The Fog

The Fog

歌名 The Fog
歌手 Goatlord
专辑 Goatlord
[00:54.643] The thirteenth of November
[01:02.086] Full moon lights the sky
[01:09.258] Ghouls gather to chant
[01:16.460] They summon the fog
[01:54.341] Horns emerge from the fog
[02:01.728] The lamb's throat is slit
[02:09.844] Blood floods the coffin
[02:17.680] Their shepherd is here
[02:32.864] The fog
[02:40.554] The fog
[02:48.828] Black stinking fog
[04:22.193] Now the dead shall rise
[04:30.222] Floating through the fog
[04:38.118] Clutch on the crucifix
[04:45.814] The gates begin to open
[05:25.518] Finally the time has come
[05:33.480] Shepherd leads his flock
[05:41.602] Into the valley of fog
[05:49.613] They'll wait for you...
[00:54.643] 十一月十三日
[01:02.086] 满月照亮夜空
[01:09.258] 食尸鬼齐聚咏唱
[01:16.460] 它们召来黑雾
[01:54.341] 犄角从雾中浮现
[02:01.728] 切开羔羊的喉咙
[02:09.844] 鲜血灌满棺材
[02:17.680] 它们的羊倌降临了
[02:32.864] 大雾弥漫
[02:40.554] 大雾弥漫
[02:48.828] 散发恶臭的黑雾
[04:22.193] 现在死者即将复生
[04:30.222] 漂浮在迷雾中
[04:38.118] 握紧十字架
[04:45.814] 大门缓缓开启
[05:25.518] 时机终于到来
[05:33.480] 羊倌率领兽群
[05:41.602] 进入迷雾幽谷
[05:49.613] 它们会在那里等你...