Friends S01E21

Friends S01E21

歌名 Friends S01E21
歌手 英语听力
专辑 老友记(第一季)
[00:01.-1] Mother,just once, can we go to lunch...
[00:09.-4] Or who I'm dating.
[01:39.-1] Still,it's just such reckless spending.
[05:05.-1] Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the Roof. “
[15:02.-4] Hey,how about Joey Heatherton?
[18:10.-2] I'm not just the person who fluffs the pillows...
[18:16.-2] You know,when I'm with her, I'm so much more than that.
[00:03.88] ...and not talk about what I'm wearing or where my career is going?
[00:11.89] -Ready for the check? -God,yes. -
[00:14.09] -I'll take it. -No,darling.
[00:16.13] I said I'll take it. Here,take it. Go. Run.
[00:22.43] Very sweet.
[00:23.90] -And on what they pay you -Career. -
[00:27.67] You don't have to worry about me. I'm doing fine.
[00:31.44] I'm afraid this has been denied.
[00:34.25] That's impossible.
[00:36.01] That's all right,dear. Here you go.
[00:41.65] The One With The Fake Monica
[01:29.93] How'd someone get your card number?
[01:32.44] No idea. Look how much they spent.
[01:35.01] You only have to pay for the stuff you bought.
[01:41.91] When somebody steals...
[01:44.08] ...they've already thrown caution to the wind.
[01:49.02] Wow,what a geek. They spent $69. 95 on a Wonder Mop.
[01:55.49] That's me.
[01:59.83] You see,when I say geek,I mean
[02:03.07] The hell with it,you bought a $70 mop,you're a geek.
[02:08.04] Oh,yuck. Ross,he's doing it again.
[02:12.31] Marcel,stop humping the lamp.
[02:14.61] Stop humping. Now,Marcel,come Come here,Marcel.
[02:18.48] Oh,no. Not in my room. I'll get him.
[02:21.49] You've got to do something about that.
[02:24.19] What? It's just a phase.
[02:26.69] Well,that's what we said about Joey.
[02:31.10] You'd think you would be more understanding.
[02:34.33] I know. But we're not.
[02:36.73] Would you all relax? It's not that big a deal.
[02:40.04] -Marcel,stop it. Marcel. Bad monkey. -What?
[02:44.31] Let's say my Curious George is no longer curious.
[02:56.19] You are not still going over that thing.
[02:59.26] -This woman's living my life. -What? -
[03:02.66] She's living my life, and she's doing it better than me.
[03:06.76] Look at this. Look. She buys tickets to plays I wanna see.
[03:11.70] She shops where I'm afraid of the salespeople.
[03:15.47] -She spent $300 on art supplies. -You're not an artist. -
[03:19.48] I might be if I had the supplies.
[03:23.45] I mean,I could do all this stuff. Only I don't.
[03:28.05] Oh,Monica,come on. You do cool things.
[03:30.72] Really? Let's compare,shall we?
[03:33.22] Oh,it's so late for "shall we."
[03:37.23] Do I horseback ride in the park?
[03:39.63] -Do I take classes at the New School? -No. -
[03:44.44] She's got everything I want, and she doesn't have my mother.
[03:57.65] -How about Joey Paponi? -No,still too ethnic. -
[04:02.00] -My agent wants a more neutral name. -Joey Switzerland? -
[04:11.33] Plus,I think it should be Joe. Joey makes me sound like I'm this big:
[04:17.24] Which I'm not.
[04:20.94] Joe,Joe,Joe Stalin?
[04:26.08] Stalin.
[04:28.51] Do I know that name? It sounds familiar.
[04:31.28] Well,it does not ring a bell with me.
[04:34.92] But you're more plugged into that show business thing.
[04:38.72] Joe Stalin.
[04:44.06] You know,that's pretty good.
[04:46.56] You might wanna try Joseph.
[04:55.04] Joseph Stalin.
[04:58.08] -I think you'd remember that. -Yes. -
[05:02.11] Bye Bye Birdie, starring Joseph Stalin. “
[05:21.67] Hi. Yes,this is Monica Geller.
[05:24.47] I'm taking some classes with you, and I was wondering what they were.
