Am I Wrong

Am I Wrong

歌名 Am I Wrong
歌手 Nico & Vinz
专辑 Absolute Music 73
[00:16.570] Am I wrong for thinking out the box from where I stay?
[00:23.890] Am I wrong for saying that I'll choose another way?
[00:30.500] I ain't trying to do what everybody else doing
[00:35.290] Just cause everybody doing what they all do
[00:39.550] If one thing I know, how far would I grow?
[00:43.920] I'm walking down this road of mine, this road that I call home
[00:47.250] So am I wrong for thinking that we could be something for real?
[00:55.730] Now am I wrong for trying to reach the things that I can't see?
[01:02.890] But that's just how I feel, that's just how I feel
[01:11.050] That's just how I feel trying to reach the things that I can't see
[01:19.900] Am I tripping for having ambition?
[01:27.700] My prediction; I'mma be on the top of the world
[01:36.260] Hope you, hope you don't look back,
[01:38.320] always do what you decide
[01:39.510] Don't let them control your life,
[01:42.050] that's just how I feel
[01:44.160] Fight for yours and don't let go,
[01:46.020] don't let them compare you, no
[01:47.820] Don't worry, you're not alone,
[01:49.670] that's just how we feel
[01:51.300] So am I wrong for thinking that we could be something for real?
[01:57.610] Now am I wrong for trying to reach the things that I can't see?
[02:06.440] But that's just how I feel, that's just how I feel
[02:12.250] That's just how I feel trying to reach the things that I can't see
[02:23.560] If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
[02:28.260] I don't wanna be right, right
[02:31.960] If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
[02:36.430] I don't wanna be right
[02:40.630] If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
[02:44.040] I don't wanna be right, right
[02:47.760] If you tell me I'm wrong, wrong
[02:51.820] I don't wanna be right
[02:55.380] Am I wrong?
[02:57.390] For thinking that we could be something for real?
[03:01.840] Now am I wrong?
[03:05.720] For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
[03:09.650] But that's just how I feel,
[03:12.960] That's just how I feel
[03:18.390] That's just how I feel
[03:20.310] Trying to reach the things that I can't see
[03:24.800] So am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
[03:29.690] For thinking that we could be something for real?
[03:32.830] (Oh yeah yeah yeah) (Oh yeah yeah yeah)
[03:34.410] Now am I wrong? (Am I wrong?)
[03:38.120] For trying to reach the things that I can't see?
[03:41.580] (Oh yeah yeah yeah) (Oh yeah yeah yeah)
[03:42.740] But that's just how I feel,
[03:46.560] That's just how I feel
[03:50.380] That's just how I feel
[03:54.470] Trying to reach the things that I can't see
[00:16.570] 难道异想天开也是过错么
[00:23.890] 难道另辟蹊径也是罪过么
[00:30.500] 我绝不会恪守陈规 固步自封停滞不前
[00:35.290] 不会因为人云亦云 而放弃自己的信仰
[00:39.550] 我只知道一点 失败难免但我必将成长
[00:43.920] 我会走出自己不一样的道路 勇敢的走下去
[00:47.250] 我是否错了 竟然以为自己能够成就大业
[00:55.730] 我是否错了 竟然认为荒诞的梦想就在眼前
[01:02.890] 但我相信自己能做到 我的信念坚如磐石
[01:11.050] 我的目标明确不 再荒谬的梦想 我都要去实现
[01:19.900] 我是疯了么 竟然期待美好未来
[01:27.700] 我大胆预计 总有一天我会站在世界之巅
[01:36.260] 勇敢向前绝不踌躇
[01:38.320] 跟随自己心之所向
[01:39.510] 别被人牵着鼻子走
[01:42.050] 这是我心中的信念
[01:44.160] 努力拼搏绝不放弃
[01:46.020] 切勿比较陷入泥潭
[01:47.820] 别担心 你绝对不是一个人在战斗
[01:49.670] 我们和你一心
[01:51.300] 我是否错了 竟然以为自己能够成就大业
[01:57.610] 我是否错了 竟然认为荒诞的梦想就在眼前
[02:06.440] 但我相信自己能做到 我的信念坚如磐石
[02:12.250] 我的目标明确不 再荒谬的梦想 我都要去实现
[02:23.560] 如果你告诉我 我错了 错了
[02:28.260] 可我就是要不走寻常路
[02:31.960] 如果你告诉我 我错了 错了
[02:36.430] 但我只会更加努力去奋斗
[02:40.630] 如果你告诉我 我错了 错了
[02:44.040] 可我就是要不走寻常路
[02:47.760] 如果你想告诉我 这条路走不通
[02:51.820] 但我只会更加努力去奋斗
[02:55.380] 我是否错了
[02:57.390] 我是否错了 竟然以为自己能够成就大业
[03:01.840] 我是否错了
[03:05.720] 竟然认为荒诞的梦想就在眼前
[03:09.650] 但我相信自己能做到
[03:12.960] 我的信念坚如磐石
[03:18.390] 但我相信自己能做到 我的信念坚如磐石
[03:20.310] 再荒谬的梦想 我都要去实现
[03:24.800] 我是否错了
[03:29.690] 我是否错了 竟然以为自己能够成就大业
[03:34.410] 我是否错了
[03:38.120] 我是否错了 竟然认为荒诞的梦想就在眼前
[03:42.740] 但我相信自己能做到
[03:46.560] 我的信念坚如磐石
[03:50.380] 我的目标明确不移
[03:54.470] 再荒谬的梦想 我都要去实现