Friends S02E02

Friends S02E02

歌名 Friends S02E02
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第二季)
[01:46.-4] Okay,I got one,I got one.
[03:25.-4] -Hi,honey. -Hey,sweetums.
[06:58.-3] I was wondering if after work we could grab a cup of coffee?
[07:52.-1] Honey,relax. Ross is great with him.
[09:01.-4] I think I know how to heat breast milk.
[09:10.-3] I licked my arm,what?
[10:42.-4] -Julie. -What?
[10:49.-3] When it started,I was just trying to be nice to her...
[13:44.-2] You've tasted it.
[17:12.-1] really need to hate Julie's guts.
[19:34.-4] ...stop lasting. …
[00:07.82] These were expensive and he'll grow out of them...
[00:10.92] 20 minutes, but I couldn't resist!
[00:17.50] Look at these.
[00:19.90] Hey,Ben.
[00:21.07] "Just do it"!
[00:24.90] Oh,my God!
[00:26.37] Was that too much pressure for him?
[00:30.11] -ls he hungry already? -I guess so.
[00:34.51] You know,it's....
[00:39.08] Something funny about sneakers. I'll be right back.
[00:43.39] I gotta get one too.
[00:47.76] Hey,what are you guys doing?
[00:49.93] We're just hanging out by the spoons.
[00:53.03] Ladle?
[00:54.63] Will you guys grow up?
[00:56.07] This is the most beautiful thing in the world.
[00:59.10] Yeah,we know. But there's a baby sucking on it.
[01:04.24] This is my son having lunch,okay? It'll happen a lot,so get used to it.
[01:09.88] If you're uncomfortable, just ask questions.
[01:13.49] Carol's fine with it.
[01:18.16] Carol?
[01:21.93] I'm wondering,could Joey ask you a question about breast-feeding?
[01:28.10] Sure.
[01:31.57] Does it hurt?
[01:34.27] It did at first,but not anymore.
[01:37.18] Chandler?
[01:41.15] So,how often can you do it?
[01:43.75] As much as he needs.
[01:50.79] If he blows into one, does the other one get bigger?
[02:44.08] -Any muffins left? -Yeah,I forget which ones.
[02:47.25] You're busy,I'll get it.
[02:49.38] -Anyone else want one? -No,thanks.
[02:52.22] You're losing your apron. Let me get it.
[02:55.72] -There you go. -Thank you.
[02:59.39] What a bitch!
[03:04.60] I have a friend at Bloomingdale's who's quitting...
[03:07.93] ...and he wants to abuse his discount.
[03:10.37] Anyone want to come take advantage of it?
[03:12.90] I have to take my grandmother to the vet.
[03:20.25] -I'll go with you. -Great.
[03:27.75] And hello to the rest.
[03:32.72] You can't go shopping with her. What about Rachel?
[03:37.30] Will it be a problem?
[03:38.76] You're going to Bloomingdale's with Julie.
[03:41.07] It's like cheating on Rachel in her house of worship.
[03:46.07] Monica,she will kill you.
[03:49.37] She will kill you like a dog in the street!
[03:56.61] So Jules tells me you guys are going shopping tomorrow.
[04:00.89] It's actually not that big a deal.
[04:03.72] It's a big deal to me. This is great.
[04:06.06] I really appreciate this.
[04:08.29] You're welcome.
[04:24.61] Bijan for men?
[04:27.31] Bijan for men?
[04:32.28] -Hey,Annabel. -Hey,Joey.
[04:34.19] Did you hear about the new guy?
[04:36.59] Nobody knows his name. Me and the girls call him "The Hombre Man. "
[04:50.47] Hombre?
[04:56.67] What's he doing in my section?
[04:59.21] I guess he doesn't know.
[05:01.18] Well,he's gonna.
[05:03.85] I'll see you a little later,okay?
[05:09.15] Hey,how you doing?
[05:11.22] Mornin'.
[05:13.02] Listen,I know you're new...
[05:16.23] ... but it's understood that everything...
[05:18.70] ...from young men's to the escalator is my territory.
[05:23.84] "Your territory"?
[05:27.24] -Bijan for men? -No,thanks.
[05:29.14] Hombre?
[05:30.84] Yeah,all right.
[05:39.75] You were saying?
