He Called Me Dad

He Called Me Dad

歌名 He Called Me Dad
歌手 David Rovics
专辑 Meanwhile in Afghanistan (Solo Acoustic)
[00:00.00] 作曲 : David Stefan Rovics
[00:04.57] I grew up in Lawrence, there by the water
[00:09.97] In the shadow of a textile mill
[00:14.42] Sometimes I feel just like that building
[00:19.10] Empty but standing there still
[00:24.46] I liked the President, I liked the union
[00:29.44] I believed in the Rights of Man
[00:34.12] So I signed up when it was time to fight ******
[00:39.00] And they sent me off to Japan
[00:44.89] I couldn't describe it, it was all just so bad
[00:49.39] I kept my head down, tried to stay alive
[00:53.91] I got shot in the leg, took me out of the action
[00:59.22] So I was lucky enough to survive
[01:04.05] I came home from the war, met a good woman named Maria
[01:09.51] We had ourselves a son
[01:14.68] When I first saw Jim's face, the first thing I thought
[01:19.19] I hope he never has to carry a gun
[01:24.31] It was a long time ago, another life that I had
[01:29.66] A little boy who called me dad
[01:42.61] I'd have terrible dreams of my time overseas
[01:48.00] But otherwise life was alright
[01:52.56] I had a job and a wife and a fine little lad
[01:57.71] With eyes so cheery and bright
[02:02.63] When his number came up I said let's move up north
[02:07.57] To Halifax, what do you say?
[02:12.49] But my Jim wouldn't have it, he said if I'm gonna be drafted
[02:17.52] I don't want to run away
[02:22.37] It was a long time ago, another life that I had
[02:27.27] A little boy who called me dad
[02:40.60] After just a few months the letters stopped coming
[02:45.59] And one morning a knock on the door
[02:50.55] Two nervous young men handed me a flag
[02:55.58] Said your son died in the war
[03:00.44] He gave his life for his country was what the man said
[03:05.19] He didn't believe it and neither did I
[03:10.52] I closed the front door, dropped the flag on the floor
[03:14.89] And I sat down in Jim's room and cried
[03:20.94] It was a long time ago, another life that I had
[03:25.56] A little boy who called me dad
[03:39.35] It was less than a year when my wife said to me
[03:44.15] You look so much like our little Jim
[03:49.64] She had to go, I don't blame her, you know
[03:54.34] I also remind me of him
[03:59.19] Now it's been forty years, I'd be a grandpa by now
[04:04.00] But instead I just sit here alone
[04:09.13] No one calls much these days, but anytime the phone rings
[04:13.61] I think maybe the boy's coming back home
[04:19.05] It was a long time ago, another life that I had
[04:24.26] A little boy who called me dad
[00:04.57] 我在劳伦斯长大,在堪萨斯河边
[00:09.97] 一座座纺织厂的阴影把大地笼罩
[00:14.42] 有时候我感觉自己就像那栋楼
[00:19.10] 空无一人,却静静地站在那里
[00:24.46] 我喜欢那位总统,我喜欢我们的工会
[00:29.44] 我相信人们的权利和义务
[00:34.12] 所以当要战斗的时候,我踊跃参军了
[00:39.00] 而他们把我送到了日本
[00:44.89] 我无法形容,一切都太糟糕了
[00:49.39] 我低着头,试图活下去
[00:53.91] 我腿部中了枪,被搬出了战场
[00:59.22] 所以我很幸运地活了下来
[01:04.05] 我从战场回到家,遇到了一个叫玛丽亚的好女人
[01:09.51] 我们一同养育了个男孩
[01:14.68] 当我第一次看到吉姆的脸时,我首先想到的是
[01:19.19] 我希望他永远不用举起
[01:24.31] 那是很久以前的事了,我曾有的另一种生活
[01:29.66] 有个会叫我爸爸的小男孩
[01:42.61] 我有时会做噩梦,梦见那场
[01:48.00] 但除此之外,日子还很舒坦
[01:52.56] 我有一份工作,一个妻子和一个可爱的男孩
[01:57.71] 他的眼睛是那么的明亮
[02:02.63] 当他的征兵号码一出来,我说让我们往北走
[02:07.57] 去哈利法克斯,你说呢?
[02:12.49] 但我的吉姆不同意,他说如果我被选上了
[02:17.52] 我可不想逃离兵役
[02:22.37] 那是很久以前的事了,我曾有的另一种生活
[02:27.27] 有个会叫我爸爸的小男孩
[02:40.60] 仅仅几个月后,信件就不再来了
[02:45.59] 一天早上,有人敲响了我的门
[02:50.55] 两个紧张的年轻人递给我一面旗子
[02:55.58] 说你儿子在中逝去
[03:00.44] 他说我的孩子为献出了生命
[03:05.19] 他不愿相信这一切,而我也不敢
[03:10.52] 我掩上前门,旗子跌落在地板上
[03:14.89] 我坐在吉姆的房间里默默哭泣
[03:20.94] 那是很久以前的事了,我曾有的另一种生活
[03:25.56] 有个会叫我爸爸的小男孩
[03:39.35] 不到一年,我妻子对我说
[03:44.15] 你看起来简直就像我们的小吉姆
[03:49.64] 她得走了,我不会怪她,你知道
[03:54.34] 因为我也想起了他
[03:59.19] 四十年过去了,我本已经是爷爷了
[04:04.00] 可现在,我只是一个人独守空房
[04:09.13] 这些天没什么人打电话,但电话铃一响
[04:13.61] 我想可能是这男孩要到家了
[04:19.05] 那是很久以前的事了,我曾有的另一种生活
[04:24.26] 有个会叫我爸爸的小男孩