

歌名 Twenty-Six
歌手 Happy Hour
专辑 Twenty-Six
[00:00.000] 作曲 : David Sebastian Alfaro
[00:13.845] It's been such a long time
[00:16.842] Since l've let you see me cry
[00:19.848] How do you do it? It is fluid? Do I lack fluid?
[00:24.356] 'Cause when the storm comes I feel dry
[00:26.353] Sick! sick! sick!
[00:29.345] Thinking of this, this, this
[00:32.606] Something within, in, in
[00:35.858] Need to put out, out, out
[00:39.353] The fire
[00:46.110] The fire!
[00:57.854] Can't open myself up to you
[01:01.109] What the hell am I supposed to do?
[01:07.601] When it hurts to speak in tongues
[01:12.107] And reconcile what's due
[01:14.848] I don't think that you get it
[01:17.103] I think I need a medic
[01:18.849] I think I need a medic!
[01:21.106] 26 years and now I realize, now I realize
[01:31.345] It's been such a long time
[01:37.843] Since I've said that I was fine
[01:41.104] I guess it's progress, what you call it
[01:43.607] I'm just stalling
[01:45.102] 'Cause the truth is that I'm sick
[01:47.610] A sin is hiding deep within the trenches
[01:50.350] You think you've reached me at my conversation benches
[01:54.599] But alsa, I'm not over the last time
[01:58.092] Kiss me now because it might be the last time
[02:01.842] Still I...
[02:03.096] I can't open myself up to you
[02:10.097] What the hell am I supposed to do?
[02:17.341] When it hurts to speak in tongues
[02:21.093] And reconcile what's due
[02:23.606] I don't think that you get it
[02:26.102] I think I need a medic
[02:27.858] I think I need a medic!
[02:43.592] And by the time
[02:46.614] I've drawn the lines, it'll be too late
[02:50.349] 'Cause my disguise
[02:52.856] Has been prescribed. I'll self-medicate
[02:58.349] And spiral down
[03:00.357] So by the end, I'll crack the code
[03:03.596] Deep in the crowd
[03:05.846] But by the end I still feel cold
[03:10.347] Ribs like a cage full of fire.
[03:11.850] sulfur and ashes, a liar
[03:13.598] Thinking about all the things you could to me
[03:15.857] Paranoid you would conspire
[03:17.345] But she's so pristine, a chapel I could call Sistine
[03:20.348] Lay me down in St.Peter and wash my body clean
[03:22.844] I just wanna say, you're
[03:25.602] someone that I like
[03:26.850] someone that I like
[03:28.094] someone that I like
[03:30.356] Spread these ashes out and suffocate the fire
[03:33.352] Suffocate the fire
[03:35.607] The fire!
[03:53.101] Can't open myself up to you
[04:01.344] What the hell am I supposed to do?
[04:07.362] When it hurts to speak in tongues
[04:11.603] And reconcile what's due
[04:14.104] I don't think that you get it
[04:16.841] I think I need a medic
[04:18.109] I think I need a medic!
[04:20.865] Never gonna open up and let you see inside, no!
[04:23.351] Let it! Let it! Let it! Let it! Let it bleed
[04:27.355] Never gonna open up, I'm rotting from inside
[04:30.601] So help me, god, I'll hold it in until I die ~
[00:13.845] 已过去很久
[00:16.842] 从看到你哭的那一天
[00:19.848] 你为什么哭呢?你是水做的吗?还是我太固执呢?
[00:24.356] 风雨已来 我却仍干涸
[00:26.353] 恶心!恶心! 恶心啊
[00:29.345] 一些外在
[00:32.606] 一些内在
[00:35.858] 都毁灭吧
[00:39.353] 燃烧
[00:46.110] 燃烧!
[00:57.854] 不能对你坦诚以待
[01:01.109] 我究竟该怎么办啊
[01:07.601] 与你说话都会痛苦
[01:12.107] 到底做什么才能和解
[01:14.848] 而你什么都不明白
[01:17.103] 我想我需要医生啊
[01:18.849] 我想我需要医生啊
[01:21.106] 26年了 现在我才懂 现在才懂
[01:31.345] 过去这么久了
[01:37.843] 从我说我很好的那天开始
[01:41.104] 到今天 算是进步吧 不知道你怎么想
[01:43.607] 我也只能这样了
[01:45.102] 因为事实上 我已经病入膏肓
[01:47.610] 一种罪在我内心深处挖出天堑
[01:50.350] 你以为和你说话的人还是我
[01:54.599] 但是抱歉,趁还没完全结束
[01:58.092] 现在吻我一次吧 因为这应该是此生最后一次
[02:01.842] 死寂的我…
[02:03.096] 我不能对你坦诚以待
[02:10.097] 我究竟该怎么办
[02:17.341] 与你说话都会痛苦
[02:21.093] 到底做什么才能和解
[02:23.606] 而你什么都不明白
[02:26.102] 我想我需要医生啊
[02:27.858] 我想我需要医生啊
[02:43.592] 这一刻
[02:46.614] 我已经和你两清了 一切都晚了
[02:50.349] 因为我学会了伪装
[02:52.856] 它会让我自愈
[02:58.349] 和走向毁灭
[03:00.357] 所以最后 我会破解密码
[03:03.596] 沉入人海
[03:05.846] 虽然仍会觉得世事冰冷
[03:10.347] 肋骨像燃烧的兽笼
[03:11.850] 充满硫磺 飞灰 和谎言
[03:13.598] 回想你带给我的一切
[03:15.857] 偏执如你 充满阴谋
[03:17.345] 但她是如此纯洁啊 我把她当做西斯廷的教堂(这里我猜是主语转圣母了)
[03:20.348] 躺在圣彼得堡 洗净我的身躯
[03:22.844] 但我只是想说 你是
[03:25.602] 我喜欢的那个人啊
[03:26.850] 我喜欢的那个人啊
[03:28.094] 我喜欢的那个人啊
[03:30.356] 让一切灰飞烟灭
[03:33.352] 灭了这火
[03:35.607] 灭了这火
[03:53.101] 不能对你坦诚以待
[04:01.344] 我究竟该怎么办
[04:07.362] 与你说话都会痛苦
[04:11.603] 到底做什么才能和解
[04:14.104] 而你什么都不明白
[04:16.841] 我想我需要医生啊
[04:18.109] 我想我需要医生啊
[04:20.865] 永远不会对你说这些话 永远不会让你了解我
[04:23.351] 让我去吧!让我流血吧!
[04:27.355] 永远不会对你说这些话 我甘愿从深处腐朽
[04:30.601] 上帝啊 救救我 我愿意坚持到死