pretty sad

pretty sad

歌名 pretty sad
歌手 sadeyes
专辑 pretty sad
[00:00.00] 作曲 : Nathan Lewis
[00:12.26] I know when i write this you won't like it yeah i'm sad
[00:15.21] Wishin you would smile when your hearts under attack
[00:18.00] Yeah i'm breathin really heavy baby please don't turn your back
[00:20.94] I be talkin out our problems while you miss your mom and dad
[00:23.83] You miss em bad too, tell me when i ask you
[00:26.11] Love your authenticity you're pretty but you're sad too
[00:29.05] And you know i'll always love you even if i don't have to
[00:32.06] Baby you're my everything i'm sorry for my bad mood
[00:35.38] Baby girl i trust you more than i can put in words
[00:38.28] I'd be happy to help you if you would tell me when it hurts
[00:41.11] You be cryin every night its not depression its a curse
[00:44.00] You're the girl that i've been fightn for
[00:45.61] But you think you're the worst
[00:46.94] It's like every time i look into your eyes i swear
[00:49.78] Nothin in the world could ever compare, no
[00:54.10] (When i fell for you i dove)
[00:55.75] (Finally i'm happy honestly i lost hope)
[00:58.39] Do you feel your heart sink when you think of my face
[01:01.27] Does it help you fall asleep or does it keep you awake
[01:04.06] Do you see me in your dreams, do i haunt you in your sleep
[01:06.94] Do you wish that i was someone else you wanted me to be
[01:09.99] I can't take it all the pressure on my back
[01:12.53] Wishin i was different we both blame it on my past
[01:15.37] I can't even act right, i don't ever sleep
[01:18.25] Wishin i was everything you wanted me to be
[01:21.56] No i can't take this i've been breakin
[01:24.60] You stay on my mind
[01:27.27] Half the time i write about you
[01:30.32] I don't wanna try
[01:33.21] It's like every time i look into your eyes i swear
[01:35.99] Nothin in the world could ever compare, no
[01:40.35] (When i fell for you i dove)
[01:41.96] (Finally i'm happy honestly i lost hope)
[01:44.96] I can't even take it all i ever do is stress out
[01:47.82] Feelin like i'm light its like i never put the pen down
[01:50.63] And murder every line every time i'm a threat bro
[01:53.61] Killin every track like i got a fxckin deathnote
[00:12.26] 我知道伤心欲绝的我写下这一切你不会喜欢
[00:15.21] 当你受挫时希望你能微笑如初
[00:18.00] 我呼吸艰难请不要转身离去
[00:20.94] 我在述说我们的问题,而你却在思念你的父母
[00:23.83] 但当我问及你时我才知道你真的很想他们
[00:26.11] 我爱你的真情实感,但在你美丽的外表下却是难以掩盖的悲伤
[00:29.05] 你知道即使徒劳我也依旧爱你
[00:32.06] 亲爱的你是我的一切,我为我的喜怒哀常而道歉
[00:35.38] 无法言说我多么信任你
[00:38.28] 若你能吐露心肠,我乐意帮忙
[00:41.11] 整夜的哭泣不是抑郁那是心魔的诅咒
[00:44.00] 你是我为之奋战过的女孩
[00:45.61] 但你认为自己糟透了
[00:46.94] 就像每当我凝视你的眼眸
[00:49.78] 我发誓世界上没有能比拟的
[00:54.10] (当我爱上你的时候)
[00:55.75] (直到最后我才能坦然地说我失了希望)
[00:58.39] 当你思念我的脸庞,你的心是否为之沉沦
[01:01.27] 这让你沉入梦乡亦或是夜不能寐
[01:04.06] 你看见我进入你的梦境吗,你知道我的灵魂萦绕在你的睡眠中吗
[01:06.94] 你期望我是你的心之所向吗
[01:09.99] 我不能承受所有重负都担于我肩
[01:12.53] 希望我不再是昔日那个备受斥责的自己
[01:15.37] 我总是手无足措,我不曾进入沉睡
[01:18.25] 祈望我是你需要的一切
[01:21.56] 可我忍受不了我曾毁坏的一切
[01:24.60] 你的音容笑貌仍会浮现在我的脑海中
[01:27.27] 半世文字都关乎于你
[01:30.32] 精疲力尽已无力尝试
[01:33.21] 就像每当我凝视你的眼眸
[01:35.99] 我发誓世界上没有能比拟的
[01:40.35] (当我爱上你的时候)
[01:41.96] (直到最后我才能坦然地说我失去了希望)
[01:44.96] 我所做的一切都让我倍感压力
[01:47.82] 感觉我很飘渺从未把笔放下
[01:50.63] 消去每句歌词的我都是一个威胁
[01:53.61] 抹去每条音轨我就会获得死亡笔记