Artificial Void

Artificial Void

歌名 Artificial Void
歌手 Unprocessed
专辑 Artificial Void
[01:47.67] A shallow space silently gleams
[01:51.85] Sprawling scopes and narrow ways
[01:56.13] A wounded soul so lost and stray
[02:00.68] Floating through a newborn sky
[02:05.30] A secret path into endlessness
[02:08.87] Yet shadows lead to nothing
[02:13.38] The journeys unambiquos ?til today
[02:17.51] Now uncountable possibilities
[02:23.93] Be everywhere and non existent
[02:31.51] Be back then as you are,you are today
[02:59.15] What seems so tiny and fragile
[03:01.87] Will be gigantical tomorrow
[03:07.13] A wing clap of an artfi cial butterfly
[03:11.47] Will turn the shining light into sorrow
[03:16.59] Be everywhere and non existent
[03:24.56] (Everywhere and non existent)
[03:47.26] (Everywhere)
[04:32.74] Be everywhere and non existent
[04:42.41] Be back then as you‘re,you‘re today
[04:50.74] Be everywhere and non existent
[04:53.84] Become the future
[04:54.83] Overgrow yourself
[01:47.67] 在那幽静之地 微光闪烁
[01:51.85] 数条蜿蜒道路 四处蔓延
[01:56.13] 有人身负伤痕 失魂落魄
[02:00.68] 于新生天空下 飘然而过
[02:05.30] 一条隐秘小径 永无尽头
[02:08.87] 莫被暗影引诱 一无所获
[02:13.38] 这场旅途至今 无人踏足
[02:17.51] 仍有无限可能 不胜繁多
[02:23.93] 无处不在 却无处可寻
[02:31.51] 回到此刻 正如你当下的自我
[02:59.15] 今日渺小之物 不堪一击
[03:01.87] 明日便将崛起 顶天立地
[03:07.13] 人造蝴蝶之翅 挥动之际
[03:11.47] 无限光明化作 悲伤陈迹
[03:16.59] 无处不在 却无处可寻
[03:24.56] (无处不在 却无处可寻)
[03:47.26] (无处不在)
[04:32.74] 无处不在 却无处可寻
[04:42.41] 回到此刻 正如你当下的自我
[04:50.74] 无处不在 却无处可寻
[04:53.84] 化身为未来吧
[04:54.83] 那将引你超越自我