歌名 11
歌手 Cassadee Pope
专辑 11
[00:11.47] At 7 years old everything was right
[00:14.34] Table for four on a Friday night
[00:17.30] Didn't see any signs of a dead end road
[00:22.90] By the time I was 10 everything was changing
[00:26.43] Fell asleep every night prayin
[00:29.40] Didn't know which way to go
[00:34.99] Mama did her best to hide her anger
[00:40.44] And I did my best to try and save her
[00:46.20] I was a little too young and a little too dumb
[00:49.28] To ever think the day would come
[00:52.21] When dad would drive away
[00:54.34] And take his love with him
[00:58.07] So I grew up fast in a whole new world
[01:01.03] Waved goodbye to that little girl
[01:04.45] I can see her now – innocent and 7
[01:09.42] I wish I had never turned 11
[01:24.84] We moved into a smaller house
[01:27.56] How mama did it oh I don't know how
[01:30.89] Never went to bed without eating
[01:36.17] At 13 I finally realized
[01:39.24] What it means to get on with your life
[01:42.29] But daddy sure did and he made it look easy
[01:48.11] Mama did her best to hide the struggle
[01:53.56] And I did my best to stay out of trouble
[01:59.55] I was a little too young and a little too dumb
[02:02.49] To ever think the day would come
[02:05.45] When dad would drive away
[02:07.63] And take his love with him
[02:11.34] So I grew up fast in a whole new world
[02:14.38] Waved goodbye to that little girl
[02:17.37] I can see her now – innocent and 7
[02:22.68] I wish I had never turned 11
[02:28.77] I wish that I could turn back time
[02:31.94] And tell myself it'll be alright
[02:35.22] You're never gonna lose a lot in your eyes
[02:41.98] I was a little too young and a little too dumb
[02:47.78] To ever think the day would come…
[02:53.79] So I grew up fast in a whole new world
[02:56.77] Waved goodbye to that little girl
[03:00.12] I can see her now – innocent and 7
[03:05.64] I wish I had never turned 11
[03:10.84] I wish I had never turned 11
[03:27.40] I wish I had never turned 11
[00:11.47] 七岁时生活平平淡淡
[00:14.34] 一家四口享受周五晚餐时
[00:17.30] 谁也想象不到未来的艰辛
[00:22.90] 十岁时生活天翻地覆
[00:26.43] 每晚在心惊胆战的祈祷中入睡
[00:29.40] 前路一片迷茫
[00:34.99] 妈妈极力按耐着悲伤与怒火
[00:40.44] 我只能用空洞的语言安慰她
[00:46.20] 当时的我太过幼稚太过天真
[00:49.28] 不敢相信这是真的
[00:52.21] 爸爸竟会驱车离开
[00:54.34] 弃我们而去
[00:58.07] 所以我要在这大千世界快快长大
[01:01.03] 向曾经的我挥手告别
[01:04.45] 我怀念七岁时的我,天真而单纯
[01:09.42] 真希望时光倒流回到十一岁之前
[01:24.84] 我们搬进了一座小房子
[01:27.56] 妈妈不知怎么的就变出了它来
[01:30.89] 睡觉前总是馋嘴的我
[01:36.17] 十三岁才渐渐懂得
[01:39.24] 学会生活并不容易
[01:42.29] 不过从前爸爸总让困难迎刃而解
[01:48.11] 妈妈总独自承受生活的艰难
[01:53.56] 我总让自己置身事外
[01:59.55] 当时的我太过幼稚太过天真
[02:02.49] 不敢相信这是真的
[02:05.45] 爸爸竟会驱车离开
[02:07.63] 弃我们而去
[02:11.34] 所以我要在这大千世界快快长大
[02:14.38] 向曾经的我挥手告别
[02:17.37] 我怀念七岁时的我,天真而单纯
[02:22.68] 真希望时光倒流回到十一岁之前
[02:28.77] 我希望能回到过去
[02:31.94] 告诉当时的自己“一切都会好起来”
[02:35.22] “生活的希望绝不会消逝”
[02:41.98] 当时的我太过幼稚太过天真
[02:47.78] 不敢相信总有一天我会长大
[02:53.79] 所以我只能在这大千世界快快成长
[02:56.77] 向曾经的我挥手告别
[03:00.12] 我怀念七岁时的我,天真而单纯
[03:05.64] 我希望永远天真快乐
[03:10.84] 我希望永远幼稚单纯
[03:27.40] 我希望十一岁永远不曾到来