[03:56.-4] |
-What? -Joey cried last night. - |
[05:47.-3] |
Here we go. |
[07:08.-2] |
Sorry to break up this party,but I've got to go fax resumes before work. |
[09:55.-2] |
You believe what a jerk Ross was being? |
[10:34.-4] |
Saks Fifth Avenue. |
[12:16.-1] |
Ross,could we please listen to anything else? |
[14:34.-4] |
Could you be any smugger? |
[20:28.-2] |
Five-card draw. Jacks are better. Nothing wild. Everybody,ante. |
[24:21.-2] |
Airport '77! Airport '79! |
[00:14.16] |
We're running low on resumes. |
[00:16.53] |
You want a job with Popular Mechanics? |
[00:19.50] |
If you're gonna work for mechanics, those are the ones. |
[00:23.94] |
Guys,I'm going for anything here. I can't be a waitress anymore. |
[00:28.81] |
I'm sick of the lousy tips. I'm sick of being called "Excuse Me." |
[00:34.68] |
-Paper cut! Paper cut! -Here. |
[00:40.89] |
Grapefruit juice! Grapefruit juice! |
[00:44.66] |
Okay,we're almost done. Only 20 more to go. |
[00:48.03] |
-Rach,did you proofread these? -Yeah. Why? - |
[00:53.13] |
Nothing. I'm sure they'll be impressed with your "compuper" skills. |
[00:58.20] |
Oh,my God! Do you think it's on all of them? |
[01:06.41] |
No,I'm sure the Xerox machine caught a few. |
[01:19.66] |
The One With the Poker |
[02:09.27] |
They call this a love seat but I'm not feeling anything special towards you. |
[02:24.69] |
-Hey,guys. -Hey. |
[02:27.46] |
Hi,ladies. |
[02:29.26] |
Can I get you anything? Did you bring the mail? |
[02:32.93] |
-Lots of responses. -Really? Sure,we have scones left! - |
[02:37.84] |
Read them. |
[02:39.04] |
"Dear Miss Greene: Thank you for your inquiry. However" |
[02:44.44] |
-We have apple cinnamon -"Dear Ms. Greene...." Yeah,yeah! No. - |
[02:53.02] |
-What? -Your Visa bill is huge! - |
[02:56.72] |
Give me that. |
[02:58.36] |
Linda's great. Why won't you go out with her? |
[03:01.73] |
-I don't know. -ls this about her... - |
[03:04.23] |
... "The Flintstones could have really happened" thing? |
[03:07.73] |
It's not just that. I want someone who does something for me... |
[03:12.57] |
...who gets my heart pounding. |
[03:15.67] |
Who makes me.... |
[03:19.28] |
Little playthings with yarn? |
[03:23.35] |
What? |
[03:24.92] |
Could you want her more? |
[03:28.19] |
Who? |
[03:29.39] |
Dee,the sarcastic sister from What's Happening!!. |
[03:40.33] |
Look,I'm totally over her. |
[03:43.30] |
-Hi! -Coffee? |
[03:44.80] |
-No,we're fine. -Okay. - |
[03:52.71] |
-Shut up! -We're not saying anything. - |
[03:59.88] |
-Thank you. -We were playing poker - |
[04:03.45] |
There was chocolate on the three. It looked like an eight. |
[04:07.93] |
You should have seen him. "Read them and weep!" |
[04:11.60] |
And then he did. |
[04:14.63] |
Now,how come you guys have never played poker with us? |
[04:18.64] |
Yeah,what is that? Like some kind of sexist guy thing? |
[04:22.94] |
-It's poker,so only guys can play? -No. Women can play. - |
[04:27.31] |
Then,what is it? Some kind of,like, some kind of,you know |
[04:32.28] |
All right,what is it? |
[04:35.79] |
There are just no women in our game. |
[04:38.12] |
We just don't know any women who know how to play poker. |
