Friends S02E04

Friends S02E04

歌名 Friends S02E04
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第二季)
[03:13.-2] I don't know.
[03:43.-2] You have a third nipple?
[06:42.-1] I see,I see. Because of the third-nipple thing.
[09:18.-2] I don't care if she tells you she wants it,she begs,she pleads...
[10:34.-1] -I'm gonna get changed. -Okay.
[11:58.-3] What is this in my pocket?
[16:59.-3] Who here does not have the time to get to know Julie?
[18:25.-1] ...and my first-grade teacher was Mrs. Cobb.
[20:19.-3] I'm sorry.
[00:02.75] Mom,would you relax?
[00:05.12] That was 10 blocks from here, and she was walking alone at night.
[00:09.19] I would never do that.
[00:11.19] Mom,come on,stop worrying.
[00:13.86] This is a safe street. This is a safe building. There's nothing
[00:17.40] Oh,my God! What are you doing in here?!
[00:20.63] Mom,I gotta go! IT gotta go!
[00:25.74] Oh,my God!
[00:28.91] That's fine,you just read the paper.
[00:31.71] I'm gonna get a pot.
[00:34.08] It's not for you.
[00:41.25] Okay,that's fine.
[00:44.56] Read the Family Circus...
[00:48.29] ...enjoy the gentle comedy....
[00:54.90] Oh,my God,my God,my God,my God....
[01:07.85] It's open,you guys.
[01:12.02] Can I help you?
[01:13.18] Does Phoebe still live here?
[01:15.49] No,she doesn't. But I can get a message to her.
[01:18.09] Great. Just tell her her husband stopped by.
[01:21.19] Her what?
[01:25.13] How did you do that?
[02:15.88] This is unbelievable,Pheebs. How can you be married?
[02:19.38] I'm not "married" married,you know?
[02:21.49] He's just a friend,and he's gay...
[02:23.32] ...and he was from Canada, and he needed a Green Card.
[02:26.22] I can't believe you married Duncan!
[02:28.46] How could you not tell me? We told each other everything.
[02:32.40] I'm sorry,but I knew if I told you, you'd get judgmental...
[02:36.30] ...and wouldn't approve.
[02:37.47] Of course I wouldn't approve!
[02:39.64] You were totally in love with this guy who,hello,was gay.
[02:42.94] What the hell were you thinking?
[02:44.94] See? And you thought she'd be judgmental.
[02:49.15] I wasn't in love with him. I was helping out a friend.
[02:52.52] When he left town,you stayed in your pajamas for a month.
[02:56.09] And I saw you eat a cheeseburger.
[03:01.66] Well,didn't you?
[03:03.83] I might have.
[03:06.33] I can't believe you didn't tell me.
[03:08.83] Like you tell me everything?
[03:10.50] What have I not told you?
[03:14.64] The fact that the underwear out on the telephone pole is yours...
[03:18.84] ...from when you had sex with Bobby on the terrace!
[03:21.55] What?
[03:23.21] Wait a minute! Who told you?
[03:29.29] You are dead meat.
[03:31.46] I didn't know it was a big secret.
[03:34.26] Oh,it's not big. Not at all.
[03:36.46] IKind of the same as,say...
[03:38.30] ... I don't know,having a third nipple!
[03:46.94] You bitch!
[03:51.94] Whip it out! Whip it out!
[03:54.28] There's nothing to see! It's a tiny bump. It's totally useless.
[03:58.42] As opposed to your other multi-functional nipples?
[04:03.12] I can't believe you! You told me it was a nubbin.
[04:08.49] Joey,what did you think a nubbin was?
[04:11.33] You see something,you hear a word, I thought that's what it was.
[04:15.50] -Let me see it again! -Yes,show us your nubbin!
[04:19.14] Joey was in a porno movie!
[04:24.48] If I'm going down, I'm taking everybody with me!
[04:28.51] -Oh,my God! -You were in a porno?!
[04:31.68] I was young and I just wanted a job.
[04:34.22] But I couldn't go through with it.
