

歌名 Adelaide
歌手 David Rovics
专辑 Meanwhile in Afghanistan (Solo Acoustic)
[00:00.00] 作曲 : David Stefan Rovics
[00:03.65] I was a cynic long before we met
[00:09.50] I think that's how it tends to be
[00:13.35] You go around the block, that's where you get
[00:18.26] That's how it was with you and me
[00:22.25] But there isn't a single day that passes by
[00:26.53] When I don't ask if I could've made the grade
[00:31.64] When I don't see your name and wonder why
[00:37.06] I didn't go to Adelaide
[00:41.80] Perhaps when I was a younger man,
[00:45.87] Back when I believed in fate
[00:50.02] I would not have turned and ran,
[00:54.93] I would have known I'd found my mate
[00:58.92] I would've known this was something of a different kind
[01:03.26] I would've known I had it made
[01:07.70] I would've known when to change my mind
[01:12.56] And I would've gone to Adelaide
[01:33.59] Woodford in the summer is a hot place
[01:37.79] In the coming weeks it got hotter still
[01:42.52] Each day I look up and I see your face
[01:46.53] Staring at me just above my windowsill
[01:51.10] I said I – I was already taken
[01:55.54] But maybe I was just afraid
[02:00.70] To leave a woman's heart forsaken
[02:06.18] If I went to Adelaide
[02:10.92] When it's daytime where I sit
[02:15.62] For you it's usually night
[02:19.05] But every other day I still get hit
[02:23.10] By what should be a familiar sight
[02:28.00] Each time I see your name appear on my screen
[02:32.18] I feel like I've been flayed
[02:36.53] If we chat I just try not to mention
[02:42.13] How much I long for Adelaide
[03:03.59] They say time heals everyone
[03:07.19] This is something I have come to disbelieve
[03:12.22] Because each time a new day is done
[03:16.04] I think of all the things I never will achieve
[03:21.05] Such as being the father of your child
[03:25.40] Hiking with him in a forest glade
[03:29.95] Such as having my heart beguiled
[03:35.03] By the hottest Red in Adelaide
[03:40.50] Sometimes I wish I were a Buddhist
[03:44.15] Not just a worshipper of dirt
[03:49.20] Then I could make up for all I missed
[03:53.26] And live a life in someone else's shirt
[03:57.99] I'd live in the southern hemisphere
[04:02.01] I would be the guy who stayed
[04:07.00] Each and every day I'd hold you near
[04:11.64] In our little home in Adelaide
[00:03.65] 早在与你相识前,我就变得悲观主义
[00:09.50] 而我认为这是我的命中注定
[00:13.35] 你沿着街区漫步,直到一个人站在那里
[00:18.26] 那一切便是我们曾经的相遇
[00:22.25] 那时我们觉得时间恒久不变
[00:26.53] 我也不去思考自己是否配得上你
[00:31.64] 直到我再也看不到你的名字时,我问自己
[00:37.06] 为何没和你同去阿德雷德
[00:41.80] 也许在我更加年轻的时候
[00:45.87] 那个我还相信命运的时候
[00:50.02] 我就不会转身离开
[00:54.93] 而是知道我已觅得了知音
[00:58.92] 我会知道那是种前所未有的感觉
[01:03.26] 我也会知道它就在我的掌边
[01:07.70] 我会知道是时候改变主意了
[01:12.56] 而我会与你同去阿德雷德
[01:33.59] 伍德福德的夏天炎热如此
[01:37.79] 将来的几周里,天气只会更热
[01:42.52] 每天我抬起头就能看到你的脸
[01:46.53] 看到你在窗台上盯着我
[01:51.10] 我说我已经有伴侣了
[01:55.54] 但也许我只是害怕
[02:00.70] 害怕让另一个女人心寒
[02:06.18] 如果我选择了去阿德雷德
[02:10.92] 当此处仍艳阳高照之时
[02:15.62] 彼处则为漫漫长夜
[02:19.05] 但每天只要看到熟悉的场景
[02:23.10] 思绪都会被记忆里的你牵引
[02:28.00] 每当我在屏幕上看到你的名字
[02:32.18] 我就如肝肠寸断般痛惜
[02:36.53] 每当我们聊天,我都竭尽全力去回避
[02:42.13] 回避说出我多向往阿德雷德
[03:03.59] 他们说时间能治愈所有人
[03:07.19] 我却对这说法日渐生疑
[03:12.22] 因为当每一天结束之时来临
[03:16.04] 我总是想起那些没有实现的心愿
[03:21.05] 比如成为你孩子的父亲
[03:25.40] 和他在林中空地徒步旅行
[03:29.95] 比如让我的心灵蒙受欺骗
[03:35.03] 被阿德莱德那火热的太阳所吸引
[03:40.50] 有时候真希望自己是佛教徒
[03:44.15] 而非一介尘世的崇拜者
[03:49.20] 然后我就可以弥补我错失的一切
[03:53.26] 可以在别人的生命中觅得自己的存在
[03:57.99] 我会选择住在南半球
[04:02.01] 我会成为留在那里的人
[04:07.00] 每一天,我都会将你揽入怀中
[04:11.64] 在我们阿德莱德的小房子里