

歌名 追憶ディザスター
歌手 死際サテライト
[00:01.46] Lies that breathe and hold me all this time
[00:05.30] Lies that hurt and put me downward
[00:08.78] Lies to live and lease and lie again is the sharpest thing
[00:15.32] When we stay full alert in the darkest field
[00:18.74] We go driving to keep me away
[00:22.24] Make it feel all my love with enough when you are down
[00:29.33] And to stand full awake I want this to be the fool
[00:33.29] Keep hiding need to know
[00:36.14] It’s the same but to have enough when you are lost
[00:42.79] Let me take your turn to behind tell me what you mean
[00:47.18] You’re running away but you never told me
[00:50.74] Don’t catch me if you can
[00:56.41] You know this
[00:57.66] Coming behind tell me what you need
[01:01.13] You’ll see me again but you never told me
[01:04.65] Don’t push me hold the line
[01:10.29] Adore me
[01:11.60] Don’t catch me you and I
[01:47.35] Found her tonight and breathe somehow
[01:52.80] While I’m sinking didn’t live this time
[02:01.34] Brought her tonight and breathe somehow
[02:06.83] While I’m sinking didn’t feel this time
[02:27.66] Let me take your turn to behind tell me what you mean
[02:31.96] You’re running away but you never told me
[02:35.48] Don’t catch me if you can
[02:41.11] You know this
[02:42.36] Don’t leave behind tell me what you need
[02:45.88] You’ll see me again but you never told me
[02:49.37] Don’t push me hold the line
[02:55.40] Adore me
[02:56.32] Don’t catch me you and I
[00:01.46] 无限谎言 此时此刻已足以让我窒息 紧紧拥抱着我
[00:05.30] 无限谎言 早已将我伤害得遍体鳞伤 让我失望透顶
[00:08.78] 无限谎言 无止境地循环 尖锐得几近能够刺破我弱小的心脏
[00:15.32] 危机重重的黑暗之处 我们只能随时保持高度警惕
[00:18.74] 同伴却为了远离我而踏上行程
[00:22.24] 直至遇到失魂落魄的你 我掏心掏肺给予了你所有爱
[00:29.33] 我想让这个傻瓜彻底清醒自立
[00:33.29] 直至摸清一直逃避现实的缘由
[00:36.14] 即便毫无差别 我却还是想守护好迷茫的你
[00:42.79] 敞开禁闭的心扉 让我来了解困扰你的心事
[00:47.18] 可你却总是在逃避 从不愿意尝试进入我温暖的怀中
[00:50.74] 那么 请不要试图试探我了
[00:56.41] 这一切你心知肚明
[00:57.66] 来吧 让我告诉你内心真正需要的是何物
[01:01.13] 就算你会对我视而不见
[01:04.65] 但也别让我坚定不移
[01:10.29] “迷恋上我”
[01:11.60] 不必再挽回你我间的关系了
[01:47.35] 呼吸紧促不止 疯狂地寻找着消失的她 焦急侵蚀全身
[01:52.80] 绝望至极的我 没能活下来
[02:01.34] 唯一心心念念渴望见到的 仅仅是她的一个身影
[02:06.83] 缓缓沉入无底深渊 全身神经已被麻木
[02:27.66] 敞开禁闭的心扉 我只是想知道你的真实想法
[02:31.96] 但你却一而再再而三逃避我 独留我孤苦伶仃
[02:35.48] 那么 也请不要再靠近我了
[02:41.11] 你明知这一切
[02:42.36] 更不要留在我身边 告诉我你所需要之物
[02:45.88] 又一次对我视而不见的你
[02:49.37] 也请不要逼迫我至死不渝
[02:55.40] “迷恋上我”
[02:56.32] 不必再挽回你我间的关系了