[04:36.52] They let me be the guy who fixes the copier but can't...
[04:39.66] ...because there's people having sex on it.
[04:44.00] That is wild!
[04:46.66] -What's it shaped like? -ls it hairy?
[04:49.00] What happens if you flick it?
[04:58.48] So does it do anything, you know,special?
[05:02.41] Pressing my third nipple opens the delivery entrance...
[05:05.75] the magical land of Narnia.
[05:09.09] In some cultures,having a third nipple is actually a sign of virility.
[05:13.89] You get the best huts, and women dance naked around you.
[05:17.60] Are any of these cultures, per chance,in the Tri-State area?
[05:22.03] You know,you are so amazing. Is there anything you don't know?
[05:28.17] Julie's so smart! Julie's so special!
[05:32.88] I wanted you to hook up with Ross as much as you did.
[05:36.18] But he's with her now. You'll have to get over it.
[05:39.88] Oh,I'm going to have to get over it.
[05:42.85] I didn't know that's what I had to do. I just have to get over it.
[05:51.43] -Sassy lady! -Where are you going?
[05:53.93] I'm meeting Duncan. He's skating tonight at the Garden.
[05:57.37] He's in the Capades.
[06:00.71] -The lce Capades? -No,the Gravel Capades.
[06:05.24] The turns aren't as fast, but when Snoopy falls? Funny.
[06:09.91] I can't believe you'd dress up for him.
[06:11.82] You're setting yourself up all over again.
[06:14.45] Okay,no.
[06:17.22] For your information,I'm seeing him so I can put those feelings behind me.
[06:22.29] The reason I'm dressed like this is because I think it's nice...
[06:26.00] look nice for your gay husband.
[06:30.34] Darn it,we're all out of milk.
[06:32.80] Chandler,will you fill me up here?
[06:53.49] Okay,sweetie,I'll see you later.
[06:56.69] -See you later,Rach. -Bye-bye,Julie.
[07:10.04] Come on,cut it out!
[07:16.31] -Can I ask you something? -Sure.
[07:20.55] What?
[07:22.85] Come on,talk to me.
[07:26.29] What's the longest you've been in a relationship before...
[07:32.56] ... having the sex?
[07:36.67] Why? Who's not? Are you and Julie not?
[07:39.34] Are you and Julie not having sex?
[07:44.01] Technically?
[07:46.04] No.
[07:49.48] Is it because she's so cold in bed?
[07:53.65] Or because she's kind of bossy, makes it feel like school?
[07:58.59] No! She's great. And it's not like we haven't done anything.
[08:03.66] We do plenty of other stuff. Lots of other stuff like
[08:07.37] No! Don't need to know the details.
[08:11.94] No,it's just....
[08:13.87] It's me.
[08:15.54] I've only been with one woman my whole life...
[08:18.84] ...and she turned out to be a lesbian.
[08:22.41] So now I've got myself all psyched out.
[08:26.75] It's become,like,this...
[08:29.89] ...this thing!
[08:33.93] You must just think I'm weird.
[08:36.39] No,I don't think it's weird.
[08:39.46] I think,in fact....
[08:42.20] -ln fact,you know what I think? -What?
[08:45.40] I think it's sexy.
[08:48.71] Sexy?
[08:49.87] Let me tell you something. As a woman...
[08:52.24] ...there is nothing sexier...
[08:55.55] ...than a man who does not want to have sex.
[09:00.15] No kidding?
[09:01.39] You know what I'd do?
[09:03.05] I'd wait.
[09:06.29] -You'd wait? -Absolutely. I would wait...
[09:09.66] ...and wait....
[09:12.60] Then I'd wait some more.
[09:16.67] Really?
[09:22.24] ...she tells you she's gonna have sex with another man
[09:26.24] That just means it's working.
[09:31.18] Women really want this?
[09:33.75] More than jewelry.
[09:58.21] Look at you! You look great!
[10:00.81] Do l? Thank you.
[10:03.31] So do you. Sparkly!
[10:11.19] This is pretty wonderful, Mr. Major Capades Guy!
