

歌名 Demons
歌手 Rival
歌手 Max Hurrell
歌手 Veronica Bravo
专辑 Demons
[00:04.22] Life's a pill that's hard to swallow
[00:10.53] All my demons scream the echos
[00:15.77] And I'm cleaning blood off a bathroom wall
[00:19.00] A fractured heart and a shattered soul
[00:22.40] Lays there next to hers
[00:27.95] Are you alive or just breathing
[00:31.29] Is it living when your dreaming
[00:34.29] I'll be gone
[00:36.62] And karma will leave a note
[00:39.44] Leave a note
[00:40.67] Are you alive or just breathing
[00:43.93] Does god know it when you're kneeling
[00:47.07] 'Cause when I'm gone
[00:50.63] When I'm gone
[00:52.44] I hope you can see ghosts
[01:05.34] I hope you can see ghosts
[01:21.03] Dead asleep you're seeing shadows
[01:27.27] Revenge is awake under your pillow
[01:32.78] I sense your fear crawling down your back
[01:35.71] I'm the haunting past in a shade of black
[01:38.97] I lay there next to her
[01:44.76] Are you alive or just breathing
[01:48.03] Is it living when your dreaming
[01:51.07] I'll be gone
[01:53.61] And karma will leave a note
[01:56.08] Leave a note
[01:57.50] Are you alive or just breathing
[02:00.78] Does god know it when you're kneeling
[02:03.82] 'Cause when I'm gone when I'm gone
[02:09.22] I hope you can see ghosts
[02:22.20] I hope you can see ghosts
[02:35.87] You made up all my darkest days
[02:38.86] You're the one that left me wide awake
[02:42.48] I'm not afraid anymore
[02:45.82] I'm just a sense in your core
[02:48.59] You can take back all my darkest days
[02:51.60] You're the only one that's worth the pain
[02:55.29] I'm not afraid anymore
[02:58.52] Oh I hope
[03:00.43] I hope you can see ghosts
[03:14.29] You made up all my darkest days
[03:17.24] You're the one that left me wide awake
[03:20.84] I'm not afraid anymore
[03:24.05] I'm just a sense in your core
[03:26.86] You can take back all my darkest days
[03:30.04] You're the only one that's worth the pain
[03:33.67] I'm not afraid anymore
[03:36.87] Oh I hope
[03:38.87] I hope you can see ghosts
[00:04.22] 生活是一颗难以吞咽的苦药
[00:10.53] 我心锁里的恶魔尖叫声久久不散、不绝于耳
[00:15.77] 我在清理浴室墙上的血迹
[00:19.00] 也在清理破碎的心和灵魂
[00:22.40] 躺在她的旁边
[00:27.95] 你是活着,还只是在本能呼吸
[00:31.29] 当你陷入梦乡的时候,它还活着的时候
[00:34.29] 我悄然离开了
[00:36.62] 因果报应会留下字据
[00:39.44] 留下一张纸条
[00:40.67] 你是活着,还只是在本能的呼吸
[00:43.93] 当你跪下祈祷的时候,上帝知道吗
[00:47.07] 因为当我离开的时候
[00:50.63] 当我走后
[00:52.44] 我希望你能通灵万物
[01:05.34] 我希望你能看到亡魂
[01:21.03] 沉睡中的你看到的只是阴影
[01:27.27] 复仇之魂会在你的枕头下醒来
[01:32.78] 我能感受到恐惧正从你背上爬下来
[01:35.71] 我是黑影中萦绕的灰色过去
[01:38.97] 我躺在她旁边
[01:44.76] 你是活着,还只是在本能的呼吸?
[01:48.03] 当你沉睡时
[01:51.07] 我会离开
[01:53.61] 因果报应会留下烙印
[01:56.08] 不可磨灭的纸条
[01:57.50] 你是活着,还只是在本能的呼吸?
[02:00.78] 当你跪下的时候,上帝知道你在祈祷吗
[02:03.82] 因为当我离去的时候
[02:09.22] 我希望你能通灵万物
[02:22.20] 我希望你能看到一切的本质
[02:35.87] 你陪伴了我最黑暗的日子
[02:38.86] 是你让我完全清醒
[02:42.48] 现在,我无所畏惧
[02:45.82] 我只是你内心的一种感觉
[02:48.59] 你可以拿走我身上最黑暗的时光
[02:51.60] 你是我唯一值得付出痛苦的人
[02:55.29] 现在,我一往无前
[02:58.52] 我希望
[03:00.43] 我希望你能通灵万物
[03:14.29] 你陪伴了我最黑暗的日子
[03:17.24] 是你让我完全清醒
[03:20.84] 现在,我无所畏惧
[03:24.05] 我只是你内心的一种感觉
[03:26.86] 你可以收回我身上所有最黑暗的日子
[03:30.04] 你是我唯一值得付出痛苦的人
[03:33.67] 现在,我所向披靡
[03:36.87] 我希望
[03:38.87] 我希望你能看清世界的本质