[05:30.11] I've had a recent head injury and certain numbers
[05:34.35] Barbecue. Oh,did l? See,there you go.
[05:41.19] -What are you doing? -All right,great. -
[05:44.46] Great. Thanks a lot. I'm going to tap class.
[05:48.59] To dance with the woman that stole your card?
[05:51.93] To see what she looks like.
[05:53.90] I'm sure her picture's up at the post office.
[05:56.77] I should get to see who she is.
[05:59.50] You're kind of losing it here. This is becoming a weird obsession.
[06:04.68] This is madness,I tell you.
[06:07.08] For the love of God,Monica, don't do it.
[06:12.82] Thank you.
[06:22.00] -What do you think? -Lots of things. -
[06:26.76] -Which one is she? -May I help you? -
[06:29.30] No,thanks. We're just here to observe.
[06:32.34] You don't observe a dance class. You dance a dance class.
[06:36.44] Spare shoes are over there.
[06:41.05] What does she mean?
[06:42.48] I think she means "You dance a dance class."
[06:46.42] -Come on,come on,come on. -Really?
[06:50.42] Do you see anybody you think could be me?
[06:53.26] Last time there were yogurt containers lying around after class.
[06:58.16] -Let's not have that happen again. -She could be you. -
[07:07.21] Let's get started.
[07:09.17] Five,six. Five,six,seven,eight.
[07:17.68] -Okay,I'm not getting this. -I'm totally getting it. -
[07:27.00] Do you ever feel like you're so uncoordinated?
[07:38.64] What? You click when they click.
[07:42.61] All right,everyone grab a partner.
[07:46.94] All right. And my dead mother said you are it. I'm with Rachel.
[07:52.45] Great,it's gym class all over again.
[07:57.29] You can come up to the front and dance with me.
[08:01.93] Why don't I just take off my clothes and have a nightmare?
[08:10.67] It's okay,it's okay. I'm here, I'm here. I'm so sorry I'm late.
[08:15.47] Okay,here I am. So who's the new tense girl?
[08:19.91] -She's your partner. -Hi,I'm Monica. -
[08:24.88] Oh,Monica.
[08:28.72] Hi,I'm Mon
[08:30.46] -Nana. -Monana. -…
[08:34.79] -It's Dutch. -You're kidding. -
[08:36.93] I spent three years in Amsterdam.
[08:43.10] Pennsylvania Dutch.
[08:46.64] And we're dancing. Five,six,seven,eight.
[08:58.08] Hi.
[09:01.39] -Hey. Where have you been? -I just got back from the vet. -
[09:06.42] She's not gonna make you wear a big plastic cone?
[09:13.10] She says Marcel's humping is not a phase.
[09:16.37] Apparently,he's reached sexual maturity.
[09:20.47] Hey,he beat you.
[09:26.28] She says,as time goes on, he's gonna start getting violent.
[09:31.75] So,what does this mean?
[09:35.35] I have to give him up.
[09:51.50] I can't believe it. This sucks.
[09:54.64] You just got him. How could he be an adult already?
[09:58.34] I know. One day he's this little thing...
[10:01.68] ...and then he's this little thing I can't get off my leg.
[10:08.75] Isn't there any way to keep him?
[10:11.39] No. The vet said unless he's in a place...
[10:14.53] ...where he has regular access... …
[10:17.76] some monkey loving... …
[10:20.93] ... he's just gonna get vicious. …
[10:23.30] I just gotta get him into a zoo.
[10:27.87] -How do you get a monkey into a zoo? -I know. -
[10:35.11] No,that's popes into a Vokswagen.
[10:39.78] We're applying to a lot. Our first choice would be a big state zoo.
[10:44.86] You know,like San Diego. Right?
[10:49.59] But that may just be a pipe dream. He's out-of-state.
[10:55.90] My vet knows someone at Miami, so that's a possibility.
[11:00.47] But that's two blocks from the beach. It's a total party zoo.
[11:10.58] We found the girl.
[11:12.42] -Did you call the cops? -We took her to lunch. -
[11:15.55] Oh,your own brand of vigilante justice.
[11:19.56] Are you insane? This woman stole from you.
[11:22.93] She stole. She's a stealer.
[11:26.33] After you're with this woman for 10 minutes,you forget that.
