The Time Beyond

The Time Beyond

歌名 The Time Beyond
歌手 Ainur
专辑 The Lost Tales
[00:09.28] For what you have done
[00:13.43] And everything been through
[00:17.14] Suspended between
[00:21.28] Dimensions where phantasms look true
[00:25.21] When your empty hands
[00:29.36] Are lifted in the last sacrifice
[00:32.92] And daylight is down,
[00:37.25] Laid down in a coffin of ice
[00:41.30] Your wish is granted
[00:45.20] Mere bliss or humanity
[00:48.80] The seed is planted
[00:53.43] In the deep soil of your liberty
[00:57.21] Your word has been heard
[01:01.24] And Middle-earth will hold you again,
[01:06.20] A living woman
[01:13.46] A torrent will flow to the main
[01:22.63] They have gone to the place that no-one can reach
[01:28.98] To the verdant island of rarefied sheen
[01:36.36] The far-distant strand of golden desire
[01:45.65] Amber light enwrapped in a mantle of green
[02:09.73] They will not come back from the pearly twilight,
[02:17.34] A beckoning flash, tantalising farewell
[02:25.97] But the vision has not gone away
[02:33.22] Because to them immortality bowed
[02:41.74] And the dead that live are sung in the lay
[02:50.04] That takes wing in an amethyst cloud
[02:57.58] Soaring high when the evensong has passed,
[03:04.63] Shining through age-old extents of dejection,
[03:16.78] Staying still, like the lingering reflection
[03:24.56] Of the ancient music that was hushed
[03:32.10] That was hushed
[03:37.60] So your tree will grow, and it will not die
[03:48.75] Rooted in the earth, reaching to the sky
[03:55.44] Higher than your hope, never to subside
[04:25.37] Their heir is shaken from his reverie,
[04:37.23] From the green paradise where he was born
[04:48.44] Clangours of combat break into his dream
[04:55.21] With the shrill bidding of the battle horn
[05:01.33] So your tree will grow, and it will not die
[05:14.17] Rooted in the earth, reaching to the sky
[05:26.18] Higher than your hope, never to subside
[05:37.85] A new breed of kings coming to abide
[05:49.23] See, the hordes are arriving
[05:55.20] They are laden with treasure
[06:01.21] Gear of war on their shoulders
[06:06.54] Red revenge without measure
[06:13.20] See the son and the father
[06:19.09] On the dwarves they are falling
[06:24.50] See the jewel retaken
[06:30.44] Amid wrestle and squalling
[06:37.35] A new sovereign has risen
[06:42.97] The high spirit alighted
[06:49.20] On the child of three races
[06:55.23] Now forever united
[07:01.90] THE NAUGLAMIR
[07:02.01] Hasten your step
[07:06.26] Because autumn nights are dark
[07:13.38] And rooks fly fast
[07:18.84] In sundown’s dying spark
[07:25.57] From Ossiriand
[07:30.60] You, herald of majesty
[07:37.24] Gallop along
[07:41.69] With the speed of fatality
[08:42.73] On him the ardent necklace sits,
[08:48.71] The glory of the threefold race
[08:54.53] It was a spectacle of force
[09:00.42] A dwelling where resplendence housed
[09:06.59] A premonition of more wars
[09:12.48] Before the Gods’ anger was roused
[00:06.35] (曼督斯回复露西恩)
[00:09.28] 因汝之作为
[00:13.43] 与旅程中经受的一切
[00:17.14] 汝方可暂驻于
[00:21.28] 魂影居留的幽界
[00:25.21] 当汝空无一物的双手
[00:29.36] 在此前牺牲中高扬
[00:32.92] 昼光便已下移
[00:37.25] 煦煦于寒冰之棺上
[00:41.30] 汝将如愿获得
[00:45.20] 纯粹的福乐,或必死人类之命
[00:48.80] 火种将于沃土中播下
[00:53.43] 命运之脉蕴自汝之自由选择
[00:57.21] 吾已知晓汝之所言
[01:01.24] 汝将归返中洲
[01:06.20] 成为生者中的女儿
[01:13.46] 如激流和同百川入海
[01:21.93] (亡者之地的居留者)
[01:22.63] 他们抵达了无人可及之地
[01:28.98] 去往辉光熠熠的葱茏岛屿
[01:36.36] 遥遥滩涂如同金色的愿望
[01:45.65] 绿岛茵茵,环绕暧暧琥珀光
[02:09.73] 珠辉般的微光中,他们再不重返故地
[02:17.34] 好似一道诱人的闪光,一声动情的永别
[02:25.97] 然而如斯美景仍未消逝
[02:33.22] 因不朽也向他们致敬
[02:41.74] 逝者将于传世的歌谣中永存
[02:50.04] 于紫晶般的云翳中飞逸
[02:57.58] 在晚祷终了时凌空飞飏
[03:04.63] 在古老的悲伤中璨然闪耀
[03:16.78] 默然长存
[03:24.56] 如同沉寂的古老乐律中的
[03:32.10] 流连记忆
[03:37.60] 汝之血脉将生长,并永不断绝
[03:48.75] 扎根于凡世大地,直抵穹苍之上
[03:55.44] 崇高更甚汝之希望,永不褪淡
[04:12.91] (迪奥与多瑞亚斯的复兴)
[04:25.37] 他们的后嗣从梦幻走向零落
[04:37.23] 从他出生的翠绿伊甸园
[04:48.44] 战斗的兵戈声闯入了他的梦境
[04:55.21] 战争已至,号角声凄
[05:01.33] 汝之血脉将生长,并永不断绝
[05:14.17] 扎根于凡世大地,直抵穹苍之上
[05:26.18] 崇高更甚汝之希望,永不褪淡
[05:37.85] 崭新的王脉将临
[05:49.23] 看哪,各部族将要抵达
[05:55.20] 车中满载财宝珠玉
[06:01.21] 肩上扛着战时的装备
[06:06.54] 血腥无度的复仇将至
[06:13.20] 看那子与父
[06:19.09] 陨落于矮人之手
[06:24.50] 看那重又夺回的宝钻
[06:30.44] 在斗争与呼号中
[06:37.35] 一颗新星冉冉升起
[06:42.97] 至高的精魂飞落在
[06:49.20] 三支种族的子孙身上
[06:55.23] 如今这血脉将永远相连
[07:01.90] (瑙格拉弥尔)
[07:02.01] 加快脚步吧
[07:06.26] 因这秋夜每每黑暗
[07:13.38] 日暮时分将逝的惨光中
[07:18.84] 白嘴鸦在疾飞
[07:25.57] 从欧西瑞安德远道而来
[07:30.60] 你,陛下的使节
[07:37.24] 独自驰骋
[07:41.69] 厄运的脚步伴随着你
[08:42.73] 他保有那条燃火般的项链
[08:48.71] 那是三支种族的荣耀
[08:54.53] 力量打造的奇绝之物
[09:00.42] 辉煌之美的寓居之所
[09:06.59] 未来战火的征兆之信
[09:12.48] 在诸神的怒火苏醒前