[10:16.00] I remember when you were just King Friday in Mr. Roger's Ice Is Nice.
[10:22.20] You always said I'd make it.
[10:24.17] Well,you know, I'm kind of spooky that way.
[10:29.04] Gosh,I missed you!
[10:38.92] Now.
[10:42.69] Oh! Right. Okay.
[10:45.56] Ole!
[10:47.06] What?
[10:49.59] The Matador....
[10:55.17] Ole!
[11:01.61] Sweetie,can you hold this for a second?
[11:14.39] Sorry,you had a paleontologist on your face.
[11:18.06] But it's gone now. You're all right.
[11:20.46] Hi,everyone.
[11:25.10] I wanted to thank you for our little talk before.
[11:28.60] No problem! So you're gonna go with the waiting thing?
[11:32.37] I was going to,but after I talked to you,I talked to Joey.
[11:40.54] Good. What did he say?
[11:42.65] He told me to get over myself and just do it.
[11:46.12] I thought about what you said and about what he said.
[11:49.25] And his way,I get to have sex tonight,so....
[12:01.00] Why,it's Joey's porno movie!
[12:05.84] Pop it in!
[12:07.84] I'm fine,if you're okay watching a video...
[12:10.41] ...filled with two-nippled people.
[12:16.11] People having sex. That's just what I need to see.
[12:19.32] What's wrong with people having sex?
[12:24.19] Well,you know,these movies are offensive...
[12:29.00] ...and degrading to women and females....
[12:35.27] And the lighting's always unflattering.
[12:41.54] -Monica,help me out here. -Hell,I wanna see Joey!
[12:51.55] So is there a story? Or do they just start doing it right
[12:55.82] Oh. Never mind.
[12:58.00] Wait a minute. That is the craziest typing test I've ever seen.
[13:03.39] All I say is,she'd better get the job.
[13:06.03] Looks to me like he's the one getting the job.
[13:11.24] Here I come.
[13:12.80] See,I'm coming to fix the copier.
[13:14.87] I can't get to the copier. I'm thinking,"What do I do?"
[13:20.34] So I just watch them have sex.
[13:26.22] Then I say Here's my line!
[13:28.05] You know,that's bad for the paper tray.
[13:33.00] Nice work,my friend!
[13:34.69] Wait,you see me again. Hang on, the guy's butt's blocking me.
[13:39.93] There I am. There I am. There I am....
[13:50.88] So what's up? You came to see me yesterday.
[13:59.88] I kind of need a divorce.
[14:02.45] O...
[14:04.09] ... kay.
[14:05.86] How come?
[14:08.09] Actually,I'm getting married again.
[14:11.06] What?
[14:12.46] I don't know how to tell you this.
[14:16.87] I'm straight.
[14:22.47] I don't understand. How can you be straight?
[14:26.04] You're so smart and funny...
[14:28.65] ...and you throw such great Academy Award parties!
[14:31.75] That's what I kept telling myself.
[14:34.39] But you reach a point where you can't live a lie anymore.
[14:39.16] How long have you known?
[14:43.06] I guess on some level I always knew I was straight.
[14:47.46] I thought I was supposed to be something else.
[14:49.80] I'm an ice dancer,all my friends are gay. I was just trying to fit in.
[14:57.74] And there's actually a woman?
[15:01.65] Her name's Debra.
[15:06.15] Well,is she the first that you've been with?
[15:10.82] I've never told you this...
[15:14.00] ... but there were one or two times back in college when...
[15:18.46] ... I'd get drunk, go to a straight bar...
[15:20.76] ...and wake up with a woman next to me.
[15:24.00] I told myself it was the liquor, and everyone experiments in college.
[15:29.94] Sure.
[15:31.18] Now I know I don't have a choice. I was born this way!
[15:38.28] I don't know what to say.
[15:41.02] You're married to someone for six years and you think you know him.
[15:45.06] And then one day he says, "Oh,I'm not gay!"
[15:53.30] I'm still me.
[15:57.53] Why couldn't you just have figured this out six years ago?
