秋,许个派饼愿吧
[22:21.-1] 好了
[22:26.89] 小心!
[22:30.03] 这很少有实现的时候的