[11:31.34] I mean,she's this astounding person with this amazing spirit.
[11:36.27] Which she probably stole from some cheerleader.
[11:41.85] -Take off their hats. -Popes in a Vokswagen. -
[11:47.59] I love that joke.
[11:53.06] -No way. No way did you do this. -Monana was very brave. -
[11:58.63] We told them we were the Gundersons in room 61 5...
[12:02.90] ...only to find out the Boston Celtics had the entire floor.
[12:07.24] When they saw that we're short and have breasts....
[12:11.38] They threw us out. I was thrown out of a hotel. Me.
[12:15.78] Go,Monana.
[12:19.22] You ladies are not the only ones living the dream.
[12:23.09] I get to go pour coffee for people I don't know. Don't wait up.
[12:30.06] Oh,by the way...
[12:31.56] ...tomorrow we're auditioning for a Broadway show.
[12:36.27] -Excuse me? -There's an open call for Cats.
[12:39.34] I'm thinking we sing "Memories"...
[12:42.31] ...and make complete fools of ourselves. What do you say?
[12:46.81] No,no,no. Remember who you're dealing with here.
[12:51.32] I can't even stand in front of a tap class.
[12:54.75] That's because of your Amish background.
[12:59.22] -What? -You're Pennsylvania Dutch,right? -
[13:02.16] Right. Till I bought a blow dryer. Then I was shunned.
[13:08.63] I was just like you. And then,one day, I saw a movie that changed my life.
[13:14.77] Did you ever see Dead Poets Society?
[13:17.48] I thought that movie was so incredibly boring.
[13:23.08] That thing at the end where the kid...
[13:25.92] ...kills himself because he can't be in the play? …
[13:30.12] It's like,"Kid,wait a year. Leave home,do some community theater."
[13:37.13] I thought,"That's two hours of my life that I'm never getting back."
[13:43.57] That scared me more than all the other crap I was afraid to do.
[13:48.27] Wow. Then I would definitely not recommend Mrs. Doubtfire.
[13:59.45] Oh,God.
[14:02.59] We didn't get into Scranton.
[14:06.92] That was,like,our safety zoo.
[14:10.66] They take,like,dogs and cows.
[14:16.17] See,I don't know who this is harder on,me or him.
[14:21.64] I'd say that chair's taking the brunt of it.
[14:26.94] Marcel. Marcel. Marcel,no.
[14:31.68] Good boy. See? How can nobody want him?
[14:35.79] Somebody will.
[14:40.62] You know,there already is a Joseph Stalin.
[14:48.53] You're kidding.
[14:51.10] Apparently,he was this Russian dictator who slaughtered people.
[14:57.17] -You'd think you would've known that. -You'd think I would've. -
[15:06.15] Come on,I told you I don't wanna go back to Joey.
[15:13.62] What do you think a good stage name for me would be?
[15:19.53] Flame Boy.
[15:28.51] Where exactly is your zoo?
[15:30.44] Well,it's technically not a zoo,per se.
[15:33.34] It's more of an interactive wildlife experience.
[15:37.65] Let me ask you some questions about Marcel.
[15:41.85] -Does he fight with other animals? -No,no. He's very docile. -
[15:47.59] Even if he were cornered?
[15:53.16] Well,I don't know. Why?
[15:55.77] How is he at handling small objects?
[16:00.04] He can hold a banana, if that's what you mean.
[16:04.07] What about a hammer or a small blade?
[16:10.45] Why would he need a blade?
[16:13.52] If he's up against an animal with horns...
[16:16.59] got to give him something.
[16:19.12] Otherwise,it's just cruel.
[16:24.19] -He got into San Diego. -What? -
[16:27.73] We came back from our walk. The phone was ringing....
[16:31.40] He's in.
[16:32.64] Did you hear that,Marcel? San Diego. San Diego.
[16:38.18] You're making a mistake. San Diego's good...
[16:41.38] ... but I'll start him off against a blind rabbit...
[16:45.08] ...and give you 20% of the gate.
[17:08.31] Where have you been?
[17:09.84] Monica and I just crashed an embassy party.
[17:14.04] I think I kissed an archbishop.
[17:18.38] But,of course, it could've been a chef.
