

歌名 Especially
歌手 The Beautiful South
专辑 The Strength Of Whispers
[02:12. 545] So this goes out to the sad
[02:16. 545] And it goes out to the only
[02:21. 545] One you felt you ever had
[02:25. 455] If you're there in total darkness
[02:29. 545] With a letter in your hand
[02:32. 145] Do not bother with the letter
[02:38. 545] Just listen to the band
[00:15.490] Only buy this if you're lonely
[00:19.590] Only listen if you're blue
[00:21.450] If you are married and you are happy
[00:26.490] This song is not to do with you
[00:31.430] If you're listening at your work place
[00:35.490] Feeling small amongst the men
[00:40.470] Do not sing this to your workmates
[00:43.990] This song is not to do with them
[00:52.490] But if you' re sitting on a barstool
[00:56.790] Wondering what on earth to do
[01:01.490] Don' t let them tell you no-one cares
[01:05.490] This songs one especially for you
[01:13.450] If you are listening on your radio
[01:16.490] Smiling while you drive along
[01:20.310] Tune the band into another
[01:24.490] Because this song is not your song
[01:28.490] If you’re working as a DJ
[01:33.100] Leave this record in it 's sleeve
[01:36.490] Cause this ones not for general airplay
[01:41.290] This song's for the day she leaves
[01:49.290] If you've bought this and you're sinking
[01:53.190] And I think that you know who
[01:57.790] It matters not the mouth that's singing
[02:02.490] This songs one especially for you
[02:08.445] So this goes out to the lonely
[03:32.490] So only buy this if you re lonely
[00:15.490] 歌声嗅着你的孤独而来
[00:19.590] 忧郁亦接踵而至
[00:21.450] 姻缘与幸福
[00:26.490] 注定与你绝缘
[00:31.430] 它会闯进你的生活
[00:35.490] 带给你渺小的存在感
[00:40.470] 切记不要将它公之于众
[00:43.990] 它与别人绝缘
[00:52.490] 你倒是应该找个凳子坐下
[00:56.790] 追问自己存在的意义
[01:01.490] 人云亦云断不可取
[01:05.490] 它只为你存在
[01:13.450] 如若电台里响起这段旋律
[01:16.490] 请面带微笑驶向远方
[01:20.310] 请学会为自己的人生调频
[01:24.490] 不如意的事情都抛之脑后
[01:28.490] 如果你是一名DJ
[01:33.100] 请将它作为你的保留曲目
[01:36.490] 不仅仅是曲高和寡
[01:41.290] 更因它因离别而生
[01:49.290] 业已沉沦
[01:53.190] 倩影挥之不去
[01:57.790] 俱往矣
[02:02.490] 它为你而谱就
[02:08.445] 助你逃离孤独
[02:12. 545] 驱遣忧郁
[02:16. 545] 走出曾经的阴影
[02:21. 545] 笑看那破碎的天长地久
[02:25. 455] 如若还是身陷桎梏
[02:29. 545] 沦落在无边的黑暗
[02:32. 145] 放下执念
[02:38. 545] 有它就好
[03:32.490] 孤独是它最好的佐料