When We Were Young

When We Were Young

歌名 When We Were Young
歌手 Hollow Coves
专辑 When We Were Young
[00:00.000] 作曲 : Hollow Coves
[00:01.000] 制作人 : Chris Bond
[00:36.487] We took time to see the sun
[00:39.728] Crossing rivers as we’d run
[00:42.992] Chasing birds down by the lake in the mud
[00:49.571] We would climb up in the trees
[00:53.194] Up high among the leaves
[00:56.091] We were wild and we were free when we were young
[01:02.345] But now we’re older
[01:05.804] And we feel the world at our feet
[01:10.385] As time turns we drift away
[01:14.680] Wish we were young again
[01:28.168] We built castles in the sand
[01:31.480] Felt like emperors of the land
[01:34.673] Making walls to stop the waves from coming up
[01:41.024] We found joy in little things
[01:44.368] Like imaginary scenes
[01:47.494] Oh I miss the way we were when we were young
[01:53.832] But now we’re older
[01:57.189] And we feel the world at our feet
[02:01.891] As time turns we drift away
[02:06.713] And oh how time flies
[02:10.055] Then you realize forgotten dreams
[02:14.863] Got lost along the way
[02:19.007] Wish we were young again
[02:31.903] Wish we were young again
[02:45.185] But there’s still so much to see in this life in front of me
[02:52.074] Like pages of a book still unturned
[02:58.048] We could sail the seven seas
[03:01.265] Even raise a family
[03:04.434] We could dream just like we did when we were young
[03:10.477] ‘Cause now we’re older
[03:14.055] And we feel the world at our feet
[03:18.556] As time turns we drift away
[03:23.492] And oh how time flies
[03:26.845] Then you realise forgotten dreams
[03:31.414] Got lost along the way
[03:35.673] Wish we were young again
[03:48.484] Wish we were young again
[00:36.487] 抬头视日消磨时光
[00:39.728] 飞奔着越过小河
[00:42.992] 在泥泞的湖边追逐鸟儿
[00:49.571] 树上是我们曾经的王国
[00:53.194] 树丛中漫布我们的欢声笑语
[00:56.091] 年轻时的无忧无虑
[01:02.345] 何奈我们的时代已渐逝去
[01:05.804] 野心勃勃 热血沸腾
[01:10.385] 时间推波助澜 我们飘渺世间
[01:14.680] 盼望着青春重返
[01:28.168] 故地重游 重返属于我们的土地
[01:31.480] 以征服者的身份 昂首挺胸
[01:34.673] 筑起高墙 守卫我们的荣耀
[01:41.024] 乐在其中矣
[01:44.368] 如同飞速闪过的幻灯片剪影
[01:47.494] 漫是我们年轻时的战绩
[01:53.832] 逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜
[01:57.189] 曾经的雄姿英发
[02:01.891] 沦落至今日飘零
[02:06.713] 光阴似箭 日夜如梭
[02:10.055] 终会意识到那些早已迷忘的梦
[02:14.863] 早被遗失于漫长的人生路途中
[02:19.007] 望时光倒流之豆蔻青春
[02:31.903] 望时光倒流至风华正茂
[02:45.185] 人生路尚长矣
[02:52.074] 如尚未翻开的书册
[02:58.048] 我们可以跨越层层难关
[03:01.265] 甚至建立起自己的小家
[03:04.434] 年轻时的幻想无忧无虑 天马行空
[03:10.477] 光阴已逝 不再复返
[03:14.055] 脚下的土地 见证我们的荣耀
[03:18.556] 岁月流逝 天道轮回
[03:23.492] 岁去弦吐箭
[03:26.845] 那些已遗忘的梦想
[03:31.414] 早已遗失在生活的小径中
[03:35.673] 愿光阴重返
[03:48.484] 愿青春重驻