I May Fall

I May Fall

歌名 I May Fall
歌手 Jeff Williams
歌手 YoungStar
专辑 Rwby Volume 1 Soundtrack
[00:00.21] There's a day when all hearts will be broken,
[00:03.65] When a shadow will cast out the light,
[00:07.10] And our eyes cry a million tears/
[00:10.19] Help won't arrive/
[00:13.89] There's a day when all courage collapses/
[00:16.98] And our friends turn and leave us behind/
[00:20.67] Creatures of darkness will triumph/
[00:23.25] The sun won't rise/
[00:26.09] When we've lost all hope/
[00:29.36] And succumb to fear/
[00:32.70] And the skies rain blood/
[00:35.88] And the end draws near/
[00:41.56] I may fall/
[00:44.45] But not like this: it won't be by your hand/
[00:48.87] I may fall/
[00:51.21] Not this place; not today/
[00:54.65] I may fall/
[00:57.15] Bring it all, it's not enough to take me down/
[01:02.38] I may fall/
[01:09.91] There's a place where we'll stand outnumbered/
[01:13.00] Where the wolves and the soulless will rise/
[01:16.10] In the time of our final moments/
[01:19.56] Every dream dies/
[01:22.80] There's a place where our shields will lay shattered/
[01:26.09] And the fear's all that's left in our hearts/
[01:29.59] Our strength and our courage have run out/
[01:32.48] We fall apart/
[01:35.17] When we lose our faith/
[01:38.36] And forsake our friends/
[01:41.70] When the moon is gone/
[01:44.94] And we've reached our ends/
[01:50.60] I may fall/
[02:28.55] There's a moment that changes a life when/
[02:32.04] We do something that no one else can/
[02:35.13] And the path that we've taken will lead us/
[02:38.68] One final stand/
[02:41.72] There's a moment we'll make a decision/
[02:45.01] Not to cower and crash on the ground/
[02:48.51] The moment we face our worst demons/
[02:51.32] Our courage found/
[02:54.32] When we stand with friends/
[02:57.35] And we won't retreat/
[03:00.58] As we stare down death/
[03:03.89] Then the taste is sweet/
[03:09.40] I may fall/
[03:12.32] But not like this: it won't be by your hand/
[03:16.73] I may fall/
[03:19.10] Not this place; not today/
[03:22.54] I may fall/
[03:25.18] Bring it all, it's not enough to take me down/
[03:29.89] I may fall/
[03:33.02] I may fall/
[03:36.41] I may fall/
[03:38.13] I may, I may fall/
[00:00.21] 有一天所有人都会心碎
[00:03.65] 一道阴影驱逐光明
[00:07.10] 即使我们泪流成河
[00:10.19] 援军也不会到来
[00:13.89] 有一天所有人都会丧胆
[00:16.98] 亲朋背离好友反目
[00:20.67] 黑暗生物耀武扬威
[00:23.25] 太阳不再升起
[00:26.09] 当我们的希望尽数破灭
[00:29.36] 并屈服于恐惧
[00:32.70] 天降血雨
[00:35.88] 灭亡一步步逼近
[00:41.56] 我可能会失败
[00:44.45] 但不像这样:败于你之手
[00:51.21] 但不在此地;不是今天
[00:54.65] 我可能会失败
[00:57.15] 放马过来,让我倒下还远远不够
[01:02.38] 我可能会失败
[01:09.91] 有一役我们会寡不敌众
[01:13.00] 狼群和无情怪兽会崛起
[01:16.10] 在我们最后的时刻
[01:19.56] 梦想全灭
[01:22.80] 有一战我们会防不胜防
[01:26.09] 心中只剩下恐惧
[01:29.59] 力量与勇气消磨殆尽
[01:32.48] 我们支离破碎
[01:35.17] 当我们的信念荡然无存
[01:38.36] 并对战友弃之不顾
[01:41.70] 月光消逝
[01:44.94] 我们的气数已尽
[01:50.60] 我可能会失败
[02:28.55] 有一刻尚能够改变命运
[02:32.04] 只要我们另辟蹊径
[02:35.13] 我们选择的道路会通向:
[02:38.68] 最后一战
[02:41.72] 有一刻我们会下定决心
[02:45.01] 不再畏缩不再崩溃
[02:48.51] 当面对最凶残的恶魔时
[02:51.32] 我们找回了勇气
[02:54.32] 当我们与朋友并肩作战
[02:57.35] 我们不会后退
[03:00.58] 只要逼视着死亡
[03:03.89] 死亡也很美味
[03:09.40] 我可能会失败
[03:12.32] 但不像这样:败于你之手
[03:16.73] 我可能会失败
[03:19.10] 但不在此地;不是今天
[03:22.54] 我可能会失败
[03:25.18] 放马过来,让我倒下还远远不够
[03:29.89] 我可能会失败
[03:33.02] 我可能会失败
[03:36.41] 我可能会失败
[03:38.13] 我可能,我可能会失败