[05:44.86] Phoebe,listen. You were with me, and we were shopping all day.
[05:49.76] We shopped and we had lunch.
[05:51.66] What did I have?
[05:53.53] -You had a salad. -No wonder I don't feel full.
[05:58.00] Hi. What's up?
[05:59.37] I went shopping with Monica and I had a salad.
[06:04.58] Good,Pheebs. What'd you buy?
[06:08.38] We went shopping for....
[06:11.25] For....
[06:12.75] For fur.
[06:17.09] You went shopping for fur?
[06:20.79] And then I realized that l'm against that.
[06:24.80] So then we bought some....
[06:28.43] Boobs.
[06:35.44] You bought boobs?
[06:39.61] Bras!
[06:42.05] We bought bras!
[06:44.12] We bought bras.
[06:49.42] Bijan for men?
[06:51.26] Bijan for men?
[06:53.16] Bijan for....
[06:56.46] Hey,Annabel.
[07:02.50] Actually,I sort of have plans.
[07:09.81] You ready,Annabel?
[07:12.74] You bet.
[07:16.01] Maybe some other time.
[07:27.93] It's not the first time I lost a girl to a cowboy spraying cologne.
[07:32.26] Bijan for men?
[07:34.20] Bijan for men!
[07:37.37] And this is Funny Clown.
[07:39.47] It's only for after his naps, not before,or he won't sleep.
[07:43.17] We've been through this before. We have a good time.
[07:46.84] We laugh,we play. It's like we're father and son.
[07:55.29] Don't look so surprised. I'm a lovely person.
[08:01.23] This is so cute!
[08:03.23] I got that for him!
[08:05.13] "My Mommies Love Me. " “
[08:10.57] That's clever.
[08:14.74] Oh,hi,Jul....
[08:17.84] Hi,Jew!
[08:24.22] Okay,sure.
[08:25.85] That'd be great. See you then. Bye.
[08:29.02] Did you just say," Hi,Jew"?
[08:36.09] Yes,I did.
[08:37.86] That was my friend Eddie Moskowitz.
[08:44.24] Yeah,he likes it. Reaffirms his faith.
[08:52.71] Ben,dinner!
[08:55.58] Thanks,Aunt Pheebs.
[08:57.25] Did you microwave that? You can't do that to breast milk.
[09:07.59] What did you just do?
[09:11.93] It's breast milk!
[09:14.40] So?
[09:15.87] Phoebe,that is juice squeezed from a person.
[09:20.77] What is the big deal?
[09:24.91] What did you just do?
[09:28.81] Can people stop drinking the breast milk?
[09:33.78] You won't even taste it?
[09:36.89] Not even if you just pretend it's milk?
[09:39.46] Not even if Carol's breast had a picture of a missing child on it.
[09:51.27] -Where is everybody? -At the park. Where have you been?
[09:55.24] Just out.
[09:56.44] Had some lunch. Just me. A little quality time with me.
[10:02.08] -Thanks for your jacket. -No problem.
[10:04.58] You can borrow it,by the way.
[10:08.09] Here are your keys,honey.
[10:13.93] If you were at lunch alone, how come it cost you $53?
[10:21.13] You know what probably happened?
[10:23.60] Someone stole my credit card.
[10:27.34] And put the receipt back in your pocket?
[10:31.34] That is an excellent, excellent question.
[10:34.55] That is excellent.
[10:37.32] What's with you? Who did you have lunch with?
[10:40.48] -Judy. -Who?
[10:43.19] Jody.
[10:46.22] You were with Julie?
[10:52.80] ... because she was my brother's girlfriend.
[10:55.80] And then one thing led to another...
[10:59.67] ...and before I knew it,we were...
[11:09.01] Oh,my God!
[11:12.18] Wait,we only did it once.
[11:16.22] It meant nothing to me!
[11:21.33] Really,I was thinking of you the whole time.
[11:27.20] Look,I'm sorry,all right? I never meant for you to find out.
[11:31.57] Oh,please! Please! You wanted to get caught!
[11:35.77] That is not true!
[11:37.21] So you just happened to leave it in here?
[11:40.71] Did it ever occur to you that I might just be that stupid?
[11:46.35] Okay,I just have to know one thing.
[11:52.46] Did you go to Bloomingdale's?
