The Changing Lights

The Changing Lights

歌名 The Changing Lights
歌手 Stacey Kent
专辑 The Changing Lights
[ti:The Changing Lights]
[ar:Stacey Kent]
[al:The Changing Lights]
[00:28.76] Were we leaving Rio
[00:31.18] Or were we in New York?
[00:34.54] I remember bossa nova on the breeze
[00:42.13] We were in the back seat
[00:44.37] Of a cab we couldn't afford
[00:47.79] You were holding my old rucksack on your knees
[00:54.69] You leaned towards your window
[00:57.68] To see the traffic up ahead
[01:01.72] "These commuters here," you said
[01:04.77] "Could be the walking dead."
[01:11.86] And we vowed to guard our dreams
[01:14.52] From all the storms that lay ahead
[01:18.13] From the winds of fear and age and compromise
[01:24.85] And we laughed about the hopelessness
[01:28.21] Of so many peoples lives
[01:31.50] As we slowly moved towards the changing lights.
[01:52.82] It was near Les Invalides
[01:55.13] Or perhaps Trafalgar Square
[01:58.36] It was late at night the city was asleep.
[02:05.95] You were clowning in the back seat
[02:08.50] With some friends we'd found somewhere
[02:11.98] The kind, back then, we always seemed to meet.
[02:18.89] There were those in this great world you said
[02:21.94] Just fated to go far
[02:25.79] And among the lucky ones
[02:29.40] Were we inside that car.
[02:35.43] And your friends began to sing
[02:38.61] When You Wish Upon A Star
[02:42.21] And you clapped along like you didn't have a care
[02:48.93] But once I turned to glance at you
[02:52.29] As we drove across the square
[02:55.77] And your face looked haunted in the changing lights.
[03:50.55] Was it last September?
[03:52.91] It was autumn more or less
[03:56.27] You were waiting to cross some busy boulevard
[04:03.73] Talking on your phone
[04:06.28] To your family I guess
[04:09.83] Your briefcase tucked up high beneath your arm
[04:16.42] As I approached you turned around
[04:19.97] A question in your eye
[04:23.39] As though I might ignore you
[04:26.50] And just simply walk on by
[04:36.76] But we smiled and talked a while
[04:40.25] About each others lives
[04:43.48] And once or twice I caught a wistful note
[04:50.01] Then you moved towards the crossing
[04:53.37] As the cars slowed to a halt
[04:58.72] And we waved and parted beneath the changing lights.
[05:28.60] And we waved and parted beneath the changing lights.
[00:28.76] 我们要离开里约吗
[00:31.18] 或是我们身在纽约
[00:34.54] 我记得微风里巴萨诺瓦的节奏
[00:42.13] 我们坐在
[00:44.37] 费用高昂的计程车后座
[00:47.79] 你将我老旧的背包放在膝上
[00:54.69] 你倚在车窗旁
[00:57.68] 看着前方的川流不息
[01:01.72] “你看那些朝九晚五的上班族,”你说着
[01:04.77] “像行尸走肉一样.”
[01:11.86] 我们发誓要守护自己的梦想
[01:14.52] 就算前方有狂风暴雨
[01:18.13] 不管有多恐惧,无惧年龄与危险
[01:24.85] 那些深陷绝望的人们
[01:28.21] 我们对此嗤之以鼻
[01:31.50] 慢慢地,我们朝变换的光影走近
[01:52.82] 那里离巴黎荣军院很近
[01:55.13] 亦或许是特拉法尔加广场
[01:58.36] 夜深人静,整座城市都沉沉睡去
[02:05.95] 你在车里打趣
[02:08.50] 我们会在某个地方找到一些朋友
[02:11.98] 那时,我们总能遇到一些善良的人
[02:18.89] 你说在这个大千世界,总是有一些人
[02:21.94] 命中注定名扬四海
[02:25.79] 他们真幸运
[02:29.40] 我们在那辆车里
[02:35.43] 你的朋友们开始唱歌
[02:38.61] 歌名是“当你向一颗星星许愿”
[02:42.21] 你漫不经心地拍手附和
[02:48.93] 但某次我朝你看了一眼
[02:52.29] 当我们驶过广场时
[02:55.77] 在明明灭灭的灯光中,你的面庞布满愁容
[03:50.55] 这份感情一直会持续到九月份吗?
[03:52.91] 多多少少是秋天吧
[03:56.27] 你等待着穿过人潮拥挤的街道
[04:03.73] 你拿着手机嘴里说着什么
[04:06.28] 那头大概是你的家人吧
[04:09.83] 腋下夹着公文包
[04:16.42] 当我靠近你时,你却转身换了个方向
[04:19.97] 你眼里闪过一抹疑色
[04:23.39] 好像以为我忽略了你
[04:26.50] 你径直朝我走来
[04:36.76] 我们相视而笑,简单地寒暄
[04:40.25] 话语里日常的琐事
[04:43.48] 我注意到你似乎也有那么点不舍
[04:50.01] 但随后你朝十字路口的方向走去
[04:53.37] 来往的车辆慢慢停下
[04:58.72] 我们在灯影交错的街道下挥手分别
[05:28.60] 我们在灯影交错的街道下挥手分别