[17:23.05] -Are you drunk? -No. -
[17:31.16] -I'm lying. I am so drunk. -Oh,God. -
[17:36.60] You know what? You could've called.
[17:39.20] I've been worried Monica.
[17:48.05] Water rules.
[17:53.18] Yes. Yes,it does.
[17:55.35] The restaurant called. They wanna know if you're showing up for work.
[17:59.89] Nope. Going to the Big Apple Circus today.
[18:04.09] You're gonna lose your job. This is not you.
[18:08.17] No,it is me.
[18:13.54] ...and pays the bills right away.
[18:23.71] I'm Monana.
[18:31.72] Hello? Yes,she is. Hold on a second please.
[18:36.33] Monana,it's for you. The credit card people.
[18:41.77] Hello.
[18:45.37] Yes?
[18:48.04] Oh,my God.
[18:50.91] -Thanks. -What?
[18:55.21] They've arrested Monica.
[19:08.23] -Hi. -Hi.
[19:10.63] How are you?
[19:12.46] Not too bad. Fortunately,blue's my color.
[19:16.47] How did you know I was here?
[19:19.84] Because I'm Monica Geller.
[19:25.11] It was my credit card you were using.
[19:28.01] That I was not expecting.
[19:30.48] I want you to know, I didn't turn you in.
[19:35.22] -Thanks. -No,thank you. -
[19:38.26] You have given me so much.
[19:40.69] I'd never have gotten to sing...
[19:43.13] ... "Memories" at the Winter Garden Theater. …
[19:46.00] Actually,you only got to sing "Memo"
[19:50.50] I can't believe you're here. What will I do without you?
[19:54.64] Who's gonna crash parties with me?
[19:57.31] Who's gonna take me to the Big Apple Circus?
[20:00.34] I started my day by peeing in front of 25 other women...
[20:04.75] ...and you're worried about who'll take you to the circus?
[20:10.25] Well,not worried, you know,just wondering.
[20:14.12] There's nothing to wonder about.
[20:16.83] You'll go back to being who you were. That's who you are.
[20:21.10] -Not necessarily. -Yes,necessarily. -
[20:23.70] I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the Amish thing.
[20:30.71] -I'm not actually Amish. -Really? Then why are you like that? -
[20:51.70] -You,by the door,in or out? -ln. -
[21:01.81] -You're getting it all wrong. -But at least I'm doing it. -
[21:20.66] This is the final boarding call for Flight 67...
[21:24.73] ... to San Diego at gate 42A.
[21:27.16] Okay,goodbye,little monkey guy. All right,I wrote you this poem.
[21:33.07] Okay,but don't eat it till you get on the plane.
[21:36.41] Thank you,Aunt Phoebe.
[21:42.38] Okay,bye,champ.
[21:44.88] There'll be a lot of babes in San Diego...
[21:48.00] ... but remember, there's also a lot to learn.
[21:57.36] I don't know what to say,Ross. It's a monkey.
[22:01.06] Just say what you feel,Joey.
[22:05.54] -Marcel,I'm hungry. -That was good. -
[22:12.31] Marcel,this is for you.
[22:15.01] It's just,you know,something...
[22:19.68] do on the plane.
[22:24.12] If you don't mind, I'd like a moment alone.
[22:27.59] -Oh,sure. Absolutely. -Go ahead.
[22:35.53] Marcel,come here. Come here. Come here.
[22:40.24] Well,buddy...
[22:43.94] ...this is it.
[22:45.81] Just a couple of things I wanted to say.
[22:50.11] I'm really gonna miss you.
[22:53.05] You know,I'm never gonna forget about you.
[22:56.09] You've been more than just a pet to me.
[23:01.19] You've been more like a Okay. Marcel.
[23:05.50] Would you leave my leg alone?
[23:08.03] Would you stop humping me for two seconds?
[23:11.34] Okay,would you just take him away? Just take him.
[23:37.56] Oh,that I were a glove upon that hand...
[23:41.53] ...that I might touch thy cheek.
[23:45.17] -That's fine. Thank you. -Next.
[23:53.74] I'll be reading for the role of Mercutio.