[12:08.47] Okay,I just really need to not be with you right now.
[12:22.35] Hi,who's this?
[12:23.75] Hi,Joanne. Is Rachel working? It's Monica.
[12:27.89] Yes,I know I did a horrible thing.
[12:30.63] Joanne,it's not as simple as all that.
[12:34.77] No,I don't care what Steve thinks. Hi,Steve.
[12:44.04] How did we do?
[12:45.48] I tasted Ben's milk and Ross freaked out.
[12:48.88] I did not freak out.
[12:50.31] -Why'd you freak out? -Because it's breast milk.
[12:54.62] It's gross!
[12:56.49] My breast milk is gross?
[12:59.82] This should be fun.
[13:03.83] There's nothing wrong with it.
[13:05.80] I just don't think breast milk is for adults.
[13:09.73] Of course,the packaging does appeal to grownups and kids.
[13:15.27] Don't be silly. I've tried it. It's no big deal.
[13:18.41] Just taste it.
[13:21.11] That would be no.
[13:23.81] -Come on. -Try it.
[13:25.08] It's natural.
[13:26.18] It doesn't taste bad.
[13:27.79] Yeah,it tastes kind of sweet. Sort of like....
[13:30.86] Like what?
[13:31.92] Cantaloupe juice.
[13:33.16] Exactly.
[13:41.80] You've tasted it.
[13:47.77] Oh,you've tasted it.
[13:51.71] You can keep saying it, but it won't stop being true.
[14:02.62] Give me the bottle.
[14:09.83] Get me the towel.
[14:36.32] Howdy.
[14:39.69] Give me a box of juice.
[14:44.09] Well,they switched me over to Hombre.
[14:46.83] Maybe it's because of the way you're dressed.
[14:51.10] Or this guy's doing so good they want to put more people on it.
[14:55.34] This guy goes through two bottles a day now.
[15:00.54] What do you care?
[15:02.91] You're an actor. This is your day job. It's nothing!
[15:06.35] I know,but I was the best.
[15:09.09] You know? I liked being the best.
[15:16.73] Maybe I should get out of the game.
[15:19.26] They need guys up in housewares to serve cheese.
[15:22.77] Say you do that.
[15:24.10] Sooner or later,somebody will come along that slices a better cheddar.
[15:30.27] Then where you gonna run?
[15:32.08] You're right.
[15:33.24] I say you show him what you're made of. Stand your ground.
[15:36.88] Show him that you're the baddest Hombre west of the lingerie!
[15:42.22] -I'm gonna do it! -All right!
[15:45.29] Now,go see Miss Kitty and she'll fix you up with a nice hooker.
[15:51.30] I don't know what to say.
[15:53.16] That's good because I'm not listening.
[15:56.17] I feel terrible. I really do.
[15:58.17] I'm sorry. Did my back hurt your knife?
[16:03.67] Say that I'm friends with her. Is that so terrible?
[16:08.61] -It's that terrible? -You don't get it!
[16:11.35] It's bad enough she stole the guy...
[16:13.32] ...who may be the person l'm supposed to be with.
[16:16.29] But now...
[16:18.69] ...she's actually....
[16:21.13] But now she's actually stealing you!
[16:27.46] What are you talking about?
[16:29.67] Nobody could steal me from you.
[16:32.20] Because I'm friends with her doesn't make me any less friends with you.
[16:38.04] You're my....
[16:41.18] And we're....
[16:45.68] -Oh,I love you! -I love you too!
[16:53.00] You guys,I know that this really doesn't have anything to do with me.
[16:58.20] But I love you guys too!
[17:05.74] I really needed that.
[17:09.74] I know that right now...
[17:14.75] But she didn't do anything wrong.
[17:18.22] She's just a girl who met a guy, and now they go out.
[17:22.89] I think that if you gave her a chance,you'd like her.
[17:28.43] Will you give it a chance?
[17:30.93] For me?
[17:34.50] I'd do anything for you, you know that.
[17:37.20] I'd do anything for you!
[17:40.60] Wait,wait,wait!
[18:00.92] Mornin'.
[18:04.29] I said,mornin'!
[18:08.60] I heard you.
[18:11.30] All right,everybody. I'm opening the doors.
[18:14.74] You boys ready?
