Nas Is Like

Nas Is Like

歌名 Nas Is Like
歌手 Nas
专辑 The Essential Nas
[00:08] ("Nas is . . ." -Nas) 7x
[00:20] Freedom of jail, clips inserted
[00:22] A baby is being born the same time my man is murdered
[00:24] The beginning and end
[00:25] As far as rap go, it's only natural, I explain, my plateau
[00:28] And also, what defines my name
[00:30] First it was nasty, but times have changed Nasty Nas
[00:32] Ask me now, I'm the artist, but hardcore, my sign for pain
[00:35] I spent time in the game, kept my mind on fame
[00:38] Saw fiends shoot up, and do lines of cocaine
[00:41] Saw my close friends shot, flatlining, my same
[00:43] That the pen carry mac-10's to practice my aim
[00:46] On rooftops, tape cd covers to trees
[00:48] Line the barrel up with your weed picture and squeeze
[00:51] Jesus's scriptures for lost souls, in the crossroads
[00:53] To the corners thugs hustlin' for cars that cost dough
[00:56] To the big dogs livin' large, takin' it light
[00:59] Pushin' big toys, gettin' nice, enjoyin' your life
[01:01] Is what you make it, suicide, few try to take it
[01:04] Belt tied around their neck, in jail cells naked
[01:06] Heaven and hell, rap legend, presence is felt
[01:09] And of course N - A - S are the letters that spell . . . NAS, NAS NAS
[01:21][01:11] Nas, Nas is like . .(scratching) . life or death (scratching)
[01:24][01:14] My rebel . (scratching). . My poetry's deep, I never fell . .(scratching)
[01:27][01:17] Nas is like .(scratching) . Nas is like . (scratching). . Half man, half
[01:29][01:19] amazin' . .(scratching)
[01:31][01:21] No doubt . (scratching). . Nas is like
[01:33] Earth, wind and fire, rims and tires
[01:34] Bulletproof glass, inside is the realest driver
[01:37] Planets in orbit, line 'em up with the stars
[01:40] Tarot cards, you can see the pharaoh Nas
[01:42] (Nas is like. . -Nas) Nas...
[01:43] Iron mic, messiah type, before the Christ, after the death
[01:46] The last one left, let my cash invest in stock
[01:49] Came a along way from blasted techs on block
[01:52] Went from Seiko to Rolex, ownin' acres
[01:54] >From the projects with no chips, to large cake dough
[01:57] Dimes, skinnin' fellatio, siete zeros, bet my nine spit for the pesos
[02:02] But what's it all worth, can't take it when you under this Earth
[02:05] Rich men died and tried, but none of it worked
[02:07] They just rob your grave, I'd rather be alive and paid
[02:10] Before my number's called, history's made
[02:12] Some will fall, but I rise, thug or die, makin' choices
[02:15] That determine my future under the sky, to rob, steal or kill
[02:19] I'm wondering why, it's a dirty game, is any man worthy of fame
[02:22] Much to success to ya, even if you wish me the opposite
[02:25] Sooner or later we'll all see who the prophet is
[02:38][02:28] Nas, Nas is like . .(scratching) . life or death (scratching)
[02:40][02:30] My rebel . (scratching). . My poetry's deep, I never fell . .(scratching)
[02:43][02:33] Nas is like .(scratching) . Nas is like . (scratching). . Half man, half
[02:45][02:35] amazin' . .(scratching)
[02:47][02:37] No doubt . (scratching). . Nas is like
[02:49] Sex to a nympho, but nothin' sweet
[02:51] I'm like beef, bustin' heat through your windows
[02:53] I'm like a street sweeper, green leaf preeper
[02:55] Like Greeks in Egypt, learnin' something deep from their teachers
[02:58] I'm like crime, like your nine, your man you would die for
[03:01] Always got you, I'm like pop to you with crop for it
[03:03] I'm like a whole lot of loot, I'm like crisp money
[03:06] Corporate accounts from a rich company
[03:08] I'm like ecstasy for ladies, I'm like all races combined in one man
[03:12] like the '99 summer jam, bulletproof hummer man
[03:14] I'm like being locked down around new faces, and none of 'em fam
[03:18] I'm the feeling of a millionaire spendin' a hundred grand
[03:21] I'm a poor man's dream, a thug poet
[03:23] Live it, and I write down and I watch it blow up
[03:26] Y'all know what I'm like, ya play it your system every night
[03:39][03:28] Nas, Nas is like . .(scratching) . life or death (scratching)
[03:41][03:31] My rebel . (scratching). . My poetry's deep, I never fell . .(scratching)
[03:44][03:33] Nas is like .(scratching) . Nas is like . (scratching). . Half man, half
[03:46][03:36] amazin' . .(scratching)
[03:48][03:38] No doubt . (scratching). . Nas is like
[03:54][03:49] Nas, Nas is like . .