[16:03.64] You know,it still smells like monkey in there.
[16:08.71] That saves us the conversation.
[16:12.75] This has been great, but I'm officially wiped.
[16:15.69] Me too. We should get going.
[16:18.19] No! Come on,you guys!
[16:22.19] Come on,it's only 1 1 :30.
[16:24.70] Let's just talk. We never just hang out and talk anymore.
[16:29.07] Rachel,that's all we do.
[16:33.20] Maybe that's all we do. What about Julie?
[16:37.21] What about Julie?
[16:39.21] You have been in our lives for nearly two months now...
[16:43.61] ...and we don't really know you.
[16:45.75] I mean,who is Julie?
[16:48.79] What do you like? What don't you like?
[16:51.12] We want to know everything.
[16:53.69] Well,that could take awhile.
[16:56.19] So?
[17:02.63] I got the time to get to know Julie.
[17:07.24] I know her pretty well. Can I go?
[17:12.24] That's fine.
[17:13.71] Let's start with your childhood. What was that like?
[17:18.72] In a nutshell
[17:24.29] So,have you told your parents?
[17:27.46] No,but it'll be okay. They're pretty cool.
[17:30.66] My brother's straight,so....
[17:34.57] Here you go.
[17:36.17] You know what? I just have one more question.
[17:39.14] If you had figured this out sooner, and I had been around...
[17:44.34] you think l would have been the one...?
[17:48.91] No. Don't tell me.
[17:50.35] I don't think either answer would make me feel better. Here.
[17:56.32] I love you,Phoebe.
[18:12.80] So your brother's straight,huh?
[18:16.77] Seriously.
[18:21.38] and my second-grade teacher was Miss Thomas...
[18:28.45] Mrs. Gobb?
[18:30.22] No,Cobb. Like cobb salad.
[18:36.03] What exactly is in a cobb salad?
[18:38.36] I'm going home.
[18:45.00] Boy,that Julie's a talker,huh?
[18:49.37] Good night.
[18:54.21] It's pretty late. You're probably not still planning on....
[18:58.35] No,I am.
[19:00.88] Are you nervous?
[19:05.69] I have done it before.
[19:09.03] I mean,how are you gonna handle it?
[19:11.56] Are you gonna talk about it beforehand? Are you just gonna pounce?
[19:16.93] I don't know. I guess I'm just gonna...
[19:19.84] ...see what happens.
[19:23.37] Good luck!
[19:27.74] What?
[19:29.28] Nothing....
[19:31.75] It is your first time with her, and if the first time doesn't go well...
[19:37.12] ...well then,that's pretty darn hard to recover from.
[19:43.03] Okay,now I'm nervous.
[19:47.60] Maybe you should put it off.
[19:49.87] No,I don't want to put it off!
[19:56.54] I spent last year being so unbelievably miserable.
[20:00.08] And now I'm actually happy.
[20:04.92] You know,I mean really happy.
[20:07.48] I just don't wanna....
[20:09.79] I don't wanna mess it up,you know?
[20:14.66] I know.
[20:21.17] It's not your fault.
[20:23.17] Right.
[20:26.30] Maybe it doesn't have to be this tough.
[20:29.61] Maybe you were on the right track with that whole "spontaneous" thing.
[20:35.08] -Women really like that. -Really?
[20:40.92] I mean if it were me, I'd want you to....
[20:44.86] I don't know,catch me off guard with a really...
[20:49.36] ...good kiss.
[20:53.46] Really sort of soft at first.
[20:58.50] And then maybe brush the hair away from my face.
[21:03.94] And then look far into my eyes...
[21:08.31] a way that lets me know something...
[21:12.18] ...amazing is about to happen.
[21:21.02] And then,I don't know,then...
[21:23.19]'d pull me really close to you so that...
[21:26.36] that I'd be pressed up right against you.
[21:32.34] And it would get kind of...
[21:36.24] ...sweaty...
[21:40.21] ...and blurry.
[21:44.58] And then it's just happening.