[18:21.45] Ready.
[18:23.11] Yeah,l'm ready.
[19:11.20] You idiot! You stupid cowboy!
[19:13.86] You've blinded me! I'm suing!
[19:16.10] Oh,my God! Todd! What the hell did you do?
[19:20.17] Sorry. I'm such a doofus!
[19:22.04] I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
[19:25.51] My God,what happened?
[19:28.21] These new kids,they never last.
[19:30.85] Sooner or later they all...
[19:36.89] What do you say I buy you that cup of coffee now?
[19:40.82] Sure.
[20:01.08] I just thought we should hang out.
[20:03.58] I mean,you know, we've never really talked.
[20:06.72] I guess you'd know that, being one of the two of us.
[20:10.02] I know.
[20:12.26] I probably shouldn't even tell you this...
[20:15.76] ... but l'm pretty much totally intimidated by you.
[20:20.00] Really?
[20:21.27] Me?
[20:22.53] Oh,my God,are you kidding?
[20:24.67] Ross is so crazy about you...
[20:26.60] ...and I really wanted you to like me,and l....
[20:30.04] It's probably me just being totally paranoid...
[20:33.08] ...but I kind of got the feeling that maybe you don't.
[20:45.92] Well,you're not totally paranoid.
[21:00.40] When you and Ross first started going out...
[21:04.07] was really hard for me...
[21:08.38] ...for many reasons of which l'm not gonna bore you with now.
[21:17.45] I see how happy he is and how good you guys are together.
[21:23.13] And Monica's always saying how nice you are...
[21:27.40] ...and God,I hate it when she's right!
[21:31.74] Thanks.
[21:33.77] Would you like to go to a movie sometime or something?
[21:37.74] Yeah,that'd be great. I'd love it.
[21:40.74] I'd love it too.
[21:43.51] Shoot,I gotta go.
[21:45.02] -So I'll talk to you later. -All right,Julie.
[21:56.83] What a manipulative bitch.
[22:30.46] It's not bad.
[00:07.82] 这些非常昂贵 我知道他很快就穿不下…
[00:10.92] 但是我就是无法抗拒!
[00:17.50] 看看这些!
[00:19.90] 嗨,班
[00:21.07] 做了就对! (耐吉广告词)
[00:24.90] 喔,天啊!
[00:26.37] 是不是对他压力太大?
[00:30.11] 他已经饿了吗? 我想是的
[00:34.51] 你知道,那个…
[00:39.08] 球鞋真的很有趣 我马上就回来!
[00:43.39] 我也要一个
[00:47.76] 你们在干什么?
[00:49.93] 我们只是来看看汤匙
[00:53.03] 要调羹吗?
[00:54.63] 你们成熟一点好吗?
[00:56.07] 这是世上最自然美丽的
[00:59.10] 我们知道 但现在有个婴儿在吸它
[01:04.24] 这是我儿子在吃午餐 你们最好习惯
[01:09.88] 如果你们感到不自在 发问就好
[01:13.49] 卡萝不介意的
[01:18.16] 卡萝?
[01:21.93] 我想问问乔伊能不能提出 关于哺乳的问题?
[01:28.10] 当然可以
[01:31.57] 会不会痛?
[01:34.27] 刚开始会,现在不会了
[01:37.18] 钱德?
[01:41.15] 你能多久喂一次?
[01:43.75] 只要他需要就可以
[01:46.-4] 我想到了一个问题
[01:50.79] 如果他对一个吹气 另一个会不会变大?
[02:02.86] 六人行 第2季 第02集 母乳
[02:44.08] 还有松糕吗? 还有,我忘记是哪一种
[02:47.25] 你太忙了,我来拿
[02:49.38] 谁还要? 不用,谢谢
[02:52.22] 你的围裙松了,我帮你系好
[02:55.72] 好了 谢谢
[02:59.39] 真是个恶婆娘!
[03:04.60] 我有朋友在布明岱尔百货上班 明天就不干了
[03:07.93] 他想要花掉他的折扣优待
[03:10.37] 谁想跟我去检便宜?
[03:12.90] 我不行 我要带我祖母去看兽医
[03:20.25] 我跟你去 好极了
[03:25.-4] 嗨,甜心 嗨,蜜糖
[03:27.75] 哈罗,各位
[03:32.72] 你不能跟她去逛百货 瑞秋怎么办?