[23:56.65] -Name? -Holden McGroin. -
[00:01.-1] 妈妈,能不能就那么一次,我们一起吃饭时
[00:03.88] 你不要谈论我的衣着和我的工作
[00:09.-4] 包括我和谁约会
[00:11.89] 准备好买单了? -天哪,是的
[00:14.09] 我来吧. -不,亲爱的
[00:16.13] 我说了我来.这里,拿着,走,跑
[00:22.43] 真甜蜜啊
[00:23.90] 他们到底为什么给你工钱. -工作
[00:27.67] 你不用担心我.我做的很好
[00:31.44] 我想这张卡被禁用了
[00:34.25] 这不可能
[00:36.01] 好吧,亲爱的,用这张吧
[00:41.65] 六人行 第1季 第21集 假莫妮卡
[01:29.93] 怎么会有人知道你的信用卡号码?
[01:32.44] 我也不知道,你看他们花了多少钱
[01:35.01] 你只须付你所买的东西
[01:39.-1] 我知道,他真是挥霍无度
[01:41.91] 我想他偷去你的信用卡时
[01:44.08] 根本就已忘了王法
[01:49.02] 真是个变态,花了69.95元买“神奇拖把”
[01:55.49] 我买的
[01:59.83] 你看,我说变态,我的意思是
[02:03.07] 怎么回事,你花了70块买一把拖把,你是个变态
[02:08.04] 哦,讨厌.罗斯,他又这么干了
[02:12.31] 马修,别再侵犯那盏灯了
[02:14.61] 停止侵犯.现在,马修,过来,马修
[02:18.48] 不,又到我房里了,我去抓它出来
[02:21.49] 罗斯,你得想办法阻止
[02:24.19] 什么?这只是个阶段
[02:26.69] 我们当时也是这么说乔伊的
[02:31.10] 你们能多给点理解吗?
[02:34.33] 我明白.可是我们不能
[02:36.73] 你们冷静点行吗?这又没什么了不起
[02:40.04] 马修,停,坏猴子 -又怎么了?
[02:44.31] 我只能说,我的好奇乔治玩偶不再好奇
[02:56.19] 摩妮卡,你还是无法释怀
[02:59.26] 这女人过着我的生活 -什么?
[03:02.66] 她过着我的生活,而且过得比我好
[03:06.76] 看,她买的戏票是我一直想看的戏
[03:11.70] 她买的衣服是我早就想买的
[03:15.47] 她花了三百块买艺术用品 -你又不是艺术家
[03:19.48] 如果有艺术用品,我或许已是个艺术家
[03:23.45] 我本来可以的,只是现在不是
[03:28.05] 摩妮卡,别泄气,你做的工作很酷
[03:30.72] 真的?我们来做比较,好吗?
[03:33.22] 现在说“好吗”有点太迟了
[03:37.23] 我到过公园骑马吗?
[03:39.63] 我在新学校上过课吗? -没有
[03:44.44] 她拥有我想要的一切,而且她没有我妈
[03:57.65] 乔依帕波尼如何? -不好,太有种族意味了
[04:02.00] 我的经纪人认为,我该取个中立一点的名字 -乔伊瑞士?
[04:11.33] 而且,我应该就是乔, 乔伊让我感觉…这么大
[04:17.24] 可我不是
[04:20.94] 乔…乔斯大林?
[04:26.08] 斯大林
[04:28.51] 我认识这名字吗?听得很熟悉
[04:31.28] 我没印象
[04:34.92] 但是你是深深陷在表演事业之中了啊
[04:38.72] 乔斯大林
[04:44.06] 这名字很好
[04:46.56] 或许你想试试乔瑟夫
[04:55.04] 乔瑟夫斯大林
[04:58.08] 我好像记得这个名字 -是的
[05:02.11] 别了,鸟儿”乔瑟夫斯大林主演
[05:05.-1] 屋顶上的提琴手”中的乔瑟夫斯大林
[05:21.67] 对,我是摩妮卡盖勒
[05:24.47] 我想有在你们那里上课,我想知道是哪些课
[05:30.11] 我最近头部受伤,只记得一些数字了
[05:34.35] 野外烤肉.哦,我应该去吗?好的
[05:41.19] 你在干什么? -太好了,谢谢
[05:44.46] 太棒了,非常感谢,我要去上踢踏舞课
[05:48.59] 和偷你信用卡的人一起跳踢踏?