[21:54.00] Thanks,Rach. Good night!
[22:00.10] Oh,God!
[22:17.11] Good morning!
[22:19.68] Well,somebody got some last night!
[22:27.66] Twice!
[00:02.75] 妈,你放心好不好?
[00:05.12] 那里离这里有十条街 而且她是一个人在晚上走
[00:09.19] 我绝不会那样的
[00:11.19] 妈,别担心了
[00:13.86] 这条街很安全,这栋楼很安全 没有任何东西…
[00:17.40] 天啊!你跑进来干什么?
[00:20.63] 妈,我必须挂电话了!
[00:25.74] 天啊!
[00:28.91] 没关系,你尽管看报
[00:31.71] 我要去拿个锅子
[00:34.08] 不是为了你
[00:41.25] 好了,很好
[00:44.56] 看看漫画
[00:48.29] 享受一下幽默…
[00:54.90] 喔,我的天,我的天 我的天…
[01:07.85] 门是开的
[01:12.02] 有何贵干?
[01:13.18] 菲比还住在这里吗?
[01:15.49] 没有,但我可以帮你传话
[01:18.09] 好,告诉她 她老公来过这里
[01:21.19] 她的什么?
[01:25.13] 你怎么变出来的?
[01:36.75] 六人行 第2季 第04集 菲比的丈夫
[02:15.88] 真是不可思议,菲比 你怎么会结婚?
[02:19.38] 我不是“结婚”的结婚 你明白吗?
[02:21.49] 他只是个朋友 而且他是同性恋
[02:23.32] 而且他来自加拿大 他需要一张绿卡
[02:26.22] 我不相信你嫁给了邓肯!
[02:28.46] 你怎么能不告诉我? 我们什么事都告诉彼此
[02:32.40] 对不起,但如果我告诉你 你会批评我…
[02:36.30] 不会赞成
[02:37.47] 我当然不会赞成!
[02:39.64] 你爱死了那个同性恋
[02:42.94] 你到底怎么想的?
[02:44.94] 瞧?我们还以为她很爱批评
[02:49.15] 我并不爱他 我只是帮助一个朋友
[02:52.52] 他离开后你一整个月都没下床
[02:56.09] 我还看到你吃乳酪汉堡
[03:01.66] 有没有?
[03:03.83] 也许有
[03:06.33] 我真不相信你没告诉我
[03:08.83] 你会告诉我一切事情吗?
[03:10.50] 我有什么没告诉你?
[03:13.-2] 我不知道
[03:14.64] 譬如说外面电线杆上的内衣…
[03:18.84] 是你跟鲍比 在阳台上**时丢下去的!
[03:21.55] 什么?
[03:23.21] 谁告诉你的?
[03:29.29] 你死定了
[03:31.46] 我不知道那是个大秘密
[03:34.26] 不是大秘密 一点也不是
[03:36.46] 比方说就像…
[03:38.30] 长了三个**!
[03:43.-2] 你有三个**?
[03:46.94] 你这***!
[03:51.94] 秀一秀!秀一秀!
[03:54.28] 没什么好看的! 只是个小突起,没有用处
[03:58.42] 你其他**有多种用途罗?
[04:03.12] 我真不能信任你! 你说那是个小包
[04:08.49] 乔伊,你以为小包是什么?
[04:11.33] 听到了一个名字 就不会多想了
[04:15.50] 让我再看一看! 对,让我们看你的小包!
[04:19.14] 乔伊拍过色情电影!
[04:24.48] 如果我要垮台 每个人都要跟我一起垮!
[04:28.51] 老天! 你拍过春宫!
[04:31.68] 当时我很年轻,只想找个工作
[04:34.22] 但最后一刻我无法做下去
[04:36.52] 他们就让我演修影印机的人…
[04:39.66] 但是因为有人在上面** 所以无法修理
[04:44.00] 真是狂野!
[04:46.66] 形状是什么样子? 有没有长毛?
[04:49.00] 碰到了会怎么样?
[04:58.48] 有没有什么特殊功能?
