Don't Mind

Don't Mind

歌名 Don't Mind
歌手 Eclypxe
歌手 Rame
专辑 Don't Mind
[00:00.00] 作词 : Federica Cavallo
[00:01.00] 作曲 : Alessandro Tafuro
[00:06.10] For all the times that we loooked to each other eyes
[00:16.10] For all the blame that i took for this laugher high
[00:21.14] I can ' t change my world
[00:23.47] Go love you and take control i can shine while you can only lie
[00:28.23] This is possible if you really mean it
[00:32.53] This is life and everything is so clear
[00:34.78] Feeling high loving yourself dancing
[00:36.87] And you can even take control without resting
[00:39.38] Get it , can get it , can get it Get out of control Let it go , let it go and let it
[00:49.25] The life go slow Don ' t mind , Don ' t mind ,
[00:52.75] Don ' t mind So just count 1 , 2 , 3
[00:58.18] Baby you are gonna make this world with me
[01:23.81] Hey , do you know how make me smile
[01:25.95] Ane let the past and lies goodbyes
[01:29.93] Feel so gorgeous tonight
[01:31.51] Don ' t let the bad feeling take control
[01:33.58] Turn on the music in your home or car
[01:34.70] Wherever you go
[01:37.45] This is possible if you really mean it
[01:39.96] This is life and everything is so clear
[01:42.33] Feeling high loving yourself dancing
[01:44.14] And you can even take control without resting
[01:47.07] Get it , can get it , can get it Get out of control
[01:52.36] Without resting
[01:58.08] Get it , can get it , can get it Get out of control Let it go , let it go and let it
[02:01.98] The life go slow Don ' t mind , Don ' t mind ,
[02:04.07] Don ' t mind So just count 1 , 2 , 3
[02:05.34] Baby you are gonna make this world with me
[02:06.74] Gonna take it back
[02:28.20] Life is love and then
[02:33.75] You're gonna,You're gonna
[02:39.20] You're gonna ,make this rest
[00:06.10] 终日四目传情
[00:16.10] 你的笑颜让我身负重任
[00:21.14] 我无法改变我的世界
[00:23.47] (我所能改变的是)去爱你,尽管你撒谎我也能克制我的怒火
[00:28.23] 如果你真的打算的话,这是可能的
[00:32.53] 这就是生活,一切都如此清晰
[00:34.78] 舞姿曼妙,心情高涨
[00:36.87] 不休不息也能掌握一切
[00:39.38] 掌握一切亦或是失去控制,随他去吧(我一直爱你)
[00:49.25] 放慢生活
[00:52.75] 不要放心上,让我们共度美好生活(数数能处多久)
[00:58.18] 宝贝 我和你将创造我们的世界
[01:23.81] 嘿,你知道如何让我欢笑吗?
[01:25.95] 那就是让我们和过去以及谎言告别吧
[01:29.93] 今晚月色真美
[01:31.51] 不要让坏情绪主导
[01:33.58] 打开家中或车中的音乐吧
[01:34.70] 无论去哪(我会紧紧相随)
[01:37.45] 如果你打算周游世界,我也会陪着你
[01:39.96] 未来可期
[01:42.33] 舞姿曼妙,心情高涨
[01:44.14] 不休不息也能掌握一切
[01:47.07] 掌握一切亦或是失去控制
[01:52.36] 勇往直前吧
[01:58.08] 掌握一切亦或是失去控制,随他去吧(我一直爱你)
[02:01.98] 放慢生活,享受当下
[02:04.07] 不要放心上,让我们共度美好生活(不用数啦,就是一辈子)
[02:05.34] 宝贝 我和你将创造我们的世界
[02:06.74] 这次我会把你藏好,别再逃走了
[02:28.20] 生活充满爱与期望
[02:33.75] 那么你
[02:39.20] 就在我怀里好好休息吧