[05:51.93] 这样你就可以知道她长什么样子
[05:53.90] 我可以肯定她的照片就挂在邮局里面
[05:56.77] 我应该去看看她是何方神圣
[05:59.50] 摩妮卡,你有点失去理智了, 你被这件事所完全操控
[06:04.68] 我跟你说,这叫做疯狂
[06:07.08] 上帝保佑,摩妮卡别这么做
[06:12.82] 谢谢
[06:22.00] 你们怎么认为? -很多
[06:26.76] 你认为是哪一个? -我能帮你们什么吗?
[06:29.30] 谢谢,我们是来参观的
[06:32.34] 舞蹈课不是参观来的,舞蹈课来跳舞的
[06:36.44] 那儿有舞鞋
[06:41.05] 什么意思?
[06:42.48] 我想她是叫我们进去跳
[06:46.42] 来吧,来吧,来吧 -真的?
[06:50.42] 有看见我的分身吗?
[06:53.26] 各位,上回有人在教室留下酸乳空瓶
[06:58.16] 希望别再发生那种事 -她可能是你
[07:07.21] 开始吧
[07:09.17] 五,六,五,六,七,八
[07:17.68] 我跟不上 -我完全融人
[07:27.00] 你不会觉得,自己有时毫无协调感吗?
[07:38.64] 怎么了?只要他们踢的时候你踢就是了
[07:42.61] 各位找个舞伴
[07:46.94] 我死去的妈说就是你,我和瑞秋
[07:52.45] 这下可好,体育课的旧事又重演了
[07:57.29] 无所谓,你过来和我一起跳
[08:01.93] 我何不脱下衣服来场恶梦?
[08:10.67] 没关系,我来了抱歉,我迟到
[08:15.47] 来了,那个紧张的新人是谁?
[08:19.91] 你的舞伴 -我叫摩妮卡
[08:24.88] 摩妮卡
[08:28.72] 我叫摩…
[08:30.46] 娜娜 -摩娜娜
[08:34.79] 是荷兰人的名字 -你在开玩笑吧
[08:36.93] 我在阿姆斯特丹住了三年
[08:43.10] 我是宾夕法尼亚州的荷兰人
[08:46.64] 开始吧.五,六,七,八
[09:01.39] 你上哪儿去了 -我刚从兽医回来
[09:06.42] 她没叫你戴那种塑胶套吧?
[09:13.10] 她说马修乱性不是暂时的
[09:16.37] 显然它已性成熟
[09:20.47] 嘿,它超过你呢
[09:26.28] 她说它会越来越暴力,侵略性越来越强
[09:31.75] 这代表什么?
[09:35.35] 我们不能再养它了
[09:51.50] 我真不敢相信,这真是太扯了
[09:54.64] 我不懂,你才刚养它,它怎会突然成熟了?
[09:58.34] 我知道,之前它只是个小东西
[10:01.68] 不知不觉中它就紧抓住我的腿不放的小东西
[10:08.75] 你没有任何办法再饲养它吗?
[10:11.39] 没办法,兽医说除非有个地方…
[10:14.53] 让它获得正常的…
[10:17.76] 猴爱
[10:20.93] 否则它会变得愈来愈残暴
[10:23.30] 我得将它送到动物园
[10:27.87] 你如何把它送进动物园? -我知道
[10:35.11] 不,那是教皇进入大众汽车
[10:39.78] 我们到处申请, 当然大型州立动物园是优先考虑
[10:44.86] 比方说圣地牙哥动物园
[10:49.59] 那可能只是遥不可及的梦想,因为它在加州
[10:55.90] 兽医说她认识迈阿密的朋友,或许有可能
[11:00.47] 那儿似乎离海滩只有两条街, 一定是个疯狂动物园
[11:10.58] 我们找到她了
[11:12.42] 你们喊警察了吗? -没有,我们和她吃午餐
[11:15.55] 你们自己的“自治正义”
[11:19.56] 你疯了?那女人偷了你的东西
[11:22.93] 她偷东西,她是个小偷
[11:26.33] 和这女人相处十分钟后, 你就会把这些全忘了
[11:31.34] 她简直是奇女子,振奋人心
[11:36.27] 她可能是从某位啦啦队队员那儿偷来的
[11:41.85] 脱下他们的帽子 -大众车上的教皇
[11:47.59] 我喜欢这个笑话
[11:53.06] 不可能,你不可能这么做 -摩娜娜相当勇敢
[11:58.63] 我说我们是615房的冈氏姐妹
[12:02.90] 结果波士顿塞尔提克已包下整个六楼
[12:07.24] 他们知道我们又矮又有胸部时
[12:11.38] 他们就把我们轰出来,我被轰出饭店,我
[12:15.78] 干得好,摩娜娜
[12:19.22] 不是只有你们活在梦中
[12:23.09] 我得去为我不认识的人倒咖啡,不用等我了
[12:30.06] 对了
[12:31.56] 明天我们要去参加百老汇的试演
[12:36.27] 什么? -“猫”剧还有一个缺额
[12:39.34] 我想我们可以去唱“回忆”
[12:42.31] 让自己当个傻子,如何?
