Cave Story With Lyrics

Cave Story With Lyrics

歌名 Cave Story With Lyrics
歌手 brentalfloss
专辑 Cave Story With Lyrics
[00:08.88] Here we go!
[00:10.23] Tell y'all a story 'bout a cave,
[00:12.05] Story bout a robot rollin' with a whole lotta bravery
[00:15.25] Meets bunny people in the cave,
[00:17.08] the Doctor's got a whim to put the people into slavery
[00:20.31] Err'body's stuck inside a cave
[00:22.26] Can't escape the island, world's smallest violin (skeet-dee-dee)
[00:25.43] So much is happening today,
[00:27.32] Nobody is smilin', things are getting violent (hee-hee-hee)
[00:30.52] Run! Grab a little gun! Level up! Damn it's fun!
[00:34.90] Fight a bag (I'ma fight a freakin' bag),
[00:37.85] Then brag (I just beat a freakin' bag, hahhh).
[00:40.54] Save the Mimiga race, shoot some jerks in the face!
[00:45.95] With Curly Brace by your side!
[00:48.59] (If she didn't help you out, you woulda died, yo)(
[00:50.68] Ca-ave story, gra-ave story, sla-ave story, hey I'm talkin' bout a
[01:00.77] Quote's poor brain's an empty page, but he's
[01:02.72] Thrashin' every asshat in a little Ash hat (Lookalikes)
[01:05.86] Flowers make the bunnies rage,
[01:07.72] Now they're actin rash like a dirty Jersey trash sack (Snook-a-likes!)
[01:10.91] Climb high into the sky, just don't leave with this guy
[01:15.24] You will die (least a couple times you die)
[01:18.17] But try (try again ya gotta try)
[01:20.98] If you're a little sick, you'll find panties and lipstick!
[01:26.42] But do it quick, there's no time. (Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!)
[01:30.79] 'Cause you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go, you gotta go down into the Cave now
[01:36.12] You gotta go, you gotta, go you gotta go, you gotta go down into the cave now
[01:41.13] Gotta put the doc in his place, hope you saved Curly brace 'cause alone it's a case of the blues, so pack it all tight in your little inventory, get ready for the glory of CAVE STORY!
[00:08.88] 开始吧!
[00:10.23] 故事从一个洞窟开始
[00:12.05] 勇敢的机器人库特身陷其中
[00:15.25] 他与洞窟中的咪咪卡相遇
[00:17.08] 听说它们将因博士沦为奴隶
[00:20.31] 大家都被困在洞窟之中
[00:22.26] 如同笼中之鸟,无法逃离这个岛(啾啾啾)
[00:25.43] 今天发生了太多事
[00:27.32] 只有博士还在微笑,事情正在变得更糟(嘿嘿嘿)
[00:30.52] 向前飞奔!捡起手枪!疯狂升级!妈的好玩!
[00:34.90] 和灰色的小怪打架(我正在打这个该死的小怪!)
[00:37.85] 和周围的人吹嘘(我刚打死了一只小怪哈哈哈!)
[00:40.54] 拯救咪咪卡!朝那些该死的傻瓜们开火!
[00:45.95] 和卡莉一起!
[00:48.59] 如果不是她,你早就溺死在洞窟了)
[00:50.68] 洞窟、死亡、奴役...嘿!我正讲的明明是
[00:55.75] Ca-ave story, sa-ave story, fa-ave story! Here we go!洞窟、救赎、挚爱...我们继续!
[01:00.77] 库特的脑子十分瓦特,但他
[01:02.72] 把每个混球都打成了灰烬(其实是加了特技)
[01:05.86] 赤之花让咪咪卡变得狂暴
[01:07.72] 现在它们横冲直撞悲惨不堪(真逊!)
[01:10.91] 登上外壁!别跟那个叫数马的走!
[01:15.24] 你可能会死(反正也不是第一次死了)
[01:18.17] 但是你还要继续尝试(试啊试啊试啊试)
[01:20.98] 如果你觉得无聊了,你可以去找找内裤和口红!
[01:26.42] 但是动作要快!你的时间非常值钱!(现在,立刻,马上!)
[01:30.79] 因为现在你得得得得向下探索
[01:36.12] 你快快快快回到洞窟
[01:41.13] 让博士滚回圣域地下和他的祖先埋在一起,让凯莉得到帮助因为孤单让人忧郁哪怕她是机器,带好你的小本本我知道你刚刚一直在上面做笔记,准备好经历这些故事洞窟物语将让你激动不已!