

歌名 Dreamland
歌手 Sopor Æternus & the Ensemble of Shadows
专辑 Poetica
[01:02.25] By a route obscure and lonely,
[01:17.58] Haunted by ill angels only,
[01:33.95] Where an Eidolon, named NIGHT,
[01:49.47] On a black throne reigns upright,
[02:02.78] I have reached these lands but newly
[02:08.86] From an ultimate dim Thule-
[02:17.96] From a wild clime that lieth, sublime,
[02:25.42] Out of SPACE-out of TIME.
[03:17.20] Bottomless vales and boundless floods,
[03:23.70] And chasms, and caves, and Titan woods,
[03:30.64] With forms that no man can discover
[03:39.83] For the tears that drip all over;
[03:46.35] Mountains toppling evermore
[03:51.00] Into seas without a shore;
[04:01.69] Seas that restlessly aspire,
[04:06.25] Surging, unto skies of fire;
[04:16.95] Lakes that endlessly outspread
[04:21.73] Their lone waters-lone and dead,-
[04:32.39] Their still waters-still and chilly
[04:38.98] With the snows of the lolling.
[05:30.43] By the lakes that thus outspread
[05:36.10] Their lone waters, lone and dead,-
[05:43.68] Their sad waters, sad and chilly
[05:51.22] With the snows of the lolling lily,-
[05:58.98] By the mountains-near the river
[06:06.55] Murmuring lowly, murmuring ever,-
[06:14.34] By the grey woods,-by the swamp
[06:21.78] Where the toad and the newt encamp-
[06:31.92] By the dismal tarns and pools
[06:36.52] Where dwell the Ghouls,-
[06:44.94] By each spot the most unholy-
[06:52.34] In each nook most melancholy-
[07:02.15] There the traveller meets aghast
[07:07.49] Sheeted Memories of the Past-
[07:16.73] Shrouded forms that start and sigh
[07:24.75] As they pass the wanderer by-
[07:32.40] White-robed forms of friends long given,
[07:46.20] In agony, to the Earth-and Heaven.
[09:11.42] For the heart whose woes are legion
[09:19.70] 'Tis a peaceful, soothing region-
[09:26.58] For the spirit that walks in shadow
[09:34.28] 'Tis-oh, 'tis an Eldorado!
[09:42.25] But the traveller, travelling through it,
[09:48.88] May not-dare not openly view it!
[09:56.64] Never its mysteries are exposed
[10:04.73] To the weak human eye unclosed;
[10:11.92] So wills its King, who hath forbid
[10:20.00] The uplifting of the fringed lid;
[10:27.30] And thus the sad Soul that here passes
[10:34.90] Beholds it but through darkened glasses.
[11:28.60] By a route obscure and lonely,
[11:45.50] Haunted by ill angels only,
[11:58.97] Where an Eidolon, named NIGHT,
[12:12.42] On a black throne reigns upright,
[12:30.45] I have wandered home but newly
[12:42.73] From this ultimate dim Thule
[12:57.60] I feel wonderfull.
[01:02.25] 在一条阴暗孤寂的路旁
[01:17.58] 只有坏天使常去常住
[01:33.95] 那儿有个名叫夜晚的幽灵
[01:49.47] 在黑色的王位上发号施令
[02:02.78] 我已经到家,但是
[02:08.86] 我去过一个最最混沌的地方
[02:17.96] 那里荒凉萧瑟,充满惊人的怪诞
[02:25.42] 超越了空间——超越了时间
[03:17.20] 无底的山谷,无边的洪波
[03:23.70] 巨大的森林,岩洞和沟壑
[03:30.64] 它们的形状无人能发现
[03:39.83] 因为到处有雾珠弥漫
[03:46.35] 群山始终是摇摇欲坠
[03:51.00] 坠进没有海岸的海水
[04:01.69] 海水永远在上升涌动
[04:06.25] 涌向火焰一般的天空
[04:16.95] 大湖浩渺,无边无际
[04:21.73] 湖水凄清,凄清而死寂
[04:32.39] 忧伤的水,忧伤而冰凉
[04:38.98] 百合花懒洋洋地依在雪上
[05:30.43] 在那些湖畔,湖无边无际
[05:36.10] 湖水凄清,凄清而死寂
[05:43.68] 忧伤的水,忧伤而冰凉
[05:51.22] 百合花懒洋洋地依在雪上
[05:58.98] 在群山脚下——那条河附近
[06:06.55] 河水汩汩淙淙,潺潺有声
[06:14.34] 在森林之旁——在沼泽之滨
[06:21.78] 那儿有蟾蜍和蝾螈扎营
[06:31.92] 在阴惨的池塘和山中小湖
[06:36.52] 那儿常有食尸鬼居住
[06:44.94] 在每一个最不圣洁的场所
[06:52.34] 在每一个最最阴郁的角落
[07:02.15] 旅行者会吃惊地不期而遇
[07:07.49] 裹着尸衣的过去的记忆
[07:16.73] 裹尸衣的身影 惊诧而喟叹
[07:24.75] 当他们走过流浪者身边
[07:32.40] 白袍朋友的身影早已被托付
[07:46.20] 在痛苦中,给了天堂——给了黄土
[09:11.42] 对於那充满悲哀的心
[09:19.70] 那地方有一种安慰和宁静
[09:26.58] 对於走在阴影中的灵魂
[09:34.28] 那是——哦,那是个理想的仙境
[09:42.25] 但对於旅行者,当穿行其间
[09:48.88] 不可——也不敢直眼相看
[09:56.64] 它的神秘永远也不会展露
[10:04.73] 给软弱的世人尚未闭的眼目
[10:11.92] 它的国王希望如此,他已禁止
[10:20.00] 有睫毛的眼睑高高抬起
[10:27.30] 所以,这悲伤的灵魂虽曾涉足
[10:34.90] 但所见到的都隔着一层浓雾
[11:28.60] 在一条阴暗孤寂的路旁
[11:45.50] 只有坏天使常去常住
[11:58.97] 那儿有个名叫夜晚的幽灵
[12:12.42] 在黑色的王位上发号施令
[12:30.45] 我已经到家,但是
[12:42.73] 我去过一个最最混沌的地方
[12:57.60] 我感觉非常美妙