[12:46.81] 不,记得你身旁的人是谁
[12:51.32] 我和你不一样 我连站在踢踏舞教室前都有困难
[12:54.75] 因为你有阿米许的血统
[12:59.22] 什么? -你不是宾州荷兰人吗?
[13:02.16] 对,直到我买了吹风机被逐出村里
[13:08.63] 我过去也和你一样 有一天我看了出改变我人生的电影
[13:14.77] 看过春风化雨吗?
[13:17.48] 我认为这电影实在是太…无聊了
[13:23.08] 那孩子在电影的结局时…
[13:25.92] 自杀了.只因他无法演出话剧?
[13:30.12] 这是在干什么? 他再等一年离家,到社区话剧团去
[13:37.13] 走出电影院时我想, 我这逝去两小时的生命,永远不再回
[13:43.57] 这想法震惊了我,从此我便及时行乐
[13:48.27] 那么我不敢推荐“窈窕奶爸”了
[13:59.45] 上帝
[14:02.59] 我们进不了斯克兰顿了
[14:06.92] 那是我们保底的动物园
[14:10.66] 他们连狗和牛都收
[14:16.17] 我不懂是我还是它比较难受
[14:21.64] 我想应该椅子最可怜
[14:26.94] 马修,马修,马修…不
[14:31.68] 乖,为何没人要它?
[14:35.79] 一定有人会要的
[14:40.62] 早就有人叫乔瑟夫斯大林了
[14:48.53] 开什么玩笑
[14:51.10] 显然他是屠杀各种民族的俄国独裁者
[14:57.17] 你怎么会不知道. -你怎么认为我知道
[15:02.-4] 嗨,乔伊.汉密尔顿
[15:06.15] 拜托,我告诉过你不要用回乔伊
[15:13.62] 你认为我该取什么艺名?
[15:19.53] 火焰男孩
[15:28.51] 你的动物园在哪儿?
[15:30.44] 就技术上而言不算是动物园
[15:33.34] 而是一种互动式野生动物体验
[15:37.65] 我想请教你几个关于马修的问题
[15:41.85] 它会和其他动物打架吗? -不会的,它非常温驯
[15:47.59] 如果被逼进角落里去时呢?
[15:53.16] 我不知道,干嘛问?
[15:55.77] 它掌控小东西的能力为何?
[16:00.04] 它会拿香蕉,如果你是这意思的话
[16:04.07] 铁槌或小刀呢?
[16:10.45] 为什么?为何要小刀?
[16:13.52] 面对狮虎或有角的动物
[16:16.59] 你得拿些东西给它自我防卫
[16:19.12] 否则就太残忍了
[16:24.19] 它能去圣地牙哥了 -什么?
[16:27.73] 我们散步回来声见电话铃响
[16:31.40] 然后它就录取了
[16:32.64] 听见没,马修,是圣地牙哥
[16:38.18] 你大错特错了,圣地牙哥环境良好没错
[16:41.38] 如果你把它交给我 我就能训练它对抗瞎眼的兔子
[16:45.08] 而且我还可以给你百分之二十的门票收入
[17:08.31] 你到底跑哪儿去了?