[03:37.30] 会有问题,对不对?
[03:38.76] 你要跟茱莉去布明岱尔
[03:41.07] 就像是到瑞秋家中偷汉子!
[03:46.07] 她会宰了你
[03:49.37] 她会宰了你 就像宰街上的流浪狗!
[03:56.61] 茱莉说你们明天要去逛街
[04:00.89] 其实没有什么…
[04:03.72] 对我很重要,非常重要
[04:06.06] 我非常感激你这么做
[04:08.29] 别客气
[04:24.61] 碧而泉男性香水?
[04:27.31] 碧而泉男性香水?
[04:32.28] 嗨,安娜贝 嗨,乔伊
[04:34.19] 听说过新来的人吗?
[04:36.59] 没人知道他的名字 我们女生都叫他“原野奇侠”
[04:50.47] 原野奇侠?
[04:56.67] 他到我这一区干什么?
[04:59.21] 我想他不知道
[05:01.18] 他必须知道
[05:03.85] 待会见
[05:09.15] 你好吗?
[05:13.02] 听着,我知道你是新来的…
[05:16.23] 但众所皆知这附近的一切…
[05:18.70] 从年轻人部门到电梯… 都是我的地盘
[05:23.84] 你的地盘?
[05:27.24] 碧而泉男性香水? 不,谢了
[05:29.14] 原野奇侠?
[05:30.84] 好啊
[05:39.75] 你刚才说什么?
[05:44.86] 菲比,听着,你跟我一起 逛了整天街买东西
[05:49.76] 我们买东西,吃午餐
[05:51.66] 我吃了什么?
[05:53.53] 你吃了沙拉 难怪我觉得饿
[05:58.00] 嗨,怎么样?
[05:59.37] 我整天都跟摩妮卡买东西 吃了一客沙拉
[06:04.58] 很好,菲比 你们买了什么?
[06:08.38] 我们去买了…
[06:11.25] 嗯…
[06:12.75] 买了皮毛
[06:17.09] 你去买皮毛?
[06:20.79] 然后我发现我反对买皮毛
[06:24.80] 于是我们买了一些…
[06:28.43] 波霸
[06:35.44] 你买了波霸?
[06:39.61] 胸罩!
[06:42.05] 我们买了胸罩!
[06:44.12] 我们买了胸罩
[06:49.42] 碧而泉男性香水?
[06:51.26] 碧而泉男性香水?
[06:53.16] 碧而泉…
[06:56.46] 嗨,安娜贝
[06:58.-3] 下班后我们可以喝个咖啡吗?
[07:02.50] 我已经有计划了
[07:09.81] 准备好了吗,安娜贝?
[07:12.74] 好了
[07:16.01] 以后再约吧
[07:27.93] 我又不是没被喷香水的牛仔 抢走女孩子过
[07:32.26] 碧而泉男性香水?
[07:34.20] 碧而泉男性香水!
[07:37.37] 这是滑稽小丑
[07:39.47] 只有睡过午觉才可以给他玩 否则他会睡不着
[07:43.17] 我带过他,我们玩得很高兴
[07:46.84] 我们又笑又玩 就像父亲跟儿子一样
[07:52.-1] 甜心,放轻松 罗斯很会带他
[07:55.29] 别这么惊讶 我是个很好的人
[08:01.23] 好可爱!
[08:03.23] 我为他买的!
[08:05.13] 我的妈妈们爱我”
[08:10.57] 真聪明
[08:14.74] 嗨,茱…
[08:17.84] 嗨,犹太人!
[08:24.22] 好的,可以
[08:25.85] 很好,待会见
[08:29.02] 你刚才是不是说: 嗨,犹太人?
[08:36.09] 对,我是这么说
[08:37.86] 那是我的犹太朋友 艾迪莫斯考维兹
[08:44.24] 他很喜欢这称呼 能加强他的信仰
[08:52.71] 班,吃晚餐了!
[08:55.58] 谢谢,菲比姑妈
[08:57.25] 你没有用微波炉吧? 不应该这样处理母乳
[09:01.-4] 我想我知道如何加热母乳
[09:07.59] 你在干什么?
[09:10.-3] 我舔了我的手臂,怎么样?
