He's the Greatest Dancer

He's the Greatest Dancer

歌名 He's the Greatest Dancer
歌手 Sister Sledge
专辑 Now That's What I Call Disco
[00:34.04] Oh what, wow!
[00:36.74] He's the greatest dancer~
[00:38.83] Oh what, wow!That I've ever seen~
[00:42.94] Oh what, wow!
[00:44.94] He's the greatest dancer~
[00:47.25] Oh what, wow!
[00:51.08] One night in a disco on the outskirts of Frisco
[00:55.05] I was cruisin' with my favorite gang
[00:59.46] The place was so borin',filled with out-of-towners tourin'
[01:03.28] I knew that it wasn't my thing
[01:07.81] I really wasn't carin' but I felt my eyes starin'
[01:11.95] At a guy who stuck out in the crowd
[01:16.18] He had the kind of body that would shame Adonis
[01:20.25] And a face that would make any man proud
[01:24.98] Oh what, wow!
[01:27.05] He's the greatest dancer~
[01:29.41] Oh what, wow!That I've ever seen~
[01:33.59] Oh what, wow!
[01:35.87] He's the greatest dancer~
[01:37.99] Oh what, wow!
[01:41.67] The champion of dance,his moves would put you in a trance
[01:45.44] And he never leaves the disco alone
[01:49.66] Arrogance but not conceit as a man he is complete
[01:53.75] My crmedelacrme, please take me home
[01:58.34] He wears the finest clothes,the best designers,heaven knows
[02:02.74] Ooo, from his head down to his toes
[02:06.76] Halston, Gucci, Fiorucci, he looks like a still
[02:13.12] That man is dressed to kill
[02:15.77] Oh what, wow!
[02:17.57] He's the greatest dancer~
[02:19.90] Oh what, wow!That I've ever seen~(I've ever seen)
[02:24.34] Oh what, wow!
[02:25.76] He's the greatest dancer~
[02:28.30] Oh what, wow!That I've ever seen~
[03:14.10] Oh what, wow!
[03:16.20] He's the greatest dancer~
[03:18.55] Oh what, wow!That I've ever seen~
[03:23.39] Oh what, wow!
[03:24.91] He's the greatest dancer~
[03:27.16] Oh what, wow..
[00:34.04] 一出场便万众瞩目
[00:36.74] 无可置疑 他是一个独一无二的舞者
[00:38.83] 我从未见过如他一般出神入化的舞步
[00:42.94] 台下的人为他尖叫嘶喊
[00:44.94] 无可置疑 他是一个举世无双的舞者
[00:47.25] 令所有人自叹不如
[00:51.08] 坐落于Frisco郊区的迪斯科沉浸于浓重的夜幕
[00:55.05] 我正饶有兴致漫游于花式多样的游戏中
[00:59.46] 原本鲜为人知的极乐之地在今日却不复往日 五湖四海的游客们在狭小的空间徘徊游走
[01:03.28] 我预感到这里将会发生一件惊天动地的大事
[01:07.81] 我不是一个容易被打动的人 但这猝不及防的惊喜不禁让我眼前一亮
[01:11.95] 一个从人山人海中脱颖而出
[01:16.18] 众人臣服于他步步生花的舞蹈
[01:20.25] 他惊才风逸的倾国之貌 让世间所有的男子都黯然失色
[01:24.98] 他迸发的光芒惊艳四座
[01:27.05] 无可置疑 他是一个惊为天人的舞者
[01:29.41] 我从未见过如他一般精妙绝伦的舞姿
[01:33.59] 所见之人皆为他疯狂
[01:35.87] 无可置疑 他是出类拔萃的舞者
[01:37.99] 众人都被他折服
[01:41.67] 这位气度不凡的舞蹈之王 他的一举一动都会让你神魂颠倒
[01:45.44] 他从未独自一人度过在迪斯科之外漫长寂寥的黑夜
[01:49.66] 作为一个张弛有度的人 他保持着不可一世的姿态却从未因此尊己卑人
[01:53.75] 天骄之子 我渴求你把我带回家
[01:58.34] 设计师们价值连城的得意之作
[02:02.74] 皆汇集与他一身
[02:06.76] Halston,Gucci,Firucci衬托出他盛气凌人的总裁气质(Halston,Gucci,Firucci是三个顶级奢侈品品牌)
[02:13.12] 众生倾倒于他高贵华丽的衣着 所至之处蓬荜生辉
[02:15.77] 横扫舞坛 所向披靡
[02:17.57] 无可质疑 他是登峰造极的舞者
[02:19.90] 我从未见过如此勾魂摄魄的舞蹈
[02:24.34] 使人心神荡漾 目不斜视
[02:25.76] 无可置疑 他是最为闪烁的明星
[02:28.30] 我从未见过如此英姿飒爽的神态
[03:14.10] 可仰首目视而不可触及
[03:16.20] 无可置疑 他是奔逸绝尘的舞者
[03:18.55] 我从未见过如此的脱俗的气质
[03:23.39] 一枝独秀 光彩照人
[03:24.91] 无可置疑 他是空前绝后的舞者
[03:27.16] 前无古人 后无来者