[17:09.84] 我和摩妮卡刚跑去参加大使馆舞会
[17:14.04] 我想我吻了大主教
[17:18.38] 当然,他们有自己的厨师
[17:23.05] 你喝醉了? -才没有呢
[17:31.16] 骗你的,我醉醺醺的 -天哪
[17:36.60] 摩妮卡,你该打通电话回来的
[17:39.20] 我一直在家里担心你
[17:48.05] 好过瘾
[17:53.18] 没错
[17:55.35] 餐厅今天又来电了, 他们想知道你还要不要去上班
[17:59.89] 不去.我今天要去大苹果马戏团
[18:04.09] 你快丢掉工作了,你变了
[18:08.17] 不,这正是我
[18:10.-2] 我不只是那种必须拍松枕头
[18:13.54] 帐单一来立刻去缴款的人
[18:16.-2] 和她在一起,我就超越了那种人
[18:23.71] 我是摩娜娜
[18:31.72] 对,她在,等等
[18:36.33] 摩娜娜,你的电话,信用卡公司打来的
[18:41.77] 你好
[18:45.37] 是吗?
[18:48.04] 天那
[18:50.91] 谢谢. -怎么啦?
[18:55.21] 他们已逮到摩妮卡
[19:08.23] 嗨.-嗨
[19:10.63] 你好吗?
[19:12.46] 不太糟,幸好我喜欢蓝色
[19:16.47] 你怎会知道我在这儿?
[19:19.84] 因为我是摩妮卡盖勒
[19:25.11] 你用的是我的信用卡
[19:28.01] 真是没想到
[19:30.48] 我想让你知道,去报案的人不是我
[19:35.22] 谢谢你 -不,我要谢谢你
[19:38.26] 你带给我太多了
[19:40.69] 如果不是你,我就不可能…
[19:43.13] 在冬园剧场唱“回忆”
[19:46.00] 老实说你只开口唱了“回”而已
[19:50.50] 我不敢相信你会在这儿 失去你我该怎么办?
[19:54.64] 谁会和我去大使馆宴会
[19:57.31] 谁带我去大苹果马戏团?
[20:00.34] 我在25个女人面前尿尿展开一天的生活
[20:04.75] 你却担心没人带你去看马戏?
[20:10.25] 不是担心,只是怀疑
[20:14.12] 没什么好怀疑的
[20:16.83] 你继续做你自己,因为那才是真正的你
[20:21.10] 那没必要呀 -那很必要
[20:23.70] 我不知道是为什么 或许和你是阿米许人有关
[20:30.71] 我不是阿米许人 -真的?为何你那么怪?
[20:51.70] 门旁的那个,加不加入? -加人
[21:01.81] 后面的,你完全跳错了 -至少我在跳
[21:20.66] 这是飞往圣地牙哥67次航班的
[21:24.73] 最后一次登机通知
[21:27.16] 再见,猴子小伙.好的,我会给你写诗的
[21:33.07] 上飞机后才能吃
[21:36.41] 谢谢你,菲比阿姨
[21:42.38] 再见了
[21:44.88] 我知道圣地牙哥那儿,你将有许多漂亮美眉
[21:48.00] 记得要学习的也很多
[21:57.36] 我不知该说什么,罗斯,它是一只猴子
[22:01.06] 说出你的感觉就成了
[22:05.54] 马修,我饿了 -这句不错
[22:12.31] 马修,这是给你的
[22:15.01] 给你,你知道的
[22:19.68] 在飞机上玩的
[22:24.12] 如果不介意我想和它独处
[22:27.59] 当然可以. -继续
[22:35.53] 马修,过来,过来,过来
[22:40.24] 小兄弟
[22:43.94] 就这样了
[22:45.81] 我只想说几句话
[22:50.11] 我会想你的
[22:53.05] 我不会忘记你的
[22:56.09] 在我心中你不只是一只宠物
[23:01.19] 你更是…马修
[23:05.50] 能放开我的腿吗?
[23:08.03] 能暂时不要乱来吗?
[23:11.34] 马修…带它走好吗?带它走
[23:37.56] 希望我是你手上的手套
[23:41.53] 这样我就能抚摸你的脸颊
[23:45.17] 行,谢谢. -下一位
[23:53.74] 我来试演“马丘修”角色的
[23:56.65] 名字? -麦克葛罗尼