Alien Days

Alien Days

歌名 Alien Days
[ti:Alien Days]
[00:14.61] Sometimes
[00:15.61] the windows combine with the seams
[00:18.62] in a way
[00:20.95] that twitches on
[00:22.68] a peak at the place
[00:24.03] where the spirit was slain
[00:27.39] one foot leads to another
[00:31.10] night's for sleep, blue curtains, covers
[00:34.50] sequins in the eyes
[00:37.84] that's a fine time to dine
[00:41.17] divine who's circling
[00:42.94] feeding the cards to the midwives
[00:46.39] who love those alien days
[00:49.89] the nonstop alien days
[00:53.34] mmm the alien days
[00:59.13] must've skipped the ship
[01:00.41] and joined the team
[01:03.29] for a ride
[01:05.17] a couple hours to learn the controls
[01:08.30] and commandeer both my eyes
[01:11.68] hey!
[01:12.43] be quick dear
[01:13.76] times are uncertain
[01:15.38] one month crawling
[01:17.05] next year blurring
[01:18.82] decades in the drain
[01:20.47] monograms on the brain
[01:25.54] decide what's working
[01:27.36] and what's moved on,to the last phase
[01:30.42] the floodgate alien days
[01:33.66] I love those alien days
[01:37.31] mmm the alien days
[01:42.70] when the peels are down it feels like traveling
[01:47.21] in style
[01:49.18] you don't need wings to hover
[01:52.55] forty ton stones for a mile
[01:55.90] and in the summer
[01:57.53] virgin visions
[01:59.35] mindless humming
[02:01.02] numbers can't decide
[02:03.66] if the day's supposed to smile
[02:37.70] today
[02:38.42] find infinite ways it could be
[02:41.21] plenty worse
[02:42.72] it's a blessing but it's also a curse
[02:59.48] those days taught me everything I know
[03:03.83] how to catch a feeling
[03:07.99] and when to let it go
[03:12.15] how all the scheming
[03:13.76] soulless creatures
[03:15.54] can't find dreamer's
[03:17.22] honey in the hive
[03:19.95] if it's right beneath the nose
[03:25.91] and when the light is new
[03:28.29] the sky shows trembling cartoons
[03:33.28] you don't need smoke to cover
[03:35.01] most of the world in a gloom
[03:38.96] but here comes racer
[03:41.00] number 7
[03:42.73] watch my fingers
[03:44.40] ripping out the lines
[03:47.28] if it looks like we could lose
[03:53.79] if it looks like we could lose
[04:00.53] if it looks like we could lose
[04:07.42] if it looks like we could lose
[00:14.61] 有时候,
[00:15.61] 透过窗户上的裂缝
[00:18.62] 更容易窥视到真相。
[00:20.95] 当灵魂分崩离析,
[00:22.68] 我们才看清
[00:24.03] 我们的本质。
[00:27.39] 而生活有其原本的轨道。
[00:31.10] 夜晚是通向神秘世界的入口,
[00:34.50] 不同于黑夜的颜色引起我们的注意,即使它散发着昏暗的光。
[00:37.84] 趁着这个好时机调动你的大脑吧,
[00:41.17] 丢开你所相信的一切,
[00:42.94] 获取你周围的一切新鲜事物。
[00:46.39] 谁会喜欢那段懵懂无知的日子?
[00:49.89] 漫长而一无所知的日子,
[00:53.34] 噢 像外星人一样的日子…
[00:59.13] 何不暂时放下俗世的羁绊,
[01:00.41] 加入探索的旅途。
[01:03.29] 和我们一起,
[01:05.17] 在有限的几个小时里学会控制
[01:08.30] 并指挥自己的双眼。
[01:11.68] 嘿!
[01:12.43] 亲爱的你需要加快速度了,
[01:13.76] 因为时不我待。
[01:15.38] 时间最擅长在不经意间消磨,
[01:17.05] 接着
[01:18.82] 突然从你眼前消失。
[01:20.47] 你从外部感知来并遵循的一切,
[01:25.54] 决定了你的现状
[01:27.36] 和你将何去何从。
[01:30.42] 现实被幻觉转移,如同一个水闸朝我打开。
[01:33.66] 我热爱那段在真正洪流中的日子,
[01:37.31] 噢 像外星人一样的日子!
[01:42.70] 偏见一层层脱落的过程
[01:47.21] 仿佛一段舒适而奇妙的旅程,
[01:49.18] 促成奇迹的力量不是由外界赋予你的,
[01:52.55] 而是来源于你自己。
[01:55.90] 就像是在神秘的夏天,
[01:57.53] 不经意的一瞥总会带来惊喜。
[01:59.35] (无心的哼鸣……)
[02:01.02] 现实往往出乎意料,
[02:03.66] 不该由一板一眼的数字来决定。
[02:37.70] 有无数种方式
[02:38.42] 可以把现实变得
[02:41.21] 比如今更糟,
[02:42.72] 这是一个祝愿,同时也是一个诅咒。
[02:59.48] 这段探索的日子教会了我
[03:03.83] 如何抓住一种感觉,
[03:07.99] 如何在恰当的时间让它溜走;
[03:12.15] 教会了我像梦想家一样去做梦,
[03:13.76] 即使这个世界
[03:15.54] 充斥着偏见
[03:17.22] 和肮脏的现实,
[03:19.95] 永恒的真理依然存在。
[03:25.91] 当新的一天降临,
[03:28.29] 人们惊恐于真正美的事物。
[03:33.28] 你并不需要用烟雾来掩饰什么,
[03:35.01] 因为这世界本来就是阴沉的。
[03:38.96] 然而敌人总会出现,
[03:41.00] 七号选手,
[03:42.73] 看着我的手指!
[03:44.40] 退出这个游戏,
[03:47.28] 就像我们理所当然输了一样
[03:53.79] 就像我们本该如此一样
[04:00.53] 就像真理不站在我们这边一样
[04:07.42] 就像世界生来如此昏暗一样