Benedictine Convulsions

Benedictine Convulsions

歌名 Benedictine Convulsions
歌手 Cryptopsy
专辑 None So Vile
[00:14.459] An ominous disembowelment...
[00:16.503] The soothslayer is blinded, such is fate;
[00:18.682] Abomination to damn the eyes...
[00:20.582] For the righteous, a test of faith.
[00:22.989] "We thank thee lord, for this tribulation,
[00:25.051] We sing thy praises without end;
[00:26.489] No matter how rabid the oppressor,
[00:28.939] We shall not fail thee,
[00:30.077] Though we pray for strength."
[00:53.847] Ensnared in the web of the Unjesus,
[00:56.025] The once-sacrosanct abbey is besieged,
[00:58.114] With the braying of the Nightgoat,
[01:00.508] Benedictine friars convulse
[01:01.858] Infernal visions flay their souls
[01:02.798] As their bodies contort and writhe...
[01:12.890] Capricornus Nocturnum haunts them,
[01:15.128] From their torment springs its delight
[01:17.389] Impaled on one of its many legs,
[01:19.131] A bug-eyed Mary gapes on in horror
[01:21.542] As her only son is chewed to bits
[01:23.490] By Spiderchrist... She is flecked with gore
[01:25.595] Caprine Morturion leads the bones
[01:27.860] Of their departed brethren
[01:29.029] In the abbey's catacombs;
[01:39.552] When gargoyles vomit blood,
[01:40.988] The defunct will ascend
[01:42.374] To rend the mortal flesh
[01:44.525] Of the brothers of the good word,
[01:46.504] And make victims of their guts
[01:48.714] Those who are left,
[01:49.614] Of God bereft
[01:50.893] Run amongst heads
[01:53.080] Suspended by threads
[01:55.362] Crosses up-ended
[02:00.332] And frenzied bloodshed
[02:03.076] For those who sought favour
[02:05.841] From their saviour
[02:08.365] "I am messiah"
[03:21.282] The grand delusion
[03:22.554] To hell-wracked things
[03:25.907] Revelation
[00:14.459] 一场不详的开膛剖肚
[00:16.503] 占卜者被蒙蔽双眼 命运大概如此
[00:18.682] 这该死的肮脏的眼睛
[00:20.582] 作为测验虔诚者的试炼
[00:22.989] 主啊 感谢你施舍的苦难
[00:25.051] 我们一直赞美着你
[00:26.489] 无论压迫者多么无理残暴
[00:28.939] 我们永不背弃你
[00:30.077] 即使我们会渴求力量
[00:53.847] 落入了反对 主 的大网
[00:56.025] 一度神圣不可侵犯的修道院被包围
[00:58.114] 伴随着夜猫的号叫
[01:00.508] 本笃会修士们战栗不已
[01:01.858] 地狱的幻像 惨无人道 剥夺了他们的灵魂
[01:02.798] 他们的身体痛苦万分 不断扭动
[01:12.890] 摩羯座的夜行者时常恐吓他们
[01:15.128] 从他们的痛苦中获取快乐
[01:17.389] 奋力刺穿了它的一条腿
[01:19.131] 失明的玛丽惊恐地瞪着无神的眼睛
[01:21.542] 因为她的独子已成为碎片
[01:23.490] 被蜘蛛神所害 她身上被凌乱的血块沾满
[01:25.595] 摩羯带领了
[01:27.860] 被大卸八块的弟兄们的骨殖
[01:29.029] 放入修道院的墓室里
[01:39.552] 石像鬼吐出血液时
[01:40.988] 死者的魂魄会飞升
[01:42.374] 撕碎凡人的身体
[01:44.525] 撕碎那些多嘴的同僚们
[01:46.504] 让他们的内脏深受其害
[01:48.714] 那些剩下的
[01:49.614] 已失去信仰
[01:50.893] 在人头堆间狂奔
[01:53.080] 最终被挂起
[01:55.362] 在倒十字架上
[02:00.332] 大量且疯狂的流血
[02:03.076] 为那些寻求救赎的人
[02:05.841] 从救世主那里寻求帮助
[02:08.365] 我是救世主
[03:21.282] 多么荒谬的妄想!
[03:22.554] 搞砸了一切
[03:25.907] 所谓的启示录