Lesson 1  A puma at large

Lesson 1 A puma at large

歌名 Lesson 1 A puma at large
歌手 英语听力
专辑 新概念英语(第三册)
[00:01.120] --- lesson 1 A puma at large
[00:05.600] --- Listen to the tape then answer the question below.
[00:11.040] --- Where must the puma have come from?
[00:15.760] Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America.
[00:22.120] When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.
[00:32.400] However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate,
[00:40.600] for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.
[00:48.160] The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw 'a large cat' only five yards away from her.
[00:58.880] It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.
[01:09.720] The search proved difficult,
[01:12.000] for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening.
[01:20.720] Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.
[01:28.560] Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes.
[01:35.400] Several people complained of 'cat-like noises' at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree.
[01:44.640] The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from?
[01:52.120] As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country,
[01:56.840] this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape.
[02:04.480] The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught.
[02:10.440] It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.
[00:01.120] 逃遁的美洲狮
[00:05.600] ^听录音,然后回答以下问题。
[00:15.760] ^美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。
[00:22.120] ^当伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南45英里处发现一只美洲狮时,这些报告并没有受到重视。
[00:32.400] ^可是,随着证据越来越多,动物园的专家们感到有必要进行一番调查,
[00:40.600] ^因为凡是声称见到过美洲狮的人们所描述的情况竟是出奇地相似。
[00:48.160] ^搜寻美洲狮的工作是从一座小村庄开始的。那里的一位妇女在采摘黑莓时的看见“一只大猫”,离她仅5码远,
[00:58.880] ^她刚看见它,它就立刻逃走了。专家证实,美洲狮非被逼得走投无路,是决不会伤人的。
[01:09.720] ^事实上搜寻工作很困难,
[01:12.000] ^因为常常是早晨在甲地发现那只美洲狮,晚上却在20英里外的乙地发现它的踪迹。
[01:20.720] ^无论它走哪儿,一路上总会留下一串死鹿以及死兔子之类的小动物。
[01:28.560] ^在许多地方看见了爪印,灌木丛中发现了粘在上面的美洲狮毛。
[01:35.400] ^有人抱怨说夜里听见“像猫一样的叫声”;一位商人去钓鱼,看见那只美洲狮在树上。
[01:44.640] ^专家们如今已经完全肯定那只动物就是美洲狮,但它是从哪儿来的呢?
[01:52.120] ^由于全国动物园没有一家报告丢了美洲狮,
[01:56.840] ^因此那只美洲狮一定是某位私人收藏豢养的,不知怎么设法逃出来了。
[02:04.480] ^搜寻工作进行了好几个星期,但始终未能逮住那只美洲狮。
[02:10.440] ^想到在宁静的乡村里有一头危险的野兽继续逍遥流窜,真令人担心。