

歌名 Asbestos
歌手 Suede
专辑 The Vinyl Box Set
[00:02.35] Asbestos
[00:30.33] Watching all the women shaking, slimming
[00:35.72] Walking down the roads again
[00:40.35] Looking at the lovers under covers
[00:45.32] Come in and let's pretend
[00:50.35] Watching all the school girls breaking the rules
[00:55.38] Running round and having sex
[01:00.42] Watching all the women shaking slimming
[01:05.29] Come in an cash the cheques
[01:09.59] The suburban girls, and they're making noise
[01:19.47] And they're making eyes at suburban boys
[01:50.29] Watching all the lovers under covers
[01:55.16] Watching all the roads bend
[02:00.23] Listening to Lulu, Amazula
[02:05.17] Come in and let's pretend
[02:10.24] Watching all the women shaking slimming
[02:15.19] Walking down the road again
[02:20.17] Sceming like a school boy watching you boy
[02:25.20] Come in and let's pretend
[02:29.70] The suburban girls, and they're making noise
[02:39.35] And they're making eyes at suburban boys
[00:30.33] 看看这些女人摇摆身姿
[00:35.72] 一次又一次在街头徘徊
[00:40.35] 瞧瞧这些旖旎床榻的情侣
[00:45.32] 快来和我们一同逢场作戏
[00:50.35] 现在的小姑娘们都已经不屑于迂腐陈规
[00:55.38] 争着跑着快点摆脱纯洁的过去
[01:00.42] 街头女郎们摇摆着身姿
[01:05.29] 快来挥霍所有,及时行乐
[01:09.59] 来自乡野的姑娘们叽叽喳喳
[01:19.47] 时不时对着小伙子们目送秋波
[01:50.29] 床榻边是情侣们流连旖旎
[01:55.16] 眼前的道路蜿蜒得没了方向
[02:00.23] 听点什么吧,什么都行
[02:05.17] 快加入我们的这一出闹剧
[02:10.24] 街头女郎们摇摆身姿
[02:15.19] 从你眼前走过一次又一次
[02:20.17] 就连学校里的年轻人也开始蠢蠢欲动
[02:25.20] 何不就此戴上面具狂欢
[02:29.70] 来自乡野的姑娘们叽叽喳喳
[02:39.35] 看,她们正对着男孩们眉来眼去