[03:56] undefined
[00:20] 是自由还是囚笼 子弹都已经上了膛
[00:22] 婴儿的降生总伴随兄弟被谋杀
[00:24] 喜忧参半 开始伴随着终结
[00:25] 说唱生涯大起大落并不奇怪 而对于我 只有巅峰状态
[00:28] 才能定义我的名字
[00:30] 已成为过去式
[00:32] 现在我变身艺术家 用硬核说唱讲述街头生活的水深火热
[00:35] 混迹在说唱圈 想要保住地位名利
[00:38] 而那些瘾君子们 天天无粉不欢
[00:41] 亲眼见到朋友被枪击 当场毙命 令我无法承受【Nas的好友Ill Will 92年被枪杀】
[00:43] 却也不得不拿出微冲练练靶子
[00:46] 爬上屋顶 树枝上挂满你们的垃圾唱片
[00:48] 你们就像练靶子用的易拉罐 一个个被我射爆
[00:51] 我的街头圣经 写给那些出卖了自己灵魂 而迷失在十字路口的人
[00:53] 因为他们只想着赚票子来买豪车
[00:56] 写给那些住着豪宅 一掷千金的人
[00:59] 加长车 貂皮衣 尽情享乐
[01:01] 这样的醉生梦死 和自杀有什么区别?
[01:04] 结局就是光着身子在狱里用皮带上吊自杀
[01:06] 肮脏的歌词给你天籁般的感受 说唱传奇 感受到了吗?
[01:09] 就是我的大名
[01:33] 金木水火土 无处不在 我的存在必不可少 就像靓车少不了酷炫的轮圈【Earth, Wind and Fire 是70年代著名黑人R&B乐队】
[01:34] 坐在防弹车里的我讲述着现实故事
[01:37] 行星恒星都按照轨道运行着
[01:40] 我就像是法老 用塔罗牌占卜掌控未来
[01:42] 就像
[01:43] 铁人麦克无懈可击【麦克泰森】 又像救世主般 将永世长存
[01:46] 赚的辛苦钱都拿来投资股票
[01:49] 一路血雨腥风 街头枪战不断
[01:52] 从精工戴到劳力士 当上了地主
[01:54] 从做亏本生意到现在大赚特赚
[01:57] 泡妞赚钱 两不误 一赚就是七个零 九毫米手枪就是我的赚钱工具
[02:02] 但这一切值得吗? 钱生不带来死不带走
[02:05] 土豪们不断尝试着 却从未能成功【古埃及人相信带着金银财宝下葬 能让墓主人在下半生继续使用】
[02:07] 最后只有被盗的份 我还是宁愿活着的时候好好享受
[02:10] 在上帝召唤我回归之前 历史将由我改写
[02:12] 有些人走着下坡路 而我正如日中天 战斗才是唯一选择
[02:15] 因为这关乎着我的未来 为了钱而打砸抢偷
[02:19] 让我实在不能理解 用着肮脏手段 还有什么名利可争?
[02:22] 全方位完爆你 无所谓你诅咒我失败
[02:25] 等着瞧吧 看看谁才是预言家?
[02:49] 我的音乐让你上瘾 就像欲女需要行房
[02:51] 四处树敌 听我的歌要小心车外射来的子弹
[02:53] 我就像街头收割者【一种大威力霰弹枪】秒杀你们 天天呼着叶子
[02:55] 像希腊人在古埃及 向老师求教深奥的问题
[02:58] 我就像你手上的手枪 是你唯一的倚靠 而你也愿意为我出生入死
[03:01] 我永远支持着你 兄弟 你会为我的离去而哭泣 就像2Pac一样
[03:03] 我代表着财富 代表着收益
[03:06] 对于公司来说我就是摇钱树
[03:08] 我能满足女人的任何需要 就像多人种的结合体
[03:12] 犹如99年的说唱盛会 出门只能开防弹悍马
[03:14] 因为感觉身边的人总都不怀好意
[03:18] 我就像个百万富翁 花个十几万手都不抖
[03:21] 我是穷人们的偶像 一个战斗的诗人
[03:23] 感受生活 灵感跃于纸上 看着这歌一路飚红
[03:26] 大家都懂我是谁 因为他们每天晚上都放着我的唱片