[09:11.93] 那是母乳!
[09:14.40] 又怎么样?
[09:15.87] 菲比 那是从另一个人身上挤出的汁
[09:20.77] 有什么了不起?
[09:24.91] 你又在干什么?
[09:28.81] 大家能不能不要喝母乳?
[09:33.78] 你连尝都不尝?
[09:36.89] 不能假装那是牛奶吗?
[09:39.46] 就算卡萝的乳房 帖了牛奶寻人广告都不行!
[09:51.27] 大家到哪里去了? 带班去公园了,你去哪里了?
[09:55.24] 出去
[09:56.44] 吃了午餐,只有我一个人 与自己共度美好时光
[10:02.08] 谢谢你的外套 别客气
[10:04.58] 你也可以向我借
[10:08.09] 这是你的钥匙
[10:13.93] 如果你一个人吃午餐 怎么会要五十三块?
[10:21.13] 你知道大概发生什么事吗?
[10:23.60] 一定有人偷了我的信用卡
[10:27.34] 然后把收据放回你口袋?
[10:31.34] 这是个非常好的问题
[10:34.55] 真的非常好
[10:37.32] 你怎么了? 跟谁吃午餐?
[10:40.48] 茱蒂 谁?
[10:42.-4] 茱莉 什么?
[10:43.19] 裘迪
[10:46.22] 你跟茱莉在一起?
[10:49.-3] 刚开始我只是想对她友善点…
[10:52.80] 因为她是我哥哥的女友
[10:55.80] 然后事情接着发生…
[10:59.67] 我还不清楚,我们就…
[11:02.64] 去瞎拼了
[11:09.01] 我的天!
[11:12.18] 慢着,我们只做了一次
[11:16.22] 对我没有任何意义!
[11:21.33] 我一直想的是你!
[11:27.20] 对不起,好吗? 我不希望你知道的
[11:31.57] 拜托!你希望被逮到!
[11:35.77] 才不是!
[11:37.21] 所以你不小心留收据在这里?
[11:40.71] 你有没有想到 我会这么笨?
[11:46.35] 好,我必须知道一件事
[11:52.46] 你是不是跟她去布明岱尔?
[12:08.47] 我现在不能跟你在一起了
[12:22.35] 嗨,哪一位?
[12:23.75] 嗨,琼安,瑞秋在吗? 我是摩妮卡
[12:27.89] 我知道我做了很糟糕的事
[12:30.63] 琼安,事情没这么简单
[12:34.77] 我才不在乎史提夫怎么想 嗨,史提夫
[12:44.04] 情况如何?
[12:45.48] 我尝了班的奶水 罗斯发癫了
[12:48.88] 我没有发癫
[12:50.31] 你为什么发癫? 因为那是母乳
[12:54.62] 很恶心!
[12:56.49] 我的奶水很恶心?
[12:59.82] 这会很好玩
[13:03.83] 这没什么不对
[13:05.80] 我只是不认为 母乳是给大人喝的
[13:09.73] 当然母乳的容器 很吸引大人与小孩
[13:15.27] 别傻了,我试过,没什么
[13:18.41] 尝一尝
[13:21.11] 不行
[13:23.81] 来嘛 尝一尝
[13:25.08] 很自然
[13:26.18] 又不难吃
[13:27.79] 有一点甜,很像…
[13:30.86] 像什么?
[13:31.92] 哈密瓜汁
[13:33.16] 没错
[13:41.80] 你尝过了
[13:44.-2] 你尝过了
[13:47.77] 喔,你尝过了
[13:51.71] 你可以一直说下去 也不会变成假话
[14:02.62] 把奶瓶给我
[14:09.83] 把毛巾给我
[14:36.32] 吃饱没?
[14:39.69] 给我一罐果汁
[14:44.09] 他们把我调到原野奇侠了
[14:46.83] 也许是因为你的穿着
[14:51.10] 或因为那傢伙表现太好了 他们要增加人手
[14:55.34] 那傢伙一天用掉两瓶
[15:00.54] 你在乎什么?
