

歌名 Highwomen
歌手 The Highwomen
专辑 The Highwomen
[00:00.000] 作词 : Amanda Shires/Brandi Carlile/Jimmy Webb
[00:00.853] 作曲 : Amanda Shires/Brandi Carlile/Jimmy Webb
[00:01.706] I was a Highwoman
[00:04.399] And a mother from my youth
[00:07.549] For my children I did what I had to do
[00:13.264] My family left Honduras when they killed the Sandinistas
[00:18.107] We followed a coyote through the dust of Mexico
[00:22.680] Every one of them except for me survived
[00:27.987] And I am still alive
[00:35.370] I was a healer
[00:38.155] I was gifted as a girl
[00:42.971] I laid hands upon the world
[00:46.320] Someone saw me sleeping naked in the noon sun
[00:52.212] I heard "witchcraft" in the whispers and I knew my time had come
[00:57.099] The bastards hung me at the Salem gallows hill
[01:02.536] But I am living still
[01:06.924] I was a freedom rider
[01:09.586] When we thought the South had won
[01:13.119] Virginia in the spring of '61
[01:17.217] I sat down on the Greyhound that was bound for Mississippi
[01:24.170] My mother asked me if that ride was worth my life
[01:29.626] And when the shots rang out I never heard the sound
[01:34.188] But I am still around
[01:38.303] And I'll take that ride again
[01:40.810] And again
[01:42.317] And again
[01:43.557] And again
[01:44.795] And again
[01:52.621] I was a preacher
[01:55.908] My heart broke for all the world
[01:59.455] But teaching was unrighteous for a girl
[02:04.207] In the summer I was baptized in the mighty Colorado
[02:10.105] In the winter I heard the hounds and I knew I had been found
[02:15.005] And in my Savior's name, I laid my weapons down
[02:20.009] But I am still around
[02:27.215] We are The Highwomen
[02:28.838] Singing stories still untold
[02:33.944] We carry the sons you can only hold
[02:38.835] We are the daughters of the silent generations
[02:43.959] You sent our hearts to die alone in foreign nations
[02:48.426] It may return to us as tiny drops of rain
[02:53.388] But we will still remain
[02:57.801] And we'll come back again and again and again
[03:02.706] And again and again
[03:08.079] And we'll come back again and again and again
[03:12.958] And again and again
[00:01.706] 我是一名歌手
[00:04.399] 也是一位早孕的母亲
[00:07.549] 勉强抚育儿女
[00:13.264] 我的家人因为杀死桑地诺的支持者而逃离洪都拉斯
[00:18.107] 跟随着偷运者穿越墨西哥
[00:22.680] 唯独我在跋涉中仿佛死了
[00:27.987] 如今我仍活着
[00:35.370] 作为治愈者
[00:38.155] 我是有天赋的女子
[00:42.971] 将双手覆在世界之上
[00:46.320] 有人看见我赤裸在正午的阳光下
[00:52.212] 我听到了“巫术”的低语,我知道我的时代已经来临
[00:57.099] 那些混蛋把我挂在塞勒姆绞刑架上(美国塞勒姆村发生了轰动一时的女巫审判事件)
[01:02.536] 但我仍活着
[01:06.924] 作为自由骑士
[01:09.586] 当我们以为南方凯旋
[01:13.119] 61年春天的弗吉尼亚
[01:17.217] 我坐在开往密西西比的灰狗汽车上
[01:24.170] 母亲问我那趟旅行是否值得
[01:29.626] 枪声一响,我就再也听不到那声音了
[01:34.188] 但我仍活着
[01:38.303] 并将重新踏上旅途
[01:40.810] 再一次
[01:42.317] 再一次
[01:43.557] 一次
[01:44.795] 又一次
[01:52.621] 我是传道者
[01:55.908] 为这个世界心碎
[01:59.455] 于女性 教育不义
[02:04.207] 那年夏天,我在美丽的科罗拉多受洗
[02:10.105] 在冬天,我听到了犬吠,我知道我被发现了
[02:15.005] 以救世主的名义,我放下了武器
[02:20.009] 但我还活着
[02:27.215] 我们是The Highwomen
[02:28.838] 歌唱未解的故事
[02:33.944] 是你唯一的稻草
[02:38.835] 我们是沉默一代的女儿
[02:43.959] 你使我们的心孤独地死在异域
[02:48.426] 细雨滴落 渴望复活
[02:53.388] 但我们仍存在着
[02:57.801] 我们会一次一次地重新站起来
[03:02.706] 不被打败
[03:08.079] 我们会一次一次地重新站起来
[03:12.958] 永不毁灭