[04:42.13] |
That is a lame excuse. It's a typical guy response. |
[04:45.76] |
Do you know how to play? |
[04:48.30] |
No. |
[04:51.27] |
-But you could teach us. -No. - |
[04:59.08] |
Okay,so now we draw cards. |
[05:06.25] |
So I wouldn't need any. I have a straight. |
[05:09.12] |
-Oh,good for you! -Congratulations! |
[05:14.49] |
-Pheebs,how many do you want? -I just need two. - |
[05:18.53] |
The 10 of spades and the 6 of clubs. |
[05:23.30] |
-No,you can't -I have the 10 of spades! Here. - |
[05:26.84] |
Thanks! |
[05:29.81] |
-No,you can't do that. -Don't need them. I'm going for fours. - |
[05:34.65] |
Oh,you're |
[05:37.62] |
You're going for fours. Chandler,could you? Thanks,man. |
[05:48.33] |
We've got salmon roulettes and crudites. |
[05:51.63] |
What are you doing? |
[05:53.67] |
In poker,there's no food with more than one syllable. |
[05:57.70] |
It's got to be like chips or dip or pretz |
[06:03.04] |
I hope you'll let it slide just this once. I was all out of "pretz." |
[06:09.68] |
Now the dealer |
[06:11.15] |
We got it. Let's play for real. High stakes. Big bucks! |
[06:15.09] |
You sure? Phoebe just threw away two jacks because they didn't look happy. |
[06:23.80] |
But I'm ready. So just deal. |
[06:26.93] |
Okay,last-minute lesson! Joey.... |
[06:30.17] |
Three. |
[06:31.80] |
Eight. |
[06:33.37] |
Eight. Three. All right,very good. |
[06:40.61] |
Damn it,damn it,damn it! |
[06:42.68] |
Joey had two fives showing, so for you to raise was |
[06:46.42] |
Yes? |
[06:48.32] |
Downright gutsy. |
[06:52.92] |
-I see,so you were lying. -About what? |
[06:56.13] |
-About how good your cards were. -I was bluffing. - |
[07:00.23] |
And what is bluffing? |
[07:04.57] |
Is it not another word for lying? |
[07:13.38] |
-We've got to settle. -Settle what? |
[07:17.45] |
The Jamestown colony of Virginia. |
[07:21.79] |
See,King George is giving us the land.... |
[07:27.66] |
-The game,Rachel. You owe us money. -Right. - |
[07:32.03] |
It's their first time. Let's forget about the money. |
[07:35.90] |
Hell,no. We'll pay! |
[07:38.74] |
Monica,I had another answer all ready. |
[07:43.44] |
And you know what? We want a rematch. |
[07:46.28] |
That's fine with me. Could use some money. |
[07:51.42] |
-You're enjoying this,aren't you? -Well,yeah,I am. - |
[07:56.85] |
So you get your ya-yas by taking money from your friends. |
[08:02.66] |
Yes,and I get my ya-yas from KEA. |
[08:07.43] |
You have to put them together yourself,but they cost less. |
[08:12.17] |
Look,this is poker. I play to win. |
[08:15.24] |
For me to win, others have to lose. |
[08:17.91] |
If you're gonna play, don't expect me to be nice. |
[08:21.65] |
Because once those cards are dealt.... |
[08:33.76] |
Yeah? |
[08:38.46] |
I'm not a nice guy. |
[08:47.47] |
All right,let's eat. |
[08:49.34] |
Did you get that from the "I Love Rachel Pizzeria"? |
[08:53.61] |
-You still on that? -What was with that Black Bart speech? - |
[08:57.65] |
"When I play poker, I'm not a nice guy." |
[09:01.75] |
You're way off. |
[09:03.39] |
No,I don't think so, because I think you love her! |
[09:07.76] |