[05:02.41] 只要压我的第三个**…
[05:05.75] 就会开启了仙境之门
[05:09.09] 在有些文化中 第三个**象徵了男性雄风
[05:13.89] 有最好的住所 女人绕着你跳***
[05:17.60] 这些文化 是否可能在美国中部?
[05:22.03] 你真是博学多闻 有什么是你不知道的?
[05:28.17] 茱莉好聪明!茱莉好特别!
[05:32.88] 我也希望你能与罗斯复合
[05:36.18] 但现在他与她在一起 你必须忘了他
[05:39.88] 原来我必须忘了他
[05:42.85] 我不知道该怎么办 原来只要忘了他就好
[05:51.43] 性感美女! 你要干什么?
[05:53.93] 我要去见邓肯 今晚他要**
[05:57.37] 他参加了冰上剧团
[06:00.71] 在冰上表演? 不,在柏油路上表演
[06:05.24] 转得不会很快 史努比跌倒时非常好笑
[06:09.91] 我不相信你竟然为他打扮
[06:11.82] 你又要重蹈覆辙了
[06:14.45] 好的,不是
[06:17.22] 我去看他 就是为了能彻底忘了他
[06:22.29] 我这样打扮是因为…
[06:26.00] 我要让我的同性恋丈夫有面子
[06:30.34] 该死,没牛奶了
[06:32.80] 钱德,能不能给我一点?
[06:42.-1] 我懂了,因为第三个**?
[06:53.49] 甜心,待会见
[06:56.69] 待会见,瑞秋 再见,茱莉
[07:10.04] 别闹了!
[07:16.31] 我能问你一件事吗? 好啊
[07:20.55] 什么?
[07:22.85] 对我说吧
[07:26.29] 你与男人交往花了最久时间…
[07:32.56] 才发生关系的是多久?
[07:36.67] 什么?谁没有…? 你与茱莉还没有…
[07:39.34] 你与茱莉还没有发生关系?
[07:44.01] 技术上来说?
[07:46.04] 没有
[07:49.48] 是不是因为她很冷感?
[07:53.65] 或者她非常挑剔 感觉像是在学校?
[07:58.59] 不!她很好 我们又不是什么都没做
[08:03.66] 我们做了很多事情 像是…
[08:07.37] 不!别告诉我细节
[08:11.94] 不,只是…
[08:13.87] 我的问题
[08:15.54] 我一辈子只跟一个人上过床…
[08:18.84] 后来她变成了同性恋
[08:22.41] 所以现在我很担心
[08:26.75] 就像是…
[08:29.89] 这件事!
[08:33.93] 你一定以为我很怪
[08:36.39] 不,我不认为很怪
[08:39.46] 我想…
[08:42.20] 你知道我怎么想吗? 怎么想?
[08:45.40] 我觉得这很性感
[08:48.71] 性感?
[08:49.87] 让我告诉你,身为女人…
[08:52.24] 没有任何事情…
[08:55.55] 比不想要作爱的男人更性感
[09:00.15] 真的?
[09:01.39] 你知道我会怎么做?
[09:03.05] 我会等待下去
[09:06.29] 你会等待? 没错,我会等待…
[09:09.66] 一直等待…
[09:12.60] 然后我还会再等下去
[09:16.67] 真的?
[09:18.-2] 我不管她怎么说 她多么想要,多么恳求你…
[09:22.24] 她说她要跟其他男人**…
[09:26.24] 这只表示收到了效果
[09:31.18] 女人真的希望如此?
[09:33.75] 比珠宝还要渴望
[09:58.21] 你看起来真美丽!
[10:00.81] 真的?谢谢
[10:03.31] 你也是,闪闪发亮!
[10:11.19] 真是很棒,剧团的主角
[10:16.00] 我还记得你只是 儿童节目上的道具
[10:22.20] 你一直说我会成功的
[10:24.17] 我总是有这方面的怪才能
[10:29.04] 啊,我想念你!
[10:34.-1] 我要换衣服 好的
[10:38.92] 现在就要
[10:42.69] 喔!对,好的
[10:45.56] 冲刺!
