

歌名 Sacrifice
歌手 Goatlord
专辑 Goatlord
[00:44.377] Lie on the altar
[00:46.775] Black prince stands near
[00:49.273] Smell the rotting stench
[00:51.546] Feel the trembling fear
[01:09.506] Sacrifice of virgins
[01:11.354] Sacrifice of preachers
[01:13.126] Sacrifice of children
[01:15.099] Sacrifice of all
[01:25.571] Unholy voice brought him here
[01:30.192] To feast on holy flesh
[01:35.304] Seven virgins open wide
[01:40.027] Await their final breath
[01:52.095] Sacrifice of virgins
[01:53.926] Sacrifice of preachers
[01:55.754] Sacrifice of children
[01:57.611] Sacrifice of all
[02:08.805] Bible thrown into abyss
[02:11.262] God exists no more
[02:13.860] Staked to cross in glowing hell
[02:19.174] Virgins crying, virgins weeping
[02:24.329] There is no more religion
[02:36.897] Sacrifice of virgins
[02:38.573] Sacrifice of preachers
[02:40.443] Sacrifice of children
[02:42.440] Sacrifice of all
[02:53.513] Time has come for the rest of you
[02:58.215] To join our rotting hell
[03:03.403] All that remains of your soul
[03:08.128] Is a putrid smell...
[03:20.135] Sacrifice of virgins
[03:21.966] Sacrifice of preachers
[03:23.841] Sacrifice of children
[03:25.704] Sacrifice of all
[03:36.847] Sacrifice
[03:41.918] Sacrifice
[04:04.806] Sacrifice of virgins
[04:06.604] Sacrifice of preachers
[04:08.414] Sacrifice of children
[04:10.511] Sacrifice of all
[00:44.377] 躺在祭坛上
[00:46.775] 黑王子立于身侧
[00:49.273] 闻着腐烂的恶臭
[00:51.546] 感受颤抖的恐惧
[01:09.506] 献祭处女
[01:11.354] 献祭牧师
[01:13.126] 献祭孩童
[01:15.099] 献祭一切
[01:25.571] 邪恶的声音指引他来到这里
[01:30.192] 大快朵颐那神圣的血肉
[01:35.304] 七位处女被呈大字型捆住
[01:40.027] 等待着她们的终结
[01:52.095] 献祭处女
[01:53.926] 献祭牧师
[01:55.754] 献祭孩童
[01:57.611] 献祭一切
[02:08.805] 圣经被扔下深渊
[02:11.262] 上帝不复存在
[02:13.860] 在炽热的地狱中被束缚在十字架上
[02:19.174] 处子们哭泣哀号着
[02:24.329] 一切宗教都不复存在
[02:36.897] 献祭处女
[02:38.573] 献祭牧师
[02:40.443] 献祭孩童
[02:42.440] 献祭一切
[02:53.513] 幸存者们, 你们的时候到了
[02:58.215] 加入我们那腐烂的地狱
[03:03.403] 你的灵魂灰飞烟灭
[03:08.128] 只剩下一股腐败的恶臭...
[03:20.135] 献祭处女
[03:21.966] 献祭牧师
[03:23.841] 献祭孩童
[03:25.704] 献祭一切
[03:36.847] 血祭
[03:41.918] 血祭
[04:04.806] 献祭处女
[04:06.604] 献祭牧师
[04:08.414] 献祭孩童
[04:10.511] 献祭一切