You Can Call Me Al

You Can Call Me Al

歌名 You Can Call Me Al
歌手 Paul Simon
专辑 Over the Bridge of Time A Paul Simon Retrospective 1964-2011
[00:14] A man walks down the street
[00:16] He says why am I soft in the middle now
[00:18] Why am I soft in the middle
[00:20] The rest of my life is so hard
[00:22] I need a photo-opportunity
[00:23] I want a shot at redemption
[00:25] Dont want to end up a cartoon
[00:27] In a cartoon graveyard
[00:29] Bonedigger Bonedigger
[00:31] Dogs in the moonlight
[00:33] Far away my well-lit door
[00:36] Mr. Beerbelly Beerbelly
[00:38] Get these mutts away from me
[00:40] You know I dont find this stuff amusing anymore
[00:44] If youll be my bodyguard
[00:46] I can be your long lost pal
[00:51] I can call you Betty
[00:53] And Betty when you call me
[00:55] You can call me Al
[00:59] A man walks down the street
[01:01] He says why am I short of attention
[01:03] Got a short little span of attention
[01:04] And wo mv nights are so long
[01:06] Wheres my wife and family
[01:09] What if I die here
[01:10] Wholl be my role-model
[01:13] Now that my role-model is
[01:14] Gone Gone
[01:16] He ducked back down the alley
[01:17] With some roly-poly little bat-faced girl
[01:20] All along along
[01:24] There were incidents and accidents
[01:25] There were hints and allegations
[01:29] If youll be my bodyguard
[01:31] I can be your long lost pal
[01:36] I can call you Betty
[01:38] And Betty when you call me
[01:40] You can call me Al
[01:43] Call me Al
[02:29] A man walks down the street
[02:31] Its a street in a strange world
[02:33] Maybe its the Third World
[02:35] Maybe its his first time around
[02:37] He doesnt speak the language
[02:38] He holds no currency
[02:40] He is a foreign man
[02:42] He is surrounded by the sound
[02:45] The sound
[02:46] Cattle in the marketplace
[02:48] Scatterlings and orphanages
[02:50] He looks around, around
[02:53] He sees angels in the architecture
[02:56] Spinning in infinity
[02:57] He says Amen! and Halleluiah!
[04:19][04:03][02:59] If youll be my bodyguard
[03:01] I can be your long lost pal
[04:26][04:10][03:06] I can call vou Betty
[03:08] And Betty when you call me
[03:12] You can call me Al
[00:14] 他漫步街上,形影相吊
[00:16] 自言自语道为何我外强中干
[00:18] 为何我色厉内荏
[00:20] 余生太过困苦
[00:22] 我急需塑造次个人形象
[00:23] 我迫切渴望次喘息机会
[00:25] 谢幕不想夸张滑稽
[00:27] 为人不愿自掘坟墓
[00:29] 茹毛饮血啃骨者
[00:31] 月夜群狗众生恶相
[00:33] 远离我的锦瑟前程
[00:36] 大腹便便那位先生,我拜托你
[00:38] 让这些杂种再离我远些
[00:40] 你明白吧,我已洗心革面
[00:44] 倘若你护我周全
[00:46] 那你我便是相见恨晚
[00:51] 我愿唤你为贝蒂
[00:53] 如你有求
[00:55] 我即存在本身
[00:59] 闲街信步,兀自独行
[01:01] 喃喃自语道为何我无人挂怀
[01:03] 鲜来关心,尽是旁观
[01:04] 茕茕孑立,独品长夜
[01:06] 只身游荡,举目无亲
[01:09] 假使我葬身于此
[01:10] 还会仰慕谁呢
[01:13] 既然榜样已去
[01:14] 不再复返
[01:16] 那他便光速闪回巷中
[01:17] 与矮胖蝙蝠般面孔的姑娘们为伍
[01:20] 自始至终
[01:24] 阴差阳错从未停歇
[01:25] 奋力抵抗也常有之
[01:29] 倘若你为我保驾护航
[01:31] 那咱俩便是异父异母亲朋友
[01:36] 我就叫你贝蒂吧
[01:38] 如你有求
[01:40] 我必应
[01:43] 就叫我阿尔吧
[02:29] 只身奔赴人生路
[02:31] 其实亦是大千世界一瞬
[02:33] 兴许这就是俗世口中的另一世界呢
[02:35] 大概他是初来乍到
[02:37] 话不投机半句多
[02:38] 身无分文,捉襟见肘
[02:40] 他异乡为异客
[02:42] 周围满是风言风语
[02:45] 余音不止
[02:46] 待贩家牛
[02:48] 零落孤儿,万物皆苦
[02:50] 他彷徨四顾
[02:53] 只见天使们就在建筑中
[02:56] 旋转不停,诉说无穷
[02:57] 他兴奋大叫,反复祷告
[02:59] 倘若你为我遮风挡雨
[03:01] 你我便是莫逆之交
[03:06] 我愿唤你为贝蒂
[03:08] 贝蒂,如你有求
[03:12] 就找我阿尔
[04:03] 倘若你做我卫士伴我左右
[04:10] 你就是我的贝蒂
[04:19] 如果你我风雨同舟
[04:26] 那你就是我的挚友