[15:02.91] 你是个演员 这只是你的副业,没什么
[15:06.35] 我知道,但我本来是最棒的
[15:09.09] 我喜欢当最棒的
[15:16.73] 也许我应该退出江湖
[15:19.26] 厨具部门需要有人切乳酪
[15:22.77] 假如你这么做了
[15:24.10] 将来迟早有人会出现 乳酪切得比你更好
[15:30.27] 那时候你要逃到哪里?
[15:32.08] 也许你说得对
[15:33.24] 我说你应该发挥大丈夫气概
[15:36.88] 让他知道你是内衣部西边 最厉害的原野奇侠!
[15:42.22] 我要这么做! 好极了
[15:45.29] 现在去找猫咪小姐 她会介绍个好妓女给你
[15:51.30] 我不知道该说什么
[15:53.16] 很好,因为我不会听
[15:56.17] 我觉得很糟糕,真的
[15:58.17] 对不起 我的背伤害了你的刀吗?
[16:03.67] 我跟她交朋友,一起去逛街 这有什么不好?
[16:08.61] 真的很不好吗? 是的,你还不懂吗?
[16:11.35] 她偷走我的男人已经够糟了…
[16:13.32] 我可能会跟他长相厮守
[16:16.29] 但现在…
[16:18.69] 她竟然…
[16:21.13] 现在她竟然连你也抢走了!
[16:27.46] 你在说什么?
[16:29.67] 没人能把我从你那里抢走
[16:32.20] 我与她交朋友 不会影响我与你的感情
[16:38.04] 你是我的…
[16:41.18] 我们是…
[16:45.68] 喔,我爱你! 我也爱你!
[16:53.00] 喂,我知道这与我完全无关
[16:58.20] 但我也爱你们!
[17:05.74] 我很需要这样
[17:09.74] 我知道现在…
[17:12.-1] 你很想恨死茱莉
[17:14.75] 但她没有做什么错事
[17:18.22] 她只是认识了一个男生 现在他们在交往
[17:22.89] 我想如果你给她一个机会 你会喜欢她的
[17:28.43] 你愿意给她一个机会吗?
[17:30.93] 为了我?
[17:34.50] 我愿意为你做任何事 你知道的
[17:37.20] 我什么都愿意为你做!
[17:40.60] 等一下!
[18:04.29] 我说:早!
[18:08.60] 我听见了
[18:11.30] 好,各位 我要开门了
[18:14.74] 你们准备好了吗?
[18:21.45] 好了
[18:23.11] 我也好了
[19:11.20] 你这个白痴! 笨牛仔!
[19:13.86] 你弄瞎我了!我要告你们!
[19:16.10] 天啊!陶德!你在搞什么鬼!
[19:20.17] 对不起,我真是笨手笨脚!
[19:22.04] 对不起,非常对不起
[19:25.51] 老天,发生什么事?
[19:28.21] 这些菜鸟,都撑不了很久
[19:30.85] 迟早他们就会…
[19:34.-4] 捅出纰漏
[19:36.89] 我们去喝杯咖啡怎么样?
[19:40.82] 好啊
[20:01.08] 我想我们应该亲近亲近
[20:03.58] 你知道的 我们从来没有真正谈过话
[20:06.72] 我想你说得对 因为你是我们两个之一
[20:10.02] 我知道
[20:12.26] 我也许不该告诉你…
[20:15.76] 但我实在很怕你
[20:20.00] 真的?
[20:21.27] 怕我?
[20:22.53] 你在开玩笑吗?
[20:24.67] 罗斯还是对你很着迷…
[20:26.60] 我真的希望你喜欢我
[20:30.04] 也许我只是胡思乱想…
[20:33.08] 但我好像觉得你不喜欢我
[20:45.92] 你不是完全胡思乱想
[21:00.40] 当你与罗斯刚开始交往时…
[21:04.07] 我真的很难过…
[21:08.38] 有太多理由,我不要烦你
[21:17.45] 但我看到他非常快乐 而且你们在一起是多么相配
[21:23.13] 摩妮卡一直说你有多好…
[21:27.40] 我真讨厌她说得对!
[21:31.74] 谢谢
[21:33.77] 你想不想一起去看电影 或出去玩?
[21:37.74] 这样很好,我很乐意
[21:40.74] 我也是
[21:43.51] 我必须要走了
[21:45.02] 待会见 好,茱莉
[21:56.83] 真是个玩弄人的贱人!
[22:30.46] 真不赖