A Big World

A Big World

歌名 A Big World
歌手 Joel Adams
专辑 A Big World
[00:00.00] 作曲 : Joel Vasco Goncalves/Nolan Sipe
[00:03.37] I want the world to feel big
[00:06.19] Like it did when we were kids
[00:08.36] Like it did when we were kids
[00:12.78] I'm tired of living in a small world
[00:15.49] I need a big world
[00:17.71] One where the stars still shine
[00:20.88] My father's only getting older
[00:24.00] Said "son I told ya,
[00:26.06] Don't ever leave your past behind."
[00:29.58] Those same old stories
[00:31.25] That used to bore me
[00:33.06] Oh what I'd give to hear them one last time
[00:39.90] I'm not ready
[00:45.66] 'Cause I want the world to feel big
[00:48.73] Like it did when we were
[00:50.99] Like it did when we were
[00:53.15] Like it did when we were
[00:54.80] I want the world to feel big
[00:57.47] Like it did when we were kids
[00:59.63] Like it did when we were kids
[01:03.49] Remember the days when we were younger
[01:06.71] We'd look up and wonder
[01:08.83] How could we touch the sky?
[01:12.06] Picturing life like it's a movie
[01:14.98] We're all assuming
[01:17.14] That everything will turn out fine
[01:20.76] Then we look over
[01:22.33] Over our shoulder
[01:24.39] And start to wonder what we left behind
[01:28.41] I want the world to feel big
[01:31.23] Like it did when we were
[01:33.40] Like it did when we were
[01:35.51] Like it did when we were
[01:37.21] I want the world to feel big
[01:39.83] Like it did when we were kids
[01:41.93] Like it did when we were kids
[02:03.25] I want the world to feel big
[02:06.07] Like it did when we were
[02:08.25] Like it did when we were
[02:10.50] Like it did when we were
[02:12.16] I want the world to feel big
[02:14.82] Like it did when we were kids
[02:16.93] Like it did when we were kids
[02:20.89] I want the world to feel big
[02:23.54] Like it did when we were
[02:25.70] Like it did when we were
[02:27.89] Like it did when we were
[02:29.59] I want the world to feel big
[02:32.16] Like it did when we were kids
[02:34.43] Like it did when we were kids
[02:55.90] I'm tired of living in a small world
[02:58.97] I need a big world
[03:01.38] One where the stars still shine
[00:03.37] 渴望广阔世界
[00:06.19] 如同年少时分
[00:08.36] 好似记忆浮现
[00:12.78] 拘束于狭窄世界让我身心俱疲
[00:15.49] 我需要一个广阔世界
[00:17.71] 群星闪耀天际
[00:20.88] 父亲老去之时
[00:24.00] 千言万语叮咛
[00:26.06] 切勿背弃曾经
[00:29.58] 那些老生常谈
[00:31.25] 使我无比厌烦
[00:33.06] 却无法再追述
[00:39.90] 我还没准备好
[00:45.66] 渴望广阔天空
[00:48.73] 如同曾经你我
[00:50.99] 仿若心存印象
[00:53.15] 恰似记忆永存
[00:54.80] 想要广阔世界
[00:57.47] 如同我们年少
[00:59.63] 万物曾经面貌
[01:03.49] 回忆年少时分
[01:06.71] 仰望天空祈求
[01:08.83] 如何触及天空?
[01:12.06] 人生多彩如画
[01:14.98] 我们如此猜想
[01:17.14] 一切终将无恙
[01:20.76] 回顾过去
[01:22.33] 看向身后
[01:24.39] 细数种种
[01:28.41] 憧憬无边海洋
[01:31.23] 如我儿时所栖
[01:33.40] 似我前世所向
[01:35.51] 恰如内心所系
[01:37.21] 仰望斗转星移
[01:39.83] 仿若故人重逢
[01:41.93] 可拟缓缓归矣
[02:03.25] 奔向银河无际
[02:06.07] 过往念念不忘
[02:08.25] 记忆必有回响
[02:10.50] 无惶无畏无惧
[02:12.16] 徜徉广阔原野
[02:14.82] 自我再会
[02:16.93] 直面灵魂
[02:20.89] 湮没深海
[02:23.54] 往日重现
[02:25.70] 旧事重提
[02:27.89] 重踏旅程
[02:29.59] 迷失于八荒之里
[02:32.16] 腾跃直上
[02:34.43] 来日可期
[02:55.90] 厌倦俗世喧嚣
[02:58.97] 苦寻世外桃源
[03:01.38] 星河不息之地