Like a Phoenix Rising (Full)

Like a Phoenix Rising (Full)

歌名 Like a Phoenix Rising (Full)
歌手 椎名豪
[00:30.000] I lift off my wings set to the sky
[00:36.000] Arisen from ashes and now I fly
[00:43.000] Through the flame of the war I have been reborn
[00:49.000] It's my time I have made it in mine
[01:21.000] When soaring high above my enemies
[01:27.000] I understand the things you see in me
[01:33.000] To vanquish those who choose to fight
[01:40.000] I'll bring peace before the night
[01:46.000] Why do you still challenge me?
[01:53.000] You can't win It's not your destiny
[02:00.000] Like the moth who flies into the flame
[02:04.000] You won't return You'll lose your name
[02:12.000] Gave you hope to unite with me
[02:18.000] Oppose darkness, let all men see
[02:24.000] You have chosen to go your way
[02:30.000] You chose to seize the day
[02:37.000] Rising like the phoenix from the ashes of the fire
[02:43.000] My greatest strength is not your desire
[02:50.000] Can I be a champion fair and free
[02:54.000] To the end
[02:56.000] Defying gravity
[03:03.000] The clear white jet stream in the deep blue sky
[03:08.000] I pull ahead,Spread my wing and fly
[03:14.000] Because of you we'll fight and some will die
[03:21.000] Because of you we will always try
[03:27.000] Why do you still challenge me?
[03:34.000] You can't win It's not your destiny···
[03:40.000] Like the moth who flies into the flame
[03:45.000] You won't return You'll lose your name
[03:52.000] Gave you hope to unite with me
[04:01.000] Oppose darkness, let all men see
[04:04.000] You have chosen to go your way
[04:11.000] You chose to seize the day
[04:17.000] Rising like the phoenix from the ashes of the fire
[04:24.000] My greatest strength is not your desire
[04:30.000] Can I be a champion fair and free
[04:35.000] To the end
[04:37.000] Defying gravity
[04:46.000] Going ever higher than the clouds
[04:51.000] Climbing fast Breaking sound
[04:58.000] We'll suffer more and overcome
[05:04.000] Some day
[05:07.000] You and I will touch the sun
[05:20.000] Gave you hope to unite with me
[05:27.000] Oppose darkness, let all men see
[05:33.000] You have chosen to go your way
[05:41.000] You chose to seize the day
[05:46.000] Rising like the phoenix from the ashes of the fire
[05:53.000] My greatest strength is not your desire
[05:58.000] Can I be a champion fair and free
[06:04.000] To the end
[06:06.000] Defying gravity
[00:30.000] 我从地面升起向天空振翅
[00:36.000] 于灰烬中挥舞
[00:43.000] 在战火中重生
[00:49.000] 这造就了我的灵魂深处
[01:21.000] 当我俯视我的敌人时
[01:27.000] 你或许认为我已变得冷血
[01:33.000] 但为了结束那些陷入残杀失去自我的人
[01:40.000] 我必会在绝望降临之前带来和平
[01:46.000] 但是为什么你却无数次发起冲锋?
[01:53.000] 明知这是走向破灭的命运···
[02:00.000] 如飞蛾扑火般悲哀
[02:04.000] 失去名字失去一切
[02:12.000] 我想给予你希望并陪伴在我的身边
[02:18.000] 让所有人看见我们没有放弃反抗黑暗
[02:24.000] 你选择了属于自己的方向
[02:30.000] 你选择了追逐未来
[02:37.000] 如凤涅槃
[02:43.000] 我知道你不渴望力量
[02:50.000] 我能否让这片天空变的公平自由
[02:54.000] 直到苍穹的尽头
[02:56.000] 挑战重力的束缚
[03:03.000] 纯白的尾流交汇于苍穹
[03:08.000] 我沉浸在其中飞舞
[03:14.000] 因为你是我战斗的理由,即便生命会因此陨落
[03:21.000] 因为你就是我绝不放弃的理由
[03:27.000] 但是为什么你却仍然发起冲锋?
[03:34.000] 明知这是走向破灭的命运···
[03:40.000] 如飞蛾扑火般悲哀
[03:45.000] 你将失去名字再也无法回到我的身边
[03:52.000] 我想给予你希望并陪伴在我的身边
[04:01.000] 让所有人看见我们没有放弃反抗黑暗
[04:04.000] 你选择了属于自己的方向
[04:11.000] 你选择了抓住现在
[04:17.000] 如凤涅槃
[04:24.000] 我知道你不渴望力量
[04:30.000] 我能否让这片天空变的公平自由
[04:35.000] 直到苍穹的尽头
[04:37.000] 从重力的束缚中解放
[04:46.000] 前往云端之上
[04:51.000] 突破音速极速爬升!
[04:58.000] 我们也许会承受很多痛苦吧
[05:04.000] 但是总有一天
[05:07.000] 你和我会触碰到太阳!(很感人)
[05:20.000] 我想给予你希望并陪伴在我的身边
[05:27.000] 让所有人看见我们没有放弃反抗黑暗
[05:33.000] 你选择了属于自己的方向
[05:41.000] 你选择了追逐未来
[05:46.000] 如凤涅槃
[05:53.000] 我知道你不渴望力量
[05:58.000] 我能否让这片天空变的公平自由
[06:04.000] 直到苍穹的尽头
[06:06.000] 从重力的束缚中解放···