No. I might have had feelings for her at one time. Not anymore. |
[09:12.66] |
I just |
[09:13.93] |
Marcel! Where are you going with that disk? |
[09:17.47] |
You are not putting that on again. |
[09:20.17] |
If you press that button, you are in very big trouble. |
[09:57.81] |
-Yeah,I know. -He can get really competitive. - |
[10:03.81] |
What? |
[10:05.68] |
"Hello,kettle? This is Monica. You're black!" |
[10:09.12] |
Please! |
[10:13.66] |
I'm not as bad as Ross. |
[10:16.03] |
I beg to differ. The Pictionary incident? |
[10:20.00] |
That wasn't an incident. |
[10:22.00] |
I was gesturing and the plate slipped out of my hand. |
[10:30.34] |
-I got an interview! -You're kidding! Where? - |
[10:36.91] |
Oh,Rachel! |
[10:39.08] |
It's like the mother ship is calling you home. |
[10:46.02] |
-What's the job? -Assistant buyer. - |
[10:50.60] |
I would be shopping! |
[10:54.13] |
For a living! |
[10:57.94] |
That's Aunt lris. She's been playing poker since she was 5. |
[11:02.11] |
You've got to listen to every word she says. |
[11:05.58] |
-ls Tony Randall dead? -I don't think so. - |
[11:08.68] |
-He may be now. I hit him with my car. -My God,really? - |
[11:12.55] |
No,that's bluffing. Lesson number one. |
[11:17.39] |
Let me tell you something. Everything you hear at a poker game is pure crap! |
[11:23.09] |
-Nice earrings. -Thank you. |
[11:27.83] |
-Girls,sit down. -Aunt lris,this is Phoebe and Rachel. - |
[11:32.80] |
Listen,I'm parked at a meter. Let's do it. Okay? |
[11:37.58] |
We'll start with five-card draw. |
[11:40.24] |
Then we'll go into the studs and the hold 'ems. I talked to Cousin Nathan. |
[11:46.38] |
Don't touch the cards when somebody is dealing. |
[11:54.56] |
How is Nathan? |
[11:55.86] |
Now he thinks he's a man in a woman's body. |
[11:59.63] |
Don't you mean a woman in a man's body? |
[12:03.17] |
It should be so simple. |
[12:19.62] |
All right. |
[12:37.50] |
I'm gonna pay for that tonight. |
[12:45.11] |
Hi. Guys,guess what? |
[12:47.78] |
The fifth dentist caved,and now they're all recommending Trident? |
[12:58.62] |
No,the interview! |
[13:01.13] |
Unbelievable! She absolutely loved me. |
[13:04.20] |
We talked for over two hours. We've the same taste in clothes. |
[13:08.30] |
And I went to camp with her cousin. |
[13:10.94] |
-The job is perfect! I can do this. -That's great! - |
[13:15.61] |
-Then she told a funny story. -Great,tell us and we'll laugh. - |
[13:19.91] |
Let's play poker! |
[13:23.38] |
Listen,we talked about it and if you don't wanna play,it's okay. |
[13:28.09] |
Yes,we can play some other game. Like Pictionary? |
[13:34.83] |
Very funny. |
[13:36.39] |
-But we'd like to try poker again. -Yes,I think we should. - |
[13:40.63] |
-Do you want me to shuffle those? -That's okay,I'm gonna give it a go. - |
[13:55.18] |
So Pheebs owes $7. 50. Monica owes $10.00. |
[13:58.38] |
And Rachel,you owe 1 5 big ones! |
[14:02.22] |
Thanks for teaching us Cross-Eyed Mary. We gotta play that other way. |
[14:08.39] |
All right,here's my $7.50. But this money is cursed. |
[14:12.50] |
-What? -I cursed it! |
[14:16.47] |
Now bad things will happen to the spender. |
[14:19.64] |
