Step Of Terror

Step Of Terror

歌名 Step Of Terror
歌手 Fear, and Loathing in Las Vegas
专辑 Rave-Up Tonight - (Single)
[00:24.25] “Right/Wrong”
[00:24.92] Every time
[00:25.35] Every where was judged by“majority”
[00:28.18] The brainless throngs
[00:29.34] “Minority”has been outcasted and neglected.“
[00:33.54] was always denied
[00:45.93] A man has sailed over board for his mission
[00:49.24] To save those in need
[00:50.60] To spread his teachings
[00:52.40] But got arrested for his act
[00:54.87] Evangelism has been condemned
[00:57.26] Before his execution he yelled,
[00:59.70] “I never meant things to be like this”
[01:06.90] Democracy, did we have the choice?
[01:11.61] If so, then why does nothing change?
[01:15.38] Dictation for instance, was he smart enough?
[01:19.97] To hold all of the power,
[01:22.20] To have total control?
[01:35.21] Darwin's theory
[01:36.18] Since when did we human race stop evolving?
[01:39.77] Apes and Men when was the last time humans took a step
[01:43.12] What's left for us is to recess?
[01:58.63] Every thing they bladder out
[02:01.50] What's so right about what they say and what they order?
[02:05.70] Every actions what makes it so hard for them
[02:09.06] To share and get along
[02:14.41] We have to realize that if this goes too far, we are over
[02:17.63] If not now, when will we?
[02:19.15] When will we really notice the worst case scenario
[02:21.93] Will soon about to occur
[02:32.61] It is sooner or later
[02:33.69] When the time comes, we'll regret
[02:36.14] When the time comes, we'll notice
[02:38.11] We'll be enlightened
[02:39.29] We'll find the answer
[02:40.26] by then...“game over”
[02:43.42] Can not reset
[02:44.66] Error
[02:45.46] Decades and centuries
[02:46.84] We've failed bad deeds just way too many
[02:49.17] “Scaffold in red”
[02:50.45] Our countless mistakes will be paid back
[02:54.32] By who?
[02:55.13] Why not try to guess who?
[02:56.68] You know it, don't you?
[02:57.98] Better hurry before things get too late
[03:00.47] It's now or never
[03:01.40] Now's the only time
[00:24.25] 对与错
[00:24.92] 在何时
[00:25.35] 在何处总是由“多数派”决定
[00:28.18] 愚蠢的人们
[00:29.34] 少数派”被抛弃被忽略了
[00:33.54] 并总是被拒绝
[00:45.93] 一个人带着使命扬帆远航
[00:49.24] 去拯救危难中的人
[00:50.60] 去传播他的教义
[00:52.40] 但是他因他的行为而被捕
[00:54.87] 传教遭到谴责
[00:57.26] 行刑前,他大声喊道
[00:59.70] 我从未意识到会发展成这样
[01:06.90] 民主,我们有这个选项吗
[01:11.61] 如果有的话,为什么无事发生呢
[01:15.38] 举例证明,这种方式是明智的吗
[01:19.97] 掌握全部权力
[01:22.20] 而去控制一切
[01:35.21] 根据达尔文理论
[01:36.18] 人类什么时候停止进化了
[01:39.77] 猿猴到人类是进化史最后的一步
[01:43.12] 我们剩下的就只有停滞吗
[01:58.63] 他们所说的大话连篇
[02:01.50] 他们说的和他们的命令到底有什么道理
[02:05.70] 他们所做的每一件事
[02:09.06] 让分享和融洽变得无比艰难
[02:14.41] 我们必须认识到这种情况过了头,不然我们就玩完了。
[02:17.63] 不是此时,将会是何时
[02:19.15] 我们什么时候会真正注意到最坏的情况
[02:21.93] 即将发生
[02:32.61] 迟早的事
[02:33.69] 当此时来临,我们终会后悔
[02:36.14] 当此时来临,我们终会醒悟
[02:38.11] 我们会受到启发
[02:39.29] 然后找到答案
[02:40.26] 但在此之前,早已结束
[02:43.42] 不能重启
[02:44.66] 错误
[02:45.46] 很久很久以来
[02:46.84] 我们做了太多坏事
[02:49.17] 染红的断头台就是证明
[02:50.45] 我们终会因犯错而付出代价
[02:54.32] 但是谁来做替死鬼呢
[02:55.13] 为什么不猜猜是谁呢
[02:56.68] 你知道的,不是吗
[02:57.98] 在最坏的情况来之前最好快点行动
[03:00.47] 机不可失
[03:01.40] 就是此时