Down the Spine

Down the Spine

歌名 Down the Spine
歌手 Unprocessed
专辑 Artificial Void
[00:39.59] The world is a paradox
[00:47.79] The science has been overcome
[00:55.31] By sentient philosophy
[01:41.90] It hunts you through the night
[01:47.34] It scatters all your dreams
[01:51.52] Their voices clear and high
[01:55.58] The river slowly streams
[01:59.79] It’s been in our minds
[02:04.11] For most of our time
[02:08.36] Feel it passing by
[02:12.63] It shivers down your spine
[02:16.88] We’re entering a whole new world
[02:20.97] Detached from what we knew so far
[02:25.32] Watch our cosmos fall apart
[02:29.35] Deep waters will reflect our past
[02:50.32] We’re entering a whole new world
[02:54.60] Detached from what we knew so far
[02:58.83] We’re entering a whole new world
[03:02.93] A digit ocean soaks you fast
[03:22.82] You stare clearly
[03:24.42] Out of your focus it crumbles through flesh and bones
[03:26.98] Are you ready
[03:28.38] To sink into the exodus
[03:30.96] You stare clearly
[03:32.65] Out of our focus the monster evolves and grows
[03:35.27] Facing the horror
[03:36.79] End it or flee through the abyss of chaos
[04:14.69] We’re entering a whole new world
[04:18.75] Detached from what we knew so far
[04:23.60] Watch our cosmos fall apart
[04:27.30] Deep waters will reflect our past
[00:39.59] 这世界不过是个悖论
[00:47.79] 人类感知的哲学
[00:55.31] 已凌驾于科学之上
[01:41.90] 它彻夜将你猎捕
[01:47.34] 驱散你所有的梦境
[01:51.52] 他们的声音清脆响亮
[01:55.58] 这条河缓缓流过
[01:59.79] 长存于我们脑海中
[02:04.11] 此生大半时间里
[02:08.36] 都能感到它流逝
[02:12.63] 它让你脊背发凉
[02:16.88] 我们正进入一个全新的世界
[02:20.97] 与我们已知的完全不同
[02:25.32] 见证我们的宇宙分崩离析
[02:29.35] 我们的过往倒映在深水中
[02:50.32] 我们正进入一个全新的世界
[02:54.60] 与我们已知的完全不同
[02:58.83] 我们正进入一个全新的世界
[03:02.93] 数字海洋将会把你淹没
[03:22.82] 你紧盯着它
[03:24.42] 一旦分神,它便会碎成血肉
[03:26.98] 你是否准备好了
[03:28.38] 投身于这场迁徙中
[03:30.96] 你紧盯着它
[03:32.65] 一旦分神,恶魔便会进化成长
[03:35.27] 面对恐惧吧
[03:36.79] 要么结束它,要么逃离这混乱的深渊
[04:14.69] 我们正进入一个全新的世界
[04:18.75] 与我们已知的完全不同
[04:23.60] 见证我们的宇宙分崩离析
[04:27.30] 我们的过往倒映在深水中