I'll take it. Bad things happen to me anyway. |
[14:24.04] |
This way,I can split them up with a movie. |
[14:27.14] |
So that just leaves the big Greene poker machine,who owes 1 5. |
[14:36.72] |
Let's see. Rach,I'm opening up a new art gallery... |
[14:40.52] |
...and I could sure use the portraits of Lincoln and Hamilton. |
[14:47.06] |
It's so typical. "I'm a man! I have a penis! |
[14:51.44] |
I have to win money to exert my power over women!" |
[14:58.71] |
This isn't over. |
[15:00.58] |
We'll play you again. We'll win. You'll lose. |
[15:03.85] |
You'll beg. We'll laugh. |
[15:05.78] |
We'll take every last dime you have. And you'll hate yourselves forever! |
[15:13.19] |
Kind of stepped on my point there,Mon. |
[15:16.49] |
I can't believe you lost! How much did they take? |
[15:20.10] |
Like 30 bucks. |
[15:22.20] |
-I'll give you that money back. -Really? - |
[15:25.10] |
No,I'm bluffing! You guys haven't learned crap! |
[15:31.74] |
-Hand me the cards! -Can l? |
[15:34.58] |
Yes! |
[15:42.45] |
Wanna give us your money now? We can skip the formality of really playing. |
[15:48.66] |
No,that's fine. We'll see who has the last laugh,monkey boy. |
[15:55.90] |
Done with chitchat? Ready for serious poker? |
[15:59.27] |
You guys,look! The one-eyed jack follows me wherever I go. |
[16:04.64] |
Right. Serious poker. |
[16:06.71] |
-Mon,got any more of those salmon? -You want to eat or play poker? - |
[16:11.62] |
-Where are you going? -To the bathroom. - |
[16:15.00] |
Want to go to the bathroom or play poker? |
[16:18.00] |
Go to the bathroom. |
[16:22.00] |
-Well,I'm gonna order a pizza. -No! - |
[16:24.80] |
I'm waiting to hear from that job. The store closes at 9:00. Eat then. |
[16:29.90] |
That's fine. I'll just have a Tic Tac to hold me over. |
[16:34.81] |
All right. Cincinnati. No blinds. Everybody,ante. |
[16:39.34] |
Yes! |
[16:41.55] |
Or no. |
[16:45.35] |
-All right! Your money's mine,Greene. -Your fly's open,Geller. - |
[16:56.36] |
You know what I just realized? Joker is poker with a "J"! |
[17:04.70] |
Coincidence? |
[17:07.44] |
That's jo-incidence with a "C"! |
[17:21.92] |
-Phoebe? -Yeah,I'm out. |
[17:26.19] |
-I'm in. -Me too. - |
[17:29.03] |
Me too. What do you got? |
[17:31.56] |
You better hop out of the shower, because I got a flush. |
[17:39.20] |
Well,well,well! |
[17:41.11] |
Hop back in,bucko, because I got four sixes! |
[17:46.11] |
I got four sixes! I won! I actually won! Oh,my God! |
[17:50.35] |
You know what? I'll make a little Ross pile. |
[17:53.65] |
Look! |
[17:55.02] |
I think that one was Ross'. And I think that one was Ross'. |
[18:01.33] |
Well,I have got your money And you'll never see it |
[18:05.40] |
And your fly's still open |
[18:07.90] |
I made you look |
[18:12.74] |
-I'm in. -I couldn't be in-er. - |
[18:15.54] |
Monica,in or out? |
[18:18.54] |
I hate this game! |
[18:28.49] |
Joey,your bet. |
[18:30.12] |
I fold like a hooker who got hit in the stomach... |
[18:33.62] |
... by a fat guy with sores on his face. |
[18:40.10] |
I'm out. |
[18:42.87] |
-Ross? -I'm very in. |
[18:46.67] |
-Chandler? -Couldn't be more out. |
[18:49.14] |