[10:47.06] 什么?
[10:49.59] 斗牛士…
[10:55.17] 冲刺!
[11:01.61] 甜心,你能不能拿一下?
[11:14.39] 对不起,你脸上有个考古学家
[11:18.06] 但现在没有了,没事
[11:20.46] 嗨,各位
[11:25.10] 我要谢谢你先前的指点
[11:28.60] 没问题!所以你要等下去?
[11:32.37] 我本来要等 但是后来我又跟乔伊谈了
[11:40.54] 很好,他怎么说?
[11:42.65] 他要我去做了就对
[11:46.12] 我衡量了你说的与他说的
[11:49.25] 照他的话,今晚我就能**
[11:58.-3] 我口袋里有什么东西?
[12:01.00] 什么,是乔伊的春宫电影!
[12:05.84] 放出来看看!
[12:07.84] 我不介意 只要你们愿意看…
[12:10.41] 一大堆两个**的人
[12:16.11] 大家都在** 正是我想要看的
[12:19.32] **有什么不对?
[12:24.19] 这些电影很冒犯人…
[12:29.00] 侮辱女人与女性…
[12:35.27] 灯光总是很呆板
[12:41.54] 摩妮卡,帮我一下 管你的,我要看乔伊!
[12:51.55] 有没有故事? 还是立刻就开始…
[12:55.82] 别理会我
[12:58.00] 等一下 那是我见过最疯狂的打字测验
[13:03.39] 我只能说,她最好被聘用
[13:06.03] 看来是他被“聘用”了
[13:11.24] 我上场了
[13:12.80] 我要修理影印机
[13:14.87] 但是我修不了 我在想:怎么办?
[13:20.34] 所以我只好看他们**
[13:26.22] 然后我要开口了!
[13:28.05] 这对送纸匣很不好
[13:33.00] 干得好,老兄!
[13:34.69] 等一下,又有我的镜头了 这傢伙**挡住我了
[13:39.93] 我冒出来了,又来了 又来了,又来了…
[13:50.88] 怎么回事? 昨天你来找我
[13:59.88] 我需要跟你离婚
[14:02.45] 喔…
[14:05.86] 为什么?
[14:08.09] 其实我又要结婚了
[14:11.06] 什么?
[14:12.46] 我不知道要怎么说
[14:16.87] 我不是同性恋
[14:22.47] 我不懂你怎么会是异性恋?
[14:26.04] 你又聪明又幽默…
[14:28.65] 而且举办很棒的奥斯卡派对!
[14:31.75] 我也一直这么告诉自己
[14:34.39] 但是到了某个程度 就无法再扯谎下去了
[14:39.16] 你知道了多久?
[14:43.06] 我想我一直知道 自己不是同性恋
[14:47.46] 我以为自己不是
[14:49.80] 我是个冰上舞蹈者 所有朋友都是同志,我要合群
[14:57.74] 真的要跟一个女人结婚?
[15:01.65] 她叫黛博拉
[15:06.15] 她是不是你的第一个女人?
[15:10.82] 我从来没告诉过你…
[15:14.00] 但在大学有一两次…
[15:18.46] 我喝得大醉,去了单身酒吧
[15:20.76] 醒来时身旁有个女人
[15:24.00] 我以为这是因为喝酒 而且大学每个人都在摸索
[15:29.94] 当然
[15:31.18] 现在我知道我没有选择 我生下来就是如此!
[15:38.28] 我不知道该说什么
[15:41.02] 嫁给一个人六年 以为自己很了解他
[15:45.06] 结果一天他说: 我不是同性恋!
[15:53.30] 我还是我
[15:57.53] 你为什么在六年前 没有发现这件事?
[16:03.64] 里面闻起来还是有猴骚味 (罗斯养过猴子)
[16:08.71] 我们又有话可聊了
[16:12.75] 今晚很好玩,但我累死了
[16:15.69] 我也是,我们该走了
[16:18.19] 不!你们别这样!
