5:06 AM (Every Stranger's Eyes)

5:06 AM (Every Stranger's Eyes)

歌名 5:06 AM (Every Stranger's Eyes)
歌手 Roger Waters
歌手 Eric Clapton
专辑 Lunatic Rave
[ti:Every Strangers Eyes]
[ar:Roger & Eric]
[al:The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking]
[00:02.79] Waitress:Hello?You wanna a cup of coffee?
[00:05.32] Customers:Heh,Turn that fucking juke box down
[00:06.79] Customers:You want to turn down that juke box?
[00:07.70] Customers:Loud in here
[00:08.10] Waitress:I'm sorry, would you like a cup of coffee?
[00:09.67] Waitress:Ok,you take cream and sugar? Sure
[00:11.08] In truck stops and hamburger joints
[00:16.87] In Cadillac limousines
[00:19.19] In the company of has-beens
[00:22.78] And bent-backs
[00:25.68] And sleeping forms on pavement steps
[00:29.77] In libraries and railway stations
[00:35.43] In books and banks
[00:39.87] In the pages of history
[00:44.17] In suicidal cavalry attacks
[00:47.05] I recognise
[00:58.00] Myself in every stranger's eyes
[01:06.50] And in wheelchairs by monuments
[01:12.29] Under tube trains and commuter accidents
[01:16.84] In council care and county courts
[01:20.89] At Easter fairs and sea-side resorts
[01:24.93] In drawing rooms and city morgues
[01:28.32] In award winning photographs
[01:30.84] Of life rafts on the China seas
[01:34.88] In transit camps,under arc lamps
[01:36.98] On unloading ramps
[01:39.70] In faces blurred by rubber stamps
[01:42.28] I recognise
[01:53.71] Myself in every stranger's eyes
[02:01.50] And now,from where I stand
[02:09.84] Upon this hill
[02:13.27] I plundered from the pool
[02:19.09] I look around
[02:23.64] I search the skies
[02:28.14] I shade my eyes
[02:32.43] So nearly blind
[02:37.59] And I see signs of half remembered days
[02:46.23] I hear bells that chime in strange familiar ways
[02:55.93] I recognise
[03:07.57] The hope you kindle in your eyes
[03:49.37] It's oh so easy now
[03:57.05] As we lie here in the dark
[04:06.05] Nothing interferes,it's obvious
[04:11.25] How to beat the tears
[04:15.66] The threaten to snuff out
[04:20.27] The spark of our love
[00:02.79] 服务员:您想要一杯咖啡吗?
[00:05.32] 顾客:嘿,把那该死的点餐机声音关小
[00:06.79] 顾客:你想把点餐机的声音关小?
[00:07.70] 顾客:这里太吵了
[00:08.10] 不好意思,您要来杯咖啡吗?
[00:09.67] 好的,要加奶油和糖吗?当然
[00:11.08] 在卡车站和汉堡店里
[00:16.87] 在凯迪拉克豪华轿车里
[00:19.19] 在过时之人的陪同下
[00:22.78] 佝偻着背的人
[00:25.68] 在路面阶梯上睡姿各异
[00:29.77] 图书馆和火车站里
[00:35.43] 银行账目里
[00:39.87] 在历史的卷帙浩繁间
[00:44.17] 在每一起自杀性袭击事件中
[00:47.05] 我认出了
[00:58.00] 每一个陌生人眼中的自己
[01:06.50] 在纪念碑群中的轮椅上
[01:12.29] 在地铁列车和通勤事故的表面之下
[01:16.84] 在议会和州郡法院的行政事务里
[01:20.89] 在复活节集会和海边的度假胜地
[01:24.93] 在卧室和太平间
[01:28.32] 在获奖照片上
[01:30.84] 是中国公海的救生筏
[01:34.88] 在难民营里,在弧光灯下
[01:36.98] 在卸载坡道上
[01:39.70] 在被橡皮图章弄的模糊不清的脸上
[01:42.28] 我认出
[01:53.71] 每一双陌生眼睛中的自己
[02:01.50] 然而现在,从我的立场看
[02:09.84] 在这座小山之上
[02:13.27] 我从水池中抢夺
[02:19.09] 我环顾四周
[02:23.64] 寻觅蓝天
[02:28.14] 我遮住双眼
[02:32.43] 好似失明
[02:37.59] 接着我看到依稀记着的岁月里的符号
[02:46.23] 我听到了那陌生而又熟悉的钟声
[02:55.93] 我认出了
[03:07.57] 在你眼中点燃的希望
[03:49.37] 哦,现在是多么从容
[03:57.05] 就像我们躺在黑暗中
[04:06.05] 没有什么妨碍,这很明显
[04:11.25] 如何才能止住泪水
[04:15.66] 恐怕要燃尽了
[04:20.27] 我们爱的火花