And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda

And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda

歌名 And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda
歌手 The Pogues
专辑 30 Years
[00:07.2] When I was a young man I carried my pack
[00:13.8] And I lived the free life of a rover
[00:20.6] From the Murrays green basin to the dusty outback
[00:27.7] I waltzed my Matilda all over
[00:34.3] Then in 1915 my country said Son
[00:41.2] It's time to stop rambling 'cause there's work to be done
[00:47.8] So they gave me a tin hat and they gave me a gun
[00:54.8] And they sent me away to the war
[01:01.6] And the band played Waltzing Matilda
[01:08.6] As we sailed away from the quay
[01:15.1] And amidst all the tears and the shouts and the cheers
[01:22.0] We sailed off to Gallipoli
[01:28.8] How well I remember that terrible day
[01:35.5] When the blood stained the sand and the water
[01:42.8] And how in that hell that they called Suvla Bay
[01:49.5] We were butchered like lambs at the slaughter
[01:56.3] Johnny Turk he was ready, he primed himself well
[02:03.3] He chased us with bullets, he rained us with shells
[02:10.2] And in five minutes flat he'd blown us all to hell
[02:16.9] Nearly blew us right back to Australia
[02:23.9] And the band played Waltzing Matilda
[02:30.9] As we stopped to bury our slain
[02:37.7] And we buried ours and the Turks buried theirs
[02:44.6] Then we started all over again
[02:51.5] Now those that were leaving, well we tried to survive
[02:58.4] In a mad world of dark, blood and fire
[03:05.4] And for seven long weeks I kept myself alive
[03:12.4] But the corpses around me piled higher
[03:19.2] Then a big Turkish shell knocked me arse over tit
[03:26.2] And when I woke up in my hospital bed
[03:32.7] And saw what it had done, Christ I wished I was dead
[03:40.1] Never knew there were worse things than dying
[03:46.9] And no more I'll go waltzing Matilda
[03:53.6] The green busher so far and near
[04:00.6] For to hump tent and pegs, a man needs two legs
[04:07.7] No more waltzing Matilda for me
[04:46.5] So they collected the cripples, the wounded, the maimed
[04:54.1] And they shipped us back home to Australia
[05:01.4] The legless, the armless, the blind, the insane
[05:08.2] Those proud wounded heroes of Suvla
[05:14.7] And as our ship pulled into Circular Quay
[05:21.5] I looked at the place where my legs used to be
[05:28.1] And thank Christ there was nobody waiting for me
[05:35.3] To grieve and to mourn and to pity
[05:42.0] And the band played Waltzing Matilda
[05:48.9] As they carried us down the gangway
[05:55.8] But nobody cheered, they just stood and stared
[06:02.7] Then turned all their faces away
[06:09.7] And now every April I sit on my porch
[06:16.4] And I watch the parade pass before me
[06:23.4] And I watch my old comrades, how proudly they march
[06:30.0] Reliving old dreams of past glory
[06:37.0] And the old men march slowly, all bent, stiff and sore
[06:44.0] The forgotten heroes from a forgotten war
[06:50.7] And the young people ask me , "Who are the they marching for?"
[06:57.8] And I ask myself the same question
[07:04.4] And the band plays Waltzing Matilda
[07:11.1] And the old men answer to the call
[07:08.6] But year after year their numbers get fewer
[07:24.6] Some day no one will march there at all
[07:31.5] Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
[07:38.8] Who'll got a long sing waltzing Matilda with me
[00:07.2] 年轻的时候我背着行囊
[00:13.8] 过着自由自在的旅人生活
[00:20.6] 从墨累河的绿地到沙尘飞扬的内陆
[00:27.7] 我背着旅行袋云游四方
[00:34.3] 直到1915年,我的祖国对我说
[00:41.2] 是时候停止漫无目的闲逛来干些实事了
[00:47.8] 他们给了我一顶头盔,又给了我一杆枪
[00:54.8] 然后将我送上了战场
[01:01.6] 当我们驶离码头的时候
[01:08.6] 乐队演奏了《丛林流浪》
[01:15.1] 在眼泪与叫喊与欢呼声中
[01:22.0] 我们驶向了加里波利
[01:28.8] 那恐怖的一天我终身难忘
[01:35.5] 鲜血染红了沙滩和海水
[01:42.8] 在如地狱般的苏弗拉湾
[01:49.5] 我们就如羔羊一般任人宰割
[01:56.3] 土耳其鬼子们早就准备好了
[02:03.3] 让我们在枪林之中沐浴着弹雨
[02:10.2] 五分钟之内就把我们打入了地狱
[02:16.9] 就差没一炮把我们轰回澳大利亚
[02:23.9] 当双方休战埋葬尸体的时候
[02:30.9] 乐队演奏了《丛林流浪》
[02:37.7] 我们埋我们的,他们埋他们的
[02:44.6] 然后双方又开始了交战
[02:51.5] 剩下的人们只想存活下来
[02:58.4] 在这黑暗,鲜血和火焰的疯狂世界中
[03:05.4] 在漫长的七周内我苟活了下来
[03:12.4] 但我身旁的尸体却越堆越高
[03:19.2] 这时一颗土耳其的炮弹将我整个人炸翻
[03:26.2] 再次醒来时我已经躺在医院的病床上了
[03:32.7] 查看了自己的伤势以后我真希望自己已经死了
[03:40.1] 从来不曾知道还有比死亡还糟糕的事情
[03:46.9] 我再也不能云游四方了
[03:53.6] 大自然从此变得遥不可及
[04:00.6] 搭帐篷可是个需要两条腿的活
[04:07.7] 我再也不能云游四方了
[04:46.5] 受了重伤的残废的我们
[04:54.1] 坐着船又回到了家乡澳大利亚
[05:01.4] 缺胳膊少腿的,失明的,发疯的
[05:08.2] 可敬而又可怜的苏弗拉战役英雄们
[05:14.7] 当我们的船停靠在环形码头的时候
[05:21.5] 我看着自己双腿本应存在的地方
[05:28.1] 感谢老天,没有人等着我的归来
[05:35.3] 不会有对我的悲伤,哀悼和同情
[05:42.0] 当我们在他人帮助下走下舷梯的时候
[05:48.9] 乐队演奏了《丛林流浪》
[05:55.8] 但是没有欢呼,人们只是静静地看着
[06:02.7] 然后他们别过了脸去
[06:09.7] 现在每年四月我都会坐在门廊
[06:16.4] 看着游行的队伍经过我的面前
[06:23.4] 骄傲行进着的我的老战友
[06:30.0] 又让我想起了当年的荣光
[06:37.0] 老战士们全都步履蹒跚
[06:44.0] 他们都是来自一场被遗忘战役的被遗忘的英雄们
[06:50.7] 然后有个年轻人问我:“这场阅兵是为了谁?”
[06:57.8] 我也想知道这个问题的答案
[07:04.4] 乐队演奏着《丛林流浪》
[07:08.6] 但是年复一年,他们的人数在下降
[07:11.1] 老战士们回应着呼喊
[07:24.6] 总有一天就没有人在了
[07:31.5] 《丛林流浪》,《丛林流浪》
[07:38.8] 有谁能和我去“丛林流浪”吗?