[16:22.19] 现在才十一点半
[16:24.70] 让我们好好聊聊 我们最近都没有一起聊过天
[16:29.07] 瑞秋,我们在一起只有聊天
[16:33.20] 也许我们是如此 但是茱莉呢?
[16:37.21] 茱莉怎么样?
[16:39.21] 你已经加入我们将近两个月了
[16:43.61] 我们还没有真正认识你
[16:45.75] 茱莉究竟是什么样的人?
[16:48.79] 你喜欢什么?不喜欢什么?
[16:51.12] 我们什么都要知道
[16:53.69] 这可能要花一段时间
[16:56.19] 所以呢?
[16:59.-3] 谁没有时间更认识茱莉?
[17:02.63] 我有时间来认识茱莉
[17:07.24] 我跟她很熟了 我能回去吗?
[17:12.24] 没关系
[17:13.71] 让我们从你的童年开始 你的童年是怎么样?
[17:18.72] 简单地说…
[17:24.29] 你告诉了你父母吗?
[17:27.46] 还没有,应该没关系 他们都很酷
[17:30.66] 我弟弟是异性恋,所以…
[17:34.57] 就是这样了
[17:36.17] 我还有一个问题
[17:39.14] 如果你早一点知道 而我也在你身边…
[17:44.34] 你想会不会是我…?
[17:48.91] 不,别告诉我
[17:50.35] 我想不管什么回答 都不会让我更好过
[17:56.32] 我爱你,菲比
[18:12.80] 所以你弟弟是异性恋?
[18:16.77] 说真的
[18:21.38] 我的二年级老师是汤玛丝小姐
[18:25.-1] 我的一年级老师是柯布小姐
[18:28.45] 葛布小姐?
[18:30.22] 不,柯布,就像柯布沙拉
[18:36.03] 柯布沙拉里面究竟有什么?
[18:38.36] 我要回家了
[18:45.00] 茱莉真是爱说话,嗯?
[18:49.37] 晚安
[18:54.21] 很晚了,你们大概没有打算…
[18:58.35] 我有
[19:00.88] 你紧张吗?
[19:05.69] 我以前做过
[19:09.03] 你要如何进行?
[19:11.56] 要先谈谈?还是就上了?
[19:16.93] 我不知道,我想我要…
[19:19.84] 顺其自然
[19:23.37] 祝你好运!
[19:27.74] 什么?
[19:29.28] 没事…
[19:31.75] 这是你与她的第一次 如果第一次就不顺利…
[19:37.12] 那就很难再东山再起
[19:43.03] 好,现在我紧张了
[19:47.60] 也许你应该延期
[19:49.87] 不,我不要延期!
[19:56.54] 我去年一整年都很悲惨
[20:00.08] 现在我很快乐
[20:04.92] 真的很快乐
[20:07.48] 我不希望…
[20:09.79] 我不希望搞砸了,你知道吧?
[20:14.66] 我知道
[20:19.-3] 对不起
[20:21.17] 这又不是你的错
[20:23.17] 嗯…
[20:26.30] 也许不需要这么困难
[20:29.61] 也许你顺其自然是对的
[20:35.08] 女人真的喜欢这样 真的?
[20:40.92] 如果是我,我会希望你…
[20:44.86] 趁我没有防备的时候…
[20:49.36] 好好给我一个吻
[20:53.46] 刚开始要很轻柔
[20:58.50] 然后也许把我的头发拨开
[21:03.94] 凝视我的眼睛…
[21:08.31] 让我知道有美妙的事情…
[21:12.18] 快要发生了
[21:21.02] 然后,我不知道,然后…
[21:23.19] 你会更紧地搂住我…
[21:26.36] 我会紧紧帖着你…
[21:32.34] 然后就会开始…
[21:36.24] 流汗…
[21:40.21] 目眩神迷…
[21:44.58] 一切就自然发生…
[21:54.00] 谢谢,瑞秋,晚安!
[22:00.10] 天啊!
[22:17.11] 早安!
[22:19.68] 昨晚有人爽到了!
[22:27.66] 两次!