Me too. Rachel? |
[18:52.34] |
I will see you and I'll raise you. Do you wanna waste another buck? |
[18:59.28] |
No,not this time. What did you have? |
[19:02.25] |
-I'm not telling. -Show them. - |
[19:04.35] |
-No. -Show them! |
[19:05.62] |
-Get your hands out of there! -I've had dates like this. - |
[19:11.93] |
Boy,you really can't stand to lose,can you? |
[19:15.27] |
Your whole face is getting red. Veins popping out of your temple! |
[19:20.74] |
Plus,that shirt doesn't really match those pants. |
[19:27.91] |
-I'm not losing. -You're definitely losing. - |
[19:31.45] |
Hello. Rachel Greene. |
[19:35.29] |
Excuse me. It's about the job! |
[19:38.76] |
Barbara,hi! How are you? |
[19:45.90] |
No,I understand. |
[19:49.70] |
Come on. No,I'm fine. Don't be silly. Yeah. |
[19:54.17] |
But if anything else opens up,please |
[19:58.14] |
Hello? |
[20:17.93] |
Sorry,Rach. |
[20:19.63] |
There's gonna be lots of other stuff. |
[20:22.77] |
Okay. |
[20:25.24] |
Where were we? Where were we? |
[20:34.58] |
-Look,Rach,we don't have to do this. -Yes,we do. - |
[20:41.62] |
-All right. Check. -Check. |
[20:44.09] |
-I'm in for 50 cents. -Call. |
[20:47.42] |
I'm in. |
[20:49.63] |
I see your 50 cents... |
[20:52.43] |
...and I raise you $5. |
[20:56.77] |
I thought it was a 50-cent limit. |
[20:59.30] |
I just lost a job, I'd like to raise it $5. |
[21:02.44] |
Does anyone have a problem with that? |
[21:05.48] |
-Not at all. -No. - |
[21:11.85] |
Loser? |
[21:21.26] |
-No,I fold. -What do you mean,you fold? - |
[21:25.36] |
I thought that,"Once the cards are dealt,I'm not a nice guy." |
[21:30.00] |
Were you just full of it? |
[21:45.72] |
I'm in. |
[21:47.62] |
-How many do you want? -One. - |
[21:51.29] |
Dealer takes two. |
[21:53.59] |
-What do you bet? -I bet $2. - |
[21:58.16] |
Okay. I see your $2... |
[22:01.27] |
...and I raise you... |
[22:05.27] |
... 20. |
[22:11.78] |
I see your $20... |
[22:14.71] |
... raise you $25. |
[22:22.19] |
I see your $25 and Monica,get my purse. |
[22:32.06] |
Rachel,there's nothing in it. |
[22:35.73] |
Okay,then get me your purse. |
[22:43.24] |
-Here you go. Good luck! -Thank you. |
[22:46.64] |
I saw your $25 and I raise you... |
[22:50.75] |
...seven. … |
[22:53.32] |
teen! 1 |
[23:02.93] |
Joey,I'm a little shy. |
[23:05.83] |
That's okay,Ross. You can ask me. |
[23:14.94] |
-What do you need? -1 5. -要多少? -15块 |
[23:17.11] |
-Here's 10. -I got 5. -这里有10块 -我这里有5块 |
[23:19.24] |
-Thank you. -Good luck. - |
[23:22.35] |
I am calling your 1 7. |
[23:25.28] |
What do you got? |
[23:37.69] |
Full house. |
[23:46.17] |
You got me. |
[23:58.45] |
-That's tough to beat. -I thought we had it! - |
[24:01.45] |
When you don't have the cards, you don't have the cards. |
[24:05.56] |
But look how happy she is. |
[24:17.87] |
-Airmail. -Airplane. Airport. Airport '75! |
[24:24.81] |
Time's up! |
[24:26.61] |
Bye Bye Birdie! |
[24:31.08] |
That's a bird? |
[24:33.38] |
That's a bird! |
[24:36.42] |
Okay,it's my turn. |
[24:40.39] |
Go! |
[24:44.03] |
Bean! Bean! |
[24:47.90] |
The Unbearable Lightness of Being! |
[24:53.64] |
That you get? |
[24:55.54] |
That you get?! |