Blood Monk

Blood Monk

歌名 Blood Monk
歌手 Goatlord
专辑 Goatlord
[01:24.218] Blood Monk come to my throne
[01:26.136] Evil reels inside your mind
[01:28.010] Your life is filled with Pagan worship
[01:30.010] Vultures circle around the Black Pool
[01:47.149] Dancing in the ritual
[01:48.856] Spilling the warm blood of a lamb
[01:50.577] Forgotten lies of Jesus Christ
[01:52.494] Your soul is turning
[02:12.509] The black shrine is hidden
[02:15.447] In a cave of stinking moss
[02:18.587] Blood Monk is kneeling
[02:21.710] At his black altar
[02:24.814] He lights the kindling fire
[02:27.968] And chants so silently
[02:31.242] He whispers bestial rites
[02:56.202] Now your unholy deeds are done
[02:58.216] Return to your rotting Master
[03:00.197] Blood Monk your soul forever will burn
[03:02.587] In the flames of Sodom...Sodom
[03:19.366] Dancing in the ritual
[03:20.916] Spilling the lamb's blood
[03:22.392] Blood Monk you're not God
[03:26.292] You're God
[03:50.321] Blood Monk
[03:58.467] Standing around fire
[04:05.696] Praying to your savior
[04:13.066] Trinkets desire
[04:20.524] Blood Monk come...
[04:33.047] Blood Monk
[05:17.960] Come to the throne of blood
[05:29.500] Come to the throne of lies...
[01:24.218] 血僧驾临我的宝座
[01:26.136] 邪恶在你心中萦绕
[01:28.010] 你的生命充满了异教崇拜
[01:30.010] 秃鹰在黑池四周盘旋
[01:47.149] 教徒在仪式中狂舞
[01:48.856] 挥洒羔羊的鲜血
[01:50.577] 耶稣的谎言已被遗忘
[01:52.494] 你的灵魂正在变成黑色...
[02:12.509] 漆黑的神殿
[02:15.447] 隐藏在腐臭的苔藓之窟
[02:18.587] 血僧跪倒在地
[02:21.710] 在他那黑色的祭坛前
[02:24.814] 他点燃火种
[02:27.968] 轻声吟唱
[02:31.242] 他低语着野兽的仪式
[02:56.202] 现在你那不洁的恶行已经完成
[02:58.216] 是时候返回腐烂之主身侧
[03:00.197] 血僧, 你的灵魂将永世燃烧
[03:02.587] 在索多玛的烈焰中...
[03:19.366] 教徒在仪式中狂舞
[03:20.916] 挥洒羔羊的鲜血
[03:22.392] 血僧你并非神明
[03:26.292] 你即是上帝
[03:50.321] 血僧
[03:58.467] 站在篝火边
[04:05.696] 向你的救世神祈祷
[04:13.066] 粉饰着欲望
[04:20.524] 来吧血僧...
[04:33.047] 血僧
[05:17.960] 请驾临这鲜血王座
[05